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I need help with my (food) cravings.

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Ok so I've quit for 9 days. The cig cravings aren't as bad as they used to be. They are only really bad when I am at work and smell the cigarette smoke. And even  then sometimes i want one and other times i am so repulsed by the smell. I can fight those cravings, they go away. I keep craving food though. (Mostly cheese) Swiss, mozzarella, bleu, cheddar, cottage, parm, feta, goat, well you get the picture. Those cravings do not go away!!!! Currently I have 5 different kinds on cheese in my fridge all because i had a craving and went out and bought it. How do i keep from putting on weight after quitting smoking? I know i should "eat healthy low fat snacks" and "exercize". Well the heathly snacks dont satisfy me. I have celery and carrots that i've been munching on but I don't feel "full" until I get what i'm craaving. And in all honesty i dont have the time or energy to exercise. I work from 5 am to 4, 5 or 6 pm nearly every day unless I'm working from 2or 3 pm to midnight. I am just too tired or sore after a day like that to workout. And i need my days off to clean my house. I haven't had a problem with my weight. My job is very physical and is like its own workout. Weightlifting, cardio, sauna. Who needs a gym membership? Just become a chef!!!  but i worry that the way I'm eating will pack on the pounds. I dont eat 3 square meals a day. I'll eat one if I'm lucky, other times its just a bowl of cerial or hot dogs (blah).  I know i need to work on my eating habit, but one bad habit at a time and i need to get over smoking first.


One bad habit at a time is right! Really, focