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I really really need some support right now.

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I legitamitely have had the worst day today. Im not going to go into detail, but it's been awful...and I have to admit I got to the point where I took a cigarette, lit it up and had a drag. I only had one drag and then immediately put it out. Im REALLY disappointed with myself but I feel like I was driven to that point and just felt like I couldnt do anything else. Im really tempted to smoke the last of it, but I CANT. I cant allow myself to smoke anymore. I shouldn't have even allowed myself that one drag...I just wasnt thinking clearly...I was so stressed out. Im still stressed out...Im in like a damn panic right now. And I feel so awful that I let myself smoke ANYTHING. I dont even know what I was thinking...Im so horribly disappointed. Im just...Idk. I really need some support right now..


Good for you for coming here.  Get rid of the rest of the cig NOW!  Smoking will not make the bad day better and you know it.  Take some deep breaths and get over the panic.  


You don't want to smoke! It won't help anything. Just make it worse! Your almost to 50 days! You are doing so good! Please don't quit the quit!  NOPE!!!   Why did you even have cigs there? DESTROY them!  HUGS!


@Cyn Well I guess Im not doing so well anymore. Being the idiot I am, I took a drag. I stole a cigarette from my aunt today. I was going to smoke it earlier, but I didnt, and then literally forgot I had it. I was doing so good earlier....

@Yaya I already got rid of it...One of my friends finally answered their phone so Im just talking to them to cool down.


If thats the worst thing you did today, count your blessing! Your about to save your health, and a lot of money. Don't be so hard on yourself.


If thats the worst thing you did today, count your blessing! Your about to save your health, and a lot of money. Don't be so hard on yourself.


Classicalbob: The only problem is that I've fought for 43 days not to smoke...and I didnt...not even a drag up until tonight.


I'm glad that your wrote us and that you did not smoke the entire thing plus you got rid of the partially smoked cigarette. It IS a serious thing and a commiitment is a committment.  We need to be hard on ourselves. This is an addiction. If we take it lightly we apt to relapse. 

I've said it before and I'll repeat it again. No one knows which cigarette will be the one that begins the changes in your body's cells from healthy to cancer. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JUST ONE. 

Lee I know that you know this. I'm not so sure Classicalbob does.

Remember to blog for "HELP" before lighting up. NOPE!


@Maggie I sent you a message.


I replied!


you came to the right place for support. Don't beat yourself up. Hang in there. It will get better.


Lee, I think it was nho mans land.

I think you may have  been wanting to smoke in the back of your mind and you made an excuse to put that cig  in your pocket at your aunts.


then, consciously or unconsciously you let yourself get worked up and stressed so you could smoke it.

When I quit, the first week or two, I could have easily forgotten I had quit and lit up.

Furtunately, I did not have any around and I knew driving to the store would kill the urge. That's how I planned it.

You gotta plan for what could happen Lee so you don't put yourself in tht vulnerable position again


and Lee, I'm not judging you.

Our minds are very complex and calculate things subconsciously that are not always

in real time and may be put into action at any time


We're here for you, Lee! I'm so glad you came here right away although one puff late - better late than never!!! Now, it's time to really look at what happened and I know you are a very tuned-in guy so you will clearly see what led you to pick up! Use that knowledge to strengthen your determination - then refocus on the prize - FREEDOM! You undoubtedly want this Quit Life very badly - now go for it! Make it work for YOU!  N.O.P.E.!

"What a curious phenomenon it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage."

~ Bruce Barton ~



just because you didn't smoke for 43 days doesn't mean you are over it.

we can't give in.

no mans land is 130 days of living without smoking to get some time under your belt

and some non smoking memories and confidence that you can live without



it's our choice the rest of our lives after that.

Dear Lee,it's a new day.Do not smoke no matter what and stay close to Ex! Many do not make it back! Not one puff no matter what! Moe smoke free 2 years.

Dear Lee,don't beat yourself up,good thing you came here.We are here for you. I know you want to be free.Look here time to refocus. Did that sickerette(puff) change your situation at all?Refocus!! Remember to come to the site before you lite up. N.O.P.E.

Don't quit your quit!! Protect your quit no matter what. Get back on your horse your whole life is in front of you. I 'm not judging you, just want you to get back on track and keep your eyes on the prize FREEDOM FROM SMOKING!!




Lee...Good that you came here.  We all know what a struggle it is.  Pick yourself up and dust yourself off.  You have already proven to yourself that you can chose freedom.  Fight through.  You can do it!


Thanks you for the support everyone!