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Share your quitting journey

I quit

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I decided to not wait until May 16th to quit.  I decided today the 13th to pledge not to smoke.  I actually have been smoke free since last night at 7pm.  I decided to challenge myself to see how long I could go without smoking.  First went 15 min then 30min then an hour, practiced distractions and lots of deep breathing and it has led me to almost 24 hours of being smoke free.  Has not been as horrible as I imagined or anticipated but trust me have had moments where I would scream nope and tell myself smoking is no longer an option.  Thanks to all for the encouraging words, advice and the knowledge I needed to help me quit.  I am really doing this!!! Woohoo!!!

12 Comentarios



you sound serious! "no longer an option" is how I got 7 days. once you make that decision, nothing is unbearable.


Thanks Lori and Ed for support.  I may not have any teeth left from chomping like heck on gum and ice but at least I will be a nonsmoker.


OK, so you decided to quit three days early.  Good for you!   It's surprising, isn't it that it's not as horrible as we anticipate.  Unpleasant, sure, major changes are bound to be  discombulating.  After all we've being putting cigarettes in our mouths multiple times per day.  And the instant shut off is a shock!  But each 24 hours we remain smoke free takes us further and further away from our "used to be" selves.

So you've already gotten through your first 24 hours smoke free.  That's quite an achievement.  I remember it well m'self!   Hang on, hang in, do whatever you need to do to not put a cigarette in your mouth.  And trust it all will get easier with time. 


Congratulations on starting your quit today!


and she's right ^ it really does get easier.  I never thought I'd get this far and I did and you can too !!!!  I'll be watching for ya


Glad you are learning to use the tools to remain smoke-free. We are here to support you,.  Stay ckose,  Come here and blog whenever you need,  


Congratulations on quitting earlier! 

Every day smoke free is a win for us!  Keep it up, keep reading and coming here to learn more about the process, we are all on the same rocking boat 🙂


Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement.  I have a sigh of relief from the anticipation  and counting down days I have left to smoke.  Now I get to count up the days I'm smoke free and start reaping the benefits.  Really great to know I have people to support me that really knows what its like to quit.



That's so good to hear about you. It is very difficult to leave smoking and it is  a worst activity that we do with our body. One of my friend was very much addicted to it, but later she left smoking. She suggested me this page which shares a lot more information about how to quit smoking and become healthy and fit.

Woohoo!!! Awesome job on your first day of freedom!! Keep doing what youre doing, its working for you!

CONGRATULATIONS!  There will be ups and downs and unexpected curves in the road but that is called "life" and while it may be uncomfortable at crave will kill you.

Acerca del autor
Hi! My name is Sharon and I am married, a mom to 5 kids and also have 2 fur babies that are both shelties and considered my kids. I have smoked for about 30 years. I came here to learn how to quit and stay quit. I need to quit to impove my health and was tired of nicotine controlling me and Doctors and family nagging me. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Now that I have joined in the EX family I now have been free of nicotine since May 13th 2016.