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Share your quitting journey

I really need Support

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I quit for 34 hours on my quit date.  Then I blew it.  I had a relaspe the next day. Whhere and how do I begin again?  I feel like a total failure!

I have be at this for only four days, this is my third time at quitting in the past six years, and have smoked for 35 years. Please don't give up, that is only one day, it doesn't define you! Life is full of do overs and this is a do over. Get back focused and know that we will get to that goal, knowing we had do overs and came out winners!

how did you prepare?

Did you keep any around?

did you do the program here?

Get some understanding of what you are up against and next time you quit, believe you can do it and always come here an post a blog with HELP in the title BEFORE you cave.


hi crystal........forget the word is a learning are still here....that is all that matters........more education is the magic key........start ur reading study blog and blog..........i think that will be a good start again......remember it takes 72 hours to get most of the nicotine out of ur body......god bless and god speed on ur journey.....jim ohio....u came to the site for a reason......just follow threw with your initial plan to quit...........


If you haven't already done the reading to prepare - it has helped many of us. Please check out - the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

You can do this! 


Read and educate yourself. Don't wait, start over right away. Life JIm said, its a learning experience. 

   6 D's (when you get a craving, urge, thought)

You're only a failure if you stop trying, stop applying, stop doing your homework.  But yeah, you get a big fat F on your last attempt.  How do you begin again?  You go through the EX plan again, you do the separation exercises, you read everthing new and everything old on here and you sit down with yourself and ask yourself some serious questions.  Like - what do I want? Do I really want to be smoke free?  If so, how am I going to achieve that?  What am I willing to do to achieve that?  What sacrifices am I willing to make?  AM I willling to make sacrifices to be free?  How much am I willing to put up with in order to be free?  Why did I smoke after I'd quit?  Was my commitment not strong enough?  If not, why not and how can I make it stronger this time?  What did I do to stop myself from relapsing?  I could go on and on and on with questions you need to ask yourself.  In depth questions.  You, however, best know the questions to ask yourself, for you know why you put a cigarette in your mouth on the 35th hour.  So sit down and spend the time dwelling on the questions and answers.  And then you set a new quit date and work for that A.  'Cause there are really only two grades here.  An A or an F.



Glad you are back to beginning this again.   Listen to the advice above and do it with knowledge and support this time.    This is the place to get that.     Don't know what you did before, I do know that you can't just set a quit date, put on your white knuckles and expect to do this for life!

Do readings, also when you read something on someone's blog and it strikes a cord...go to their profile page and read.   There are some very inspiring stories and people here....take advantage of that!

Looking forward to seeing more or you.



You only fail, if you stop trying. I cant count the times, I have tried to stop smoking and I am almost 50!! This is my umpteenth time stopping. The only difference is I decided I cant do it on my own. So I listen to the wonderful family I have adopted at and I read all of the stuff I am gaining by being a non-smoker...even when I am craving a cigarette. I have grown depressed, cried, broke up with my ex, and I bring all of my worries here, knowing that any day, I can start smoking again but I am always reminded of where I want to be INSTEAD OF where I have been...your past is in being a smoker...your future is in being a non smoker.!!! REMEMBER YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON WHO HEARS THE WORDS COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH...DO NOT SAY YOU ARE FAILURE!!! As a toddler, you fell many times before you learned to walk...and run!!! You can do this!! Just keep believing in yourself and come here to the blogs for support!! Even when I have nothing to say..i read them...and I always feel better!! You will too!!