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I need some help, so I came here!

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I have been an ex for 7 months----I have gained about 7 pounds----I need some help here!  I do not want to start smoking again---but that has in the past  been a "reason" to start again.  Help!  I hate this weight gain!


Hey Corky,

Glad you stopped by then to tell us your woes, I am just a newb when it comes to being quit from SICKORETTEDS and the NICODEMON. Please protect your quit of 7 months ---- by gosh ---- 7 pounds is not so bad, you can try certain changes in your diet, stay away from sugars - eat more salads and I bet you be rid of those 7 pounds...

Now that I think on it, 7 month quit  (protect your QUIT) - 7 pounds healthier...N.O.P.E.

NOT ONE PUFF EVER...........Hugs


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It doesn't work!  I did it.  I gave up my 3 month quit a few years ago, one of the reasons was the weight gain.  I said well the weight will fall right off.  It doesn't work.  I didn't lose one pound, I just gained a pack and a half a day smoking habit and feeling like crap all the time again.  

Protect your precious quit.  



Stay strong and DON'T fall for that old EXCUSE from your inner junkie...most people can lose a few pounds just by cutting out salt in their diet.....AND you would have to gain 1OO pounds to take the place of ALL the DAMAGE FROM smoking...




7 pounds in 7 months and you might go back to smoking?????  HELLLLOOOOOOO!!!!!  Surely there is a typo and you meant 700....because that is the ONLY way this would even remotely make sense!!!!  You have SEVEN MONTHS of smoke FREEDOM!!!!!  The happy dances alone should burn off that 7 pounds!!!!   


DONT SMOKE.... walk - exercise- drink water- do whatever you gotta do....

you can always get rid of the weight, you cant get rid of emphysema

dont smoke


True that, I'd rather be 7 lbs over weight then have emphysema!  Make sure your not using it was an excuse to replapse.  Wait it out you'll feel better about your quit!


I know some people get really upset when they gain weight. Take me for instance....Never, ever had to worry about my weight. Sure as the years go by (before I quit) I would go up and down 3-5 pounds and not shed a tear. But after I quit this time I went to my Dr. to get a perscription renewed and check my lungs and heart and was feeling mighty fine bout myself cause I was a non-smoker ya know what I mean? The I got on the scale and thought there was someone playing a nasty trick on me cause it seemed that the scale was broken or something like that, cause it couldn't be my weight I was looking at, I looked at the nurse with "wide eyes" and asked her if the scale was broken? She just smiled and said No, it was recalibrated recently, (not what I wanted to hear). But it was true. I had gained over 20 pds. in 3 months. Now, I had to be honest with myself. Was I eating more? Healthy but Yes everything tasted better, why the hell not? Was working out? Yes. Sometimes, Well heck, it obviously wasn't  enough. Was I in menopause? Yes. Am I stressed? Yes.But  Am I breathing better? Can I go for walks more often?Yes.I had to change my "attitude". My Dr. said that when you quit your metabolism slows down and with age for me and menopause, plus being on meds. Well, I would have to give it more time.I smoked for over 40 yrs. My body needed time to adjust.... My addiction(smoking) wants me to feel bad about myself so that I will "pick" up again. It's just another lie. I know that now...I will not fall for it again. And already I feel better. The weight gain is temporary. Lung disease is permanent. Besides, I'm worth it!

Actually 7 pounds is not bad at all! Take the determination and positive thinking that got you to this point in your quit and apply it to a diet plan. You quit smoking - you can do anything!! I lost 4 when I quit.....then gained that back plus 5 more. So - several weeks ago, I increased my walking and cut down on the food. I lost 6 pounds in 5 weeks! And - that's not easy when you are my age (60)!! Anyway - I applied the things I learned here to help with the food issues. Come on - you can lose that 7 pounds AND keep your quit!!

Check out www.myfitnesspal, free web-site, will track calories and exercise expenditure. Eat less, move more and drink water. If you can do cardio for 1 hr per day, walk, swim etc. I have cut back on my cardio due to joint issues and gained a few, do not smoke, it will not cause the weight to drop off, believe me I tried that trick in the past, does not work.



Exercise and diet are the ONLY answers.  I've dropped 30 lbs since I quit.  I replaced the smoking with a strong exercise regimen. Enough so that I don't have to worry too much about diet  LOL  .  If you can beat smoking, you can certainly get this one easier.  Just think, if you can become comfortable with just a little discomfort, you can drop that weight in no time at all.  Exercise and diet will never do much for  COPD, Emphysema, or lung cancer.   If you look at it that way, I don't think you really have a problem picking your battle.    Ease into it and just see how far you can go with it,, you will be amazed. 


