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Share your quitting journey

I need to start a dialogue

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For those of you who don't know I starting smoking a little before Christmas.  A few of you have stayed in touch and for that I am extremly grateful.  I know that I just "need to quit".....having trouble taking action.  What I can say is that I can feel the poison affecting me....blood sugar....sleep pattern....etc.   I am scared of going through the withdrawals again...........especially working a new job.   It is difficult to get honest and stay honest with myself....the motivation to quit seems to be way behind the veil of smoke.  I decided it might help me to at least start a dialogue again....


20 Comentarios

hey, you know what you need to do!!! And if you've gone through the withdrawals before, then you should know that it's not that bad. Yeah, it sucks...but it's not gonna kill you or anything. I messed up a bunch of times when I first tried quitting last January. I would have a full year under my belt right now if I wouldn't of messed up so many times!!! Point being, I kept trying, and I finally succeeded!! Everyday that you smoke, you're making the quitting harder and harder. Heck, if you just started a little before Christmas, you're only at a month back at it.....QUIT NOW. Because when it's 2 months back at it, it's gonna be harder than it is now!!! And you know this. But do it for yourself, not us on here 🙂


I wanted bacon and eggs this morning.

I decided I was going to have bacon and eggs this morning.

I had bacon and eggs this morning.


Good choice, Carolyn! I'm so glad to hear from you and to know that you are looking at renewing your Quit! You do know EXactly what it will be like to Quit but your Addictive Voice a.k.a. Nico-Demon knows how to blow it out of proportions, too! I remember how proud you were feeling about yourself! I remember you enthusiasm not just for quitting but for LIFE! It seems that the smoke cloud has taken that away from you.... You don't have to pretend that it will be easy but you and I know that it is doable, even with a new job! Do you remember that I started a new Career only 3 Months into my quit? Stressful! Oh Yea! But doable! Think about the possibility of taking time off or even calling in sick. Many companies are very supportive because they benefit from a smoke free workforce! Lost productivity and high insurance premiums motivate them to do the right thing! Most of all, I would say, Love Yourself! You Deserve to BREATHE FREE!


That's a goos start Carolyn. Ya did it can do it again


Carolyn you can do it, you have been thru it before and know what to expect.  We will be here for you and hold your hand all the way. Go for it Texas Lady and kick nicodemon out to the dump.


I too have fallen off the wagon several times but I noticed the same thing you mentioned. I felt the poison starting to creep back into my body. I really noticed when I woke up every morning. I was SO SICK of not feeling good or not being at 100%. And it was not the addiction to nicotine that was the issue, it was my mind LYING to me. My brain told me it would be too hard, my brain made me FEAR to give it up, I would hide when I sneaked a smoke because I was ASHAMED.  I have decided that I want to feel physically well again and I do not want to be ashamed of MYSELF or filled with self-loathing.  I know you can do it too. Do not fear, if you have done it before, you can easily do it again because you can CONTROL  your minds weaknesses. You have already proved it once before. Be sick and tired of the poison!


Hi Carolyn.  Welcome back.  I know you can do this again.  The hardest part is getting started!  After that, just stick close to us and we can make it through!


See? I knew there was a reason today was the day to come aback after being gone for awhile. You can do it Carolyn! Get back on the wagon girl. We're all here cheering you on!!


Hey Carolyn, We are all here for you.... You get yourself ready to become an EX again real soon. Don't wait. I know you can do this!!


You know some days were very difficult for me. Those craving hit me hard but I manage to get through it. Remember we need to welcome each craving. That means we are one step closer being free. I want u to be free. I miss u. You have inner strength that can kick this addiction. Any woman that can work 2 jobs can do anything. Smoking will kill your self esteem and your life. We are here for you. I am here for you. Please get a plan together. Get your heart back into it. You can do it. 

"God doesn't just save us FROM something, he saves us FOR something." -- Rob Futral


breathe free, AKA Carolyn,


I'm not sure if you remember me but the first time I quit last year you helped me so much and it saddens me to here that the Addiction got you back... But I know that guy oh so well.....  I'm on my 3rd quit..... I have 14day's smoke free, took the patch off  5 day's ago... All Im say is that you know what you have to do because you have been there done that and can do it when your ready......

Take care my friend we are always here...




I'm gonna yell at you - with your own words:  "I hope I never get complacent and forget that I could be back into slavery with one puff of nicotine..." 

You forgot.  And one of the thing you forgot was how rough day one can be.

But - remember - you did it before.  So you can again.  You need to re-read all those posts that spoke to you before and all the new ones that will motivate you to jump back into the smokefree pool.  The longer you wait to get back on the horse, the harder it will be.  You've smoked for a about a month it seems.  The sooner you toss them, the better.  Come on, Carolyn.  Do it.


Hi Carolyn! i am so glad that you came here to open a discussion. Very smart thing to do - way to go!

I have no idea how many times I attempted to quit before my forever quit as I call it. All I know is that this time I asked God for help, saw a comercial for ex, got a gentle "it's time" message from my brother and did it. I committed to quit and I did it! So can you.

After my time on this site I've come torealize that fear is what keeps many from jumping in with both feet. Be honest with yourself about that fear - look it sqaure in the face and laugh at it. You can do this. Nothing and no one can stop you.

Perhaps you should review some of the material we often suggest to newcomers. I've got links to them on my page if you need them. Make a plan and go for it!  


I remember you from some posts to my blogs a long time ago. They were positive, and very helpful. I remember how much it boosted my resolve.

I decided to give up a great quit, and went back to smoking for awhile too. Now I am back, 20 days smoke-free. I should have jumped right back on that quit the last time, but I didn't, and I have to say it doesn't make it any easier to wait.

Everyone here has said it already; you CAN do it. You did it before. Just get your mind back into it, and you will find it will be easier this time because you know how much better it was when you were living that wonderful, smoke-free life before. Remember how much better you felt, looked and enjoyed life? Go get it back, you can do it!

You got a lot of people here cheering you on, and they will be here to give you all their love and support.

Best to you : )



Hi Carolyn, it sounds like you told yourself that smoking will be of comfort (and i"m not trying to be flip either)...we all know it hurts, so lets get you back on the horse and back to normal...Nancy


Carolyn - Great first step by coming back. Set a date - read - you can do this! You are scared - but - you survived it before. More than survived - you were thrilled about your beautiful quit if I remember correctly! Make a plan - stay close - you can do this! 


I feel for you Carolyn. I started smoking again last summer and just quit again on New years. Just get back to quit again. You're not too far gone. You're NEVER too far gone....

Unless you're dead, that is. lol. This can be done. Look at all the others around here who can attest to that. We just have to quiot making excuses for ourselves I guess.

Carolyn, I've missed you. I'm glad you are back. Don't be afraid. You were such an important part of getting through my early days. You are a wise and strong woman. You can certainly do this without me but I'm right here for you if you ever want to talk. Love us carolyn

You know the drill......and it will never get any easier that it is right now.  No magic moment, no magic pill, just you choosing to say that "smoking is simply NOT an option, not for ANY reason, not under ANY circumstance."  Then don't listen to anything that doesn't line up with that decision.

While you're here, maybe you can use this to warn others that the 'just one' they are contemplating, isn't all it's cracked up to be. 


Breathe Free.......what more needs to be said.  You knew it than and you know it now and I can't wait to read your new quit posts!!!  Luv ya!