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Share your quitting journey

I"m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

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Hi, (I'm not always sick and tired, but it's a good title, and I think the words to a song, and does fit to a certain extent) 

I haven't wanted to blog, because my last quit failed. I feel like nicotine replacements were my demise. I don't have much time to write, right now, but have been reading on and off for the last week. And I thank you guys for being here. Some positive things I have done is I figured out how to download Joels quit smoking MP3's and put them on my Mp3 player, and I have been listening to them every day while I wait for the bus. I was familiar with Joel s site before I came here, it is very helpful, and definetly educational. !! 

Just today I found Allen Carrs book and am going to start reading it, again, from the beginning. Because I do know it does work. 

One reason I haven't been posting is-I have set my new quit for Oct. 9th. I get my vacation pay, and unlike the last 4 years, I am actually going to take my vacation then, and am going quit cold turkey. That is how I have quit other things, like alchohol, and various other substances, and I believe that is the only thing that is going to work for me. I am sure there will be naysayers, and people who think i am making excuses, honestly I have been miserable the last 4 weeks. Smoking is disgusting. We have been having lots of fires here, and the air is filled with smoke. The newspaper today said 1400 people have lost their homes in Central Texas far.  So, I have been smoking less, as it is debilitating. 

I just think we should be careful not to judge others, as we dont' know their economic, family or various other factors involved with their quit and the lives they deal with on a daily basis. And that's all I will say about that, I guess. 

At any rate, I have a plan, and I think it will work for me, I am not going anywhere on my vacation, I just wont be at work, being an assistant manager of a very busy restaurant. I plan on looking at it like a much needed cleanse. Also- I have learned through Joels site, and my doctor, that since I have low blood sugar issues, it is important that I will be able to eat when I need to, and drink a lot of juice and such. 

So, that's what's going on here with me, in Central Texas. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and may they reflect on 9-11 in their own ways. And thanks as usual for being here. 


Sounds like a great idea...quitting and taking care of yourself anytime.  I pretty much insulated myself from most stress and went through the withdrawals cold turkey....Now I did get put on a mild anti-depressant that I still take...and I have also gained some weight...but I have learned and am still learning about getting through stuff without grabbing the "the old flame".   Your so right no one has the right to judge and I pray we get some rain soon to help put out the fires!  I wish you the best and hope you keep writing.  Breathe Free


Having a plan is a very very good idea! While you are off, do plan so activites so that you are not just sitting around "not smoking"  per se. I think the weather might be cooling off a bit, and it might be a great time to be outside some. I am sure that where you live, there might be walking trails, so you could pack a lunch and spend a day outdoors just walking and relaxing.   I've gotten previous quits off to a good start that way, its just that I did not understand about having to maintain the quit and celebrate it often.  So, I'd bet people with a plan have a higher success rate than people that just "quit" although there are many here who did just that. There are lots of basics, but you do have to find what works for you , and I think you are on to it. You know the support is here when you need it..  Keep up posted and enjoy your vacation.

You have a plan, you are reading, you are all sounds very good. Stay close - you can do this!

Thank you. 🙂


Walking is out for me, as I don't have a car,shrug, so I have to walk to the store, or anywhere i go really. Until the weekend when my honey picks me up. It will be "big garbage" week in my neighbor hood so I plan on getting together a big pile of stuff to put out. It's a week when they come with big trucks and pic up house hold garbage, like broken chairs etc. So my plan is to get rid of some clutter. Hopefully that will help my peace of mind as well.

Thanks ya"all. And yes Breath Free we need some rain, or we might as well just move to the desert or something. I moved here from New Mexico 25 years ago, and I dont' plan on going back, unless it's to take care of my mom. But hopefullly that wont be anytime soon.

And Jawbridge, I wouldnt' be surprised if I quit sooner, but if not -then that's the plan.


Hi Melissa, I am with you, I think time off from work is a great way to get started on quitting.  I picked a Saturday for that very reason.  The Allen Carr book and whyquit are both really good.  Have you checked out  I learned about that one on this site, after I had all ready quit.  It has been very good reading for general quit maintenance. I think is very beneficial pre quit too.   Very best wishes in executing your plan.  Regards, Lisa


Hi Melissa, I'm sorry you went back to smoking. You can beat this. Determination and dedicaton! It does sound like a good plan! Now just do it! Nobody is judging you only one person can do that! Have a great smoke-free vacation!


Best of luck to you! You sound like your beating yourself up about past attempts that haven't worked out. STOP! It does no good and your right, everyone is different. Most people have tried many times. You want to quit. That is important. As for quitting cold turkey. That takes some bravery. I think it's important that you choose the way you want to quit. Nicotine replacement is really just prolonging the nicotine withdrawl. It's more gradual, but what is better a week, or 8 weeks?  I am using the patch. I can tell I'm more irritable for a few days when I step down the dosage (withdrawl), or God forbid I forget to put one on at all.


Sounds Like a good plan...... keep coming here...... I know you can do this


I just smoked my last cig and im not doing this anymore im done not being able 2 walk without being out of breath and spending all this money! I'm gona try and keep up with ur blog because it sounds like me and u have tried the same things before. good luck 2 u and ill b here 2 talk also if ya need me...Leslie frkls25   or