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I want to stop smoking and stay stopped for good!

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My name is Dawn!

I have tried to quit so many times in the past and have started smoking again for some reason or another.

I am using the Nicotine patch like I did once before, I know it works, I just for some reason went back to smoking after 10 weeks, I am still kicking myself for that. I am now on day 5, but I went into a store I usually go into before work, I went in there to get a bottle of water and a pack of gum. I got to the check out with the water, and out of habit bought a pack of smokes. I think I smoked 3 of them and then asked myself what the heck I was doing. I threw them away! I put a new patch on as soon as I got home! I feel awful right now, I do not want to fail again! Any advise would be awesome!


hang in there Dawn.  I did some research on patches/gum etc and found the they have a very high failure rate due to you aren't not changing the addictive cravings to get nicotine, only the delivery system. 

Chantix for 3 weeks helped me get over the hump and then it just takes the desire to say Not One Puff Ever (NOPE).

I'm at day 120 and had a very strong urge today but very shortly it went away and i'm wondering through No Man's Land and hoping everyday to conintue this quit. It's so hard but if embraced and rejoiced, it's a hell of a trip!


Dust yourself off and climb back on that horse.

Try using a different store? Beware that nicodemon whispering in your ear. He wants to live, even if it's killing you!

Have you read the literature listed on the sites welcome page? If not, do. They have helped a lot of folks in their quits.

When you hit a rough spot, please holler for help here before you light one of those nasty sickorettes. We will do our best to help you.

Larry the CaravanMaster


Welcome to our community!


The most important thing you can do  is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your mind and body. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might also want to visit, and

The idea is to distract yourself through any craves.  You can take slow, deep breaths, go for a walk, play a computer game, do a crossword, bite into a lemon (yup, rind and all).   Here is a link to a list of 100 things to do instead of smoke if you need fresh ideas:


The conversation in your head CANNOT be:  "I want a cigarette.  No!  But - I WANT a cigarette.  NO!"  Instead, it needs to be "I want a cigarette.  Well, since I have decided not to do that anymore, what shall I do instead for the three minutes this crave will last?" Then DO it!

Stay close to us here and ask questions as you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!



The patch is only an aid to unlearn the triggers. They do not keep you quit.

It sounds like you went from the patch directly back to smoking.

Has there ever been a time you've gone through the physical withdrawal?


Right back on the horse no need to beat yourself up try to learn from what made you slip up its doable read and re think if I feel like I want one I think do I really want to put poison smoke in my lungs and I remind my self of all the bad about smoking keep your head up and protect your quit 

I suggest doing it cold turkey, 3 days the nicotine is out of your system, 2 to 3 weeks you may feel out of sorts but it is so worth it not to smoke. Come here and do the reading and you will get it. Never thought I could quit but here i am smoke free over 140 some days

welcome back Dawn , congrats on 5 days.


Thank you all! For Tim, Like I said I used the patch before about 10 years ago, I went through all three steps and was doing really good,then things got sort of tough and I went and bought a pack of smokes. It took me this long to get my mind set on trying it again! Now I am using the patch again as directed, and yesterdays slip up made me feel awful. I called a friend of mine and talked with her for probably an hour, I felt better and today I am back on track. I did not think about smoking at all, and I kept myself busy!

9 Days today !! I have been staying busy and also talking to friends! I am feeling pretty confident that I will succeed as long as I continue with a positive mind and letting everyone here and in my life help me through the tough Times ! Thank you all for the encouraging words !
Hi Everyone! Today is day 74! Amazing feeling of being a non smoker! I have 12 days left on step 3 of the patch and then I will be nicotine free and proud of it!