Hi Corky, I've gain 3 1/2 pounds since I quit 12 days ago, I know it's crazy weight gain, but that  will not make smoke again.. Please stay smoke free, you've come too far to throw it all away for 7 pounds? 


Hang in there,





 EVERYONE understands  that a lil weight change is normal (so to speak) when you stop smoking.  BBBBUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !

We have an unsolved oral complex (some think this goes back to the womb from the thumb sucking we did) from smoking for eons... There is a name for it I'm just having a brain fart at the moment. Im thinking it starts with the letters Oed... It'll come to me in a moment. When I started out, I had 3 goals I wanted to accomplish... I have thus far, accomplished 2 of them. I quit smoking and I didn't gain a pound!!! Today, I am 56 days into my quit. I race walk 3 miles most days and if I dont feel like doing that then I go work out. EXERCISE IS CRITICAL. You can not expect to lose the love of your life  and not compensate for it by trying to seek oral gratification. Sorry- WE KNEW ABOUT THIS BEFORE WE QUIT.

You think of all the preparation to did mentally before you quit (seriously) and you made it 7 (SEVEN) months and now you wanna smoke again because you gained 7 pounds??? I think you need to come to work with me for one day... Many of my patients have COPD and emphysema... they have a nasal caannula with 2-6 L of 02 /min 24/7.  This is NOT CURABLE. I cant help them. I cant cure them... all I get to do is basically give them a bandaid (02).

YOU CAN LOSE 7 lbs. Dont smoke... You cant get your 7 month quit back! Go do something constructive! Get out there and devise a way that you can lose the 7 lbs you gained... and find a program to ensure that you dont re gain it again.


 well well, hello there!!  ok well, u gained 7 pounds in 7 months i gained 20 pounds in 9 months,well i was 92 pds wen i quit smoking. all i can tell u is u can smoke if u reli wana smoke, and u can be skinny minny, but have  youu thought about being that shinny minny who couldnt breath, im 53 yrs old 122 pounds, with stage 4 copd & end emphysema.... trust me . u dont wana blow ur 7 month quit, b/c if u do, ur gona blow out ur healthy lungs if there still healthy as it is, I smoked 40 yrs so i reli reli do know what iam talking about,  serious talking, dont be weak, u owe it to urself to have a good enjoyable life, so u have to be strong. weigh out the pros n cons, and 7 pounds is nothing, and besides if u smoke ur gona feel bad for doing so, come on u got 7 months thats great, u should be proud of urself.  so i bet if u diet and u exercise right you can maintain both quits, :))  take control of the new and improved you,:))  when i 1st quit smoking i tried yoga, i loved it, the easy yoga,lmao but then i got sick, my lungs shut down some so i spent 3 wks in the hosp so i havent been able to do yoga but i do go to a pulmonary rehab to work out , its good for breathing n u can work out alil every day, so dont give up on urself, im sure u can accomplishish that and when u do, ur gona be on top of the world. :)))) so hang in there, if u need any help at all just ask ill be happy to help u, but just for today dont smoke... n.o.p.e. one drag is 1 drag to many.joanne 302 days smokefree with stage 4 copd, end emphysema a 40 yr smoker 2-3 pks aday.


Hi Corky-----If you don't like to exercise then walk. try to walk EVERY DAY---for at least 30 minutes and walk as fast as you can. After a month---try to go to 35 minutes and keep increasing. Seven pounds isn't that much to worry about but I certainly kow what you mean...weight gain can be depressing and then depression leads to a "who cares" attitude and soon you are smoking again. DON'T DO IT!!!! Seven months is GREAT---don't blow it.


Not a good reason...may larger people smoke too...I have been watching..definately not the cure to losing weight!!!! Stay strong...


I know how you feel..... still not a good enough reason to start smoking again. I have gained 10 pounds in 23 days it is depressing but I have to say this.... I know that not smoking is better for me...... I'm taking steps to lose weight...... you can only do this one step at a time you quit now work on losing the weight. you can do this.....


Thank you sooooo much everyone!  I am glad I posted my thoughts because your comments hit me with the reality.  I can do this and yes---I will work on losing the weight---after Labor Day weekend!  N.O.P.E.        Thanks to everyone again! 🙂