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Share your quitting journey

I really need to do this

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Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. My name is Mark and I my last cigarette was before I went to bed last night. Its almost 6 hours into the day and I managed the morning routine, drive to work, and first break of the day. I have tried to quite many times and was successful once but it only lasted a few months. I have known for years I have to quit but it hit home watching my moms emphysema get worse. She's got cervical cancer and its spread all over her body but the oncologist believes the emphysema will get her first. Its going to be a long day but I am truly going to try my best. 

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Hi and Welcome to Ex’s pcolaflorida Mark....

I am so happy you found our site....we are all in this journey together and help each other out.  I am sorry about your mom’s emphysema and cancer.  However, you are honoring her by taking this step and quitting smoking.  

May I suggest you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX if you haven’t already.  There you learn about quitting and the addiction.  Also, to prepare for craves/triggers...the biggest thing is taking this journey one step at a time, by replacing smoking with a healthier habit.  Please come here and ask for help...and support others in their quit.  Happy Tuesday and Welcome to Day 2 ....Colleen 211 DOF 



Welcome  Mark!

Check out all the blogs on site using the search tool and key words (withdrawal, what to expect, quit plan) etc.

It's really important to plan  and to know about withdrawal symptoms.

Just's not about willpower. It's about acceptance that you're addicted to nicotine, and a decision to leave it behind.


Annette, thank you for taking the time to show me the encouragement to continue on this path. It's day two and I'm still at it. The triggers yesterday were tough but today they aren't as bad but anxiety is up.  Guess it's gonna be a crazy ride and thanks for the assistance.  


Sweetplt, wow and  thank you for taking the time to show me the links to continue on this healthy path. It's day two and I'm still pushing through.  The triggers yesterday were tough but today they don't seem as frequent but they are packed with anxiety. As I told someone earlier its gonna be a crazy ride and thanks for helping me in this process.  


Pay attention to the emotions that come up during this time. Nicotine did a lot to keep them down, as any drug will. Plan other ways of dealing/coping with strong feelings.


Congratulations pcolaflorida‌! It sounds like you're off to a good start. We share the same quit date, just a couple years apart. I'm rooting for you. Welcome to the community!

DOF 735


So sorry Mark about YOUR mom - prayers lifted for everyone and CONGRATS  NICOTINE FREEDOM - ONE day at a time - GOOD JOB- gentle hug ❤


I wanna be just like you TurboRose and one day be 735 days free. This is one time I don't mind coming in second because we both win. Best to you and keep up the great work. 


pcolaflorida‌ how's it going?


Hello TurboRose, all is well and I am still not smoking! Its been a little rough on the home front so I been off all social media. Hope all is well for you!

About the Author
My name is Mark and I live in Pensacola Florida and work for the University of Florida as an academic transfer coordinator. I retired from the Navy in 2011.