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I think my patch is too strong....what should I do?

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I'm having 2 teeth extracted tomorrow, Friday, which has brought about a stronger urge to quit sooner.

I went to Kroger on my lunch break and bought Step 1 (21mg of nicotine) of the patch and I'm thinking I should have gotten Step 2 (14mg) instead. 

Over the past week I have cut down from 10 cigs/day to 1-3 cigs/day. 

I'm not feeling too good right now. Really tired, warm all over and the patch is very warm. 

I'm planning on finishing this set of 14 and then moving on to Step 2 although the instructions say Step 1 should be taken for the first 4 weeks. 

What do ya'll think?

11 Comentarios

Hi llgeorge,

Step one of the patch is definitely too strong. It's comparable to smoking a pack a day. Please take it off. You are getting way too much nicotine in your body and that is the likely cuprit of why you don't feel good right now.

Step two of the patch also would be too strong for someone smoking 1-3 cigarettes a day.

The lowest level patch (step three) still would increase your nicotine level from what you are already getting with 1 - 3 cigarettes a day.

I would ask you to seriously consider quitting without any NRT because your nicotine level is so low.


I would agree with Patty , No NRT's  and just distract your self during an urge. You sound like your ready  if you are using 5 or less a day. , Did you  read Allen's book?

Renee 32 days


If you are down to 1-3 a day, there is no patch for that amount of nicotine.

You are better with nothing, I think.

I quit cold turkey on this last quit, so it's been over 11 years since I even looked at a patch, but I used to cut them in half because I smoked less than 1/2 pack a day and the patches were too strong.

That said, that quit obviously wasn't a successful one....but the patches were much easier on my system that way.  

Not sure if that's considered safe or not.


you are hardly smoking at all( a good thing)... it only takes 72 hours to flush all nicotine from your body ... you should just stop smoking you dont need those stinking badges...


It's totally your choice, but I'd go with the 7 mg. at least for a wk or 2.  Unless you think you want to go '''cold turkey".  It doesn't really matter what your method of quitting is as long as you quit.  Wish you much good luck.. I'm at 4 days smoke-free after 32+ yrs of smoking.  I'm using the patch, it seems to be helping.  Also, try the website, quit smoking It has been so helpful and eye-opening to me. Much luck to everyone!


Suggestion - use your mind power and kick the nic to the curb. I feel strongly that you can do it. You seem to be telling yourself you need some kind of substitute - you really don't. If you're down to that few cigs a day - you can go three days and have the nicotine gone completely - then it's a matter of the mental addiction.

Please read the book by Allen Carr and visit the websites that have been suggested. If the links haven't been posted let me know and I will gladly get them to you PRONTO.

My vision for this world is a world that stomps out smoking once and for all. Whoever decided that a slow self-induced death is a good thing? They wanted something sure to keep their money flowing in and we can stop it.  Sorry I am on a soap box now LOL. I am just so passionate about this now.

You CAN do this. You CAN.


I'd say the 7 mg or nothing. Forget about the luck part. Luck is for Vegas


PS You were already in nicotine withdrawal with the 1-3 per day. Imagine feel what 21 is doing.


I was told to read, read ,read and I have been.  there are some that do not believe in the patch and some that do.  i started reading Alan Carr's book a couple hours ago and I'm on page 32.  He doesn't believe in the patch.  I think you need to make this decsion on your own,  If you believe it is part of your plan, then use the lower dose.  Do what you think is going to give you the greatest chance of success.  I cut back to 2-3 smokes the last few days before I quit and have been using the 21mg for 9 days.  I take it off in the evening.  If you smoked 1/2 pack/day for a long time, then the directions say to start with 14mg.  Also, if you use a patch...don't smoke at all.  hope you feel better soon.


Don't wear one!!!!!!


PLEASE! Follow the instructions and your Doctor's advice! And do not smoke while on the patch - at all!