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Share your quitting journey

I strayed from this site and..........

4 21 312

Here I am again.  Starting from square one.  I let the last couple of months stressors get to me and pick up those cigarettes.  I hate myself for it.  I do not want to smoke, but I have.  I won't go into detail as to what caused me to do it, because we all have stress.

I am here to start my journey again and protect my quit from anything that comes my way.



I know you are mad and disappointed at yourself, but I can't tell you how much joy it gives me whenever I see someone come here after a lapse and say they are beginning their quit again right away.  Most do not, and only make it that much harder to start their quit next time if ever.  So if you want to be mad at yourself for a bit to give you some motivation, OK.  But also know you brought some happiness to me this morning.  Welcome back!


Welcome back!  Let's get it done this time - for now and ever after!

Please spend a minute and think what you will do differently THIS time when stress hits (as it most certainly will).  Make a plan so you will be prepared.

I'm happy you came back to us!



ahhshucks‌ Welcome back, Joy.  Forgive yourself...go forward from today and if you ever feel like venting about those stressors, you might find that it will help you.  As smokers, we stuffed everything and we didn't share our stress with others...only with our cigarettes.  Sure, everyone has stress, it is part of life but it doesn't mean you have to shove it down and minimize its effect upon you.

I am really glad you are back.




Nancy, I will get it done this time.


The forgiveness is hard to do.  But, I will come here everyday and not stop.  I will do this, what ever it takes this time.

I will start mindful meditation again and make some internal changes that I didn't do,  Stress is always going to be there.  Even when I  think my world is crashing in, I won't smoke.


If that horse you're sitting on is a smoker, you need to hang out with a different crowd for awhile.  🙂


Ahhh a Fellow horsewoman, awesome! Western Pleasure, I assume?

You CAN do this. Im so glad your back and ready to buckle down and get 'er done.

While it is so is going throw us hardballs smoking or not Your going to have to go through to get the breakthrough. Think of it as a stubborn mare thats refusing knee pressure,  the right lead or don't give up on her cause you know she has it in her...that potential. You keep working make a routine. You stick with it daily...eventually she comes around. Just like the mare...she got her breakthrough and so will you.

Welcome Back!



ahhshucks‌ Stress IS always going to be here and smoking is NEVER going to help with that, we are ALL going to have good days and bad days and once we accept that smoking does nothing FOR us and only does things TO us, we can go forward and it gets much easier.  I am so sorry that you are so down on yourself, we are always hardest on ourselves.  I was a serial quitter and I am not proud of that, like you, I very much wanted to quit and stay quit, with the help of this site and its members, I have been able to do that.




Sorry you had a relapse.  Please review what you should  have done differently and prepare yourself for the next time.  There will always be the next time to choose to smoke or not to smoke.  It always come back to a choice.  Stay close, be mindful of what is going on around you.  Never give up.  It is doable. 


well, glad you got right back on.  There was many times early before my final quit that I always went with what I've always done, ya know, go with what you know and bought a pack.  But I've conditioned myself to stop myself and say, you know this will happen again, you need to think of a way to handle this because you know you can't be running to those darn things every single time.  If it was a social situation and I was stressed, irritated, I removed myself from the situation, got alone time, took quite a few deep breaths (mmmm, mimics smoking, doesn't it) and went back at it.  But I HAD to figure out what worked for me and you will too........


Hey Joy. Glad to see you back. You've just given yourself a good lesson in the fact that quitting is a journey, not an event. Yes, you lost your quit, and I'm sorry you have to start back at day one. Those early days suck. But think of it this way:  you just weren't as far along in the process as you thought you were. You didn't fail; you just have more to do before you quit sticks.

I hope you stay close this time, and take it one moment at a time. Everyone here says it, and for me it's also true - I would not have been successful in my quit without this community. Dust yourself off, Lassie. You've got a gorgeous quit in front of you.


     You nailed it in saying 'you strayed.' Nothing to hate yourself for, won't help. Day one of your smobriety is a good day. High five on that. Keep doing what worked, keep doing what you know you must do, keep doing what you know you don't want to do but must and with all these kinds of efforts, you will get your recovery.


Thank you!  Actually I've gone from being a Reiner to Classical Dressage.  How about you?

Like the referral to, true!  She has had a breakthrough and so will I! 


Welcome back and we'll be here for you and your precious quit ,blog anytime and have yourself a Merry Christmas. 


dressage and gymkhana here, really like team penning...I taught for many years. Loved it but diagnosis of MS in 2007 stopped me in my tracks. After over 35 years of horse's we sold everything and built a house in country ( cause could never be anywhere else) no horses now. Miss them, the shoes, the classes...Quarter Horse Congress...but new chapter in our life. Dont miss the work though


Can't resist - ahhshucks, ahhshucks‌! Glad you came back, though! Don't beat yourself up too much. Last time I quit (before this one) was in 2010. I found this website then. I relapsed, left the site, never returned. I'd basically given up, without really saying it, I'd resigned myself that I'd smoke the rest of my life. Took me 7 years to come back - hey you didn't wait that long!! Glad you decided to get back on the horse again!


Welcome back! Glad to hear your jumping right back on track. You CAN do this! Keep saying NOPE it will lead you to success.  Stay close and feel free to shout out if you need help.


It's better to like yourself for stopping than hate yourself for losing a quit. If you find yourself wanting to smoke come back here- don't avoid this place. Do it before you smoke. Refuse to give yourself permission to smoke. You're the only one who can do that. Come here, read this blog and take the daily pledge. 


ahhshucks‌ PLEASE forgive yourself, you are starting over right away and you are giving yourself the best gift ever.  If you are feeling overwhelmed, DO come here, post a blog with the word HELP in the subject, search for crave busters on the site here are a couple of links Craving Buster Technique  and /blogs/dwwms-blog/2017/12/09/atomic-fireballs  Keep it front and center in your mind that smoking will not fix ANYTHING and that no crave ever killed anyone, no one can say that about smoking.  This is YOUR quit, YOUR gift to deserve it and every single one of us want you to be successful.  



Glad you found your way back!  Look forward to seeing you around Joy

 Debbie 41 Days Smoke Free


Hi Joy,

I know exactly how you feel and I am sure there are others who have taken the journey that have stumbled.  I am hoping to start the New Year smoke free.  It's an awful feeling to have had success and then thrown it away.  I know for me there are no good reasons.  They are excuses.  But, it is difficult.  I have stopped blaming myself and have tried to change my mindset.  It's never too late to try.  I will try again and again if I have to, but I am hopeful that this time I will do it.  Good luck.


About the Author
Hello, I am 56 years old. I have smoked since the age of 15. I have tried to quit many times, but this time seems to be different. I had a health scare at the end of August and decided that I am done smoking!