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Share your quitting journey

I've got 100 days smober!!!

6 16 311

I wanted to make a pretty big deal for myself that today I have 100 days without a nasty cigarette and without vaping, I did both in the last year or so.  For years and years I was sickened by my own addictive behavior--I hated the smell of stale cigarette smoke that clung to me, I couldn't actually afford to smoke but did it anyway, and I was so angry at myself for being under complete control of tobacco, having to feed the addiction at the most inopportune times.  And yet, despite all of this, I didn't quit.  I had this mindset that I was incapable of quitting, that I just was too weak--this was a self-fulfilling prophecy.  It was health issues that finally changed my thought processes and I realized that in order to continue having a life that is satisfying, I had to quit.  I found this site, I think it was in August of 2022 and quit, but only for 51 days.  I gave up my quit.  I still had that defeated mindset that quitting and staying quit was not within my power.  So I gave into my urges and negative thinking.  Afterwards I felt shame and disgust for myself--but those kinds of feelings are not productive and I soon realized that in order to quit and stay quit I needed to be more optimistic and talk to myself in positive ways.  And I needed to remember that the short term hardship and discomfort of quitting smoking is outweighed by far by longterm benefits.  I have had a few close calls this quit, one recently, when negativity crept in and I almost willfully gave up my quit.  I didn't though and I am still smokefree.  I recognize that this quit is for me all about Choices and a Willingness to set aside immediate urges for a longer view that sees health, finances, spirituality, mental health all improving by my choosing not to smoke.

I've gone on long enough.  Thanks for listening and I hope this January day finds you doing well.  Thank you to everyone for this outstanding community!!  Quitting nicotine is difficult but very doable!!!

16 Comentarios

Congratulations Raissa!  100 days!!!!  All worth it.




Congrats on your 100 days smoke free!!! You are an inspiration!

One thing I have learned here is that quitting is not easy, but it is possible, one day at a time, or sometimes getting through 1 craving at a time.

Thank you for the reminder that even after being quit for a period there are still moments of temptation to give up and give in to addiction and that we must all maintain a certain level of vigilance. I’m so glad you stayed strong through that difficult time.
Here’s to another beautiful smoke free day in a growing chain of them!


Congrats on 100 days! You’re definitely past the hard part


@ReallyReal  So happy for your 100 days.  Super congrats.








Thank you @ReallyReal for sharing this uplifting inspiring post it's much appreciated! I hope everyone stops by to read it especially anyone on the fence about quitting or if they're struggling! A super duper CONGRATULATIONS on your precious quit journey YAY for for your stupendous entrance into the awesome ~  TDC ~ Triple Digit Club YAY for 100 splendiferous smokefree days and counting YAY for each and every day WON! YAY for Freedom! Lets CELEBRATE because I absolutely love celebrating MILESTONES! 




You are inspirational!!

We change our habits, change our minds, and over time our life and the way we live is transformed. Keep believing in yourself, Raissa. 💙

Congratulations on 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ days!  





Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on 100 days smoke free @ReallyReal !!! 

Quiana, EX Team


Congrats on your 100 days smoke free and welcome to the Triple Digit Club!  It's been a long journey so far but we are still kickin butt.  Keep on with all the positive and flush all the negative.  

On a side note.  Did you ever get the results of your low dose CT lung scan?  Send me a PM and let me know how it went.  I just had mine done yesterday.


@champsin97 Yes, quite the journey!!  So glad to have you as a quit buddy.  We are doing this thing.








Thank you all for your encouragement and for sharing your freedom journeys with all of us.  It is amazing what feeling supported in my quit has done for me and reading the wisdom gained through experience that is expressed on this site is truly inspiring.  Blessings to all of you.



There were experienced people like us where we came from to this site.

They led us.

They answered our questions

told us the pitfalls

and carried us through. (as partners do)


Happy 100!!! Gigantic hug! You made this 100th day possible with all your hard work. Congratulations. 



Many Congratulations @ReallyReal   100 days is a huge mile stone!

Hurrah for you!!


Acerca del autor
I am 59 years old and love my four dogs and two cats, all strays I couldn't turn away. I love to be outside in my yard, watching the birds or puttering around in the dirt. I am so grateful that I let go of those inner voices that kept telling me, It is too late to quit smoking, or, Why quit now? I am so looking forward to being smoke-free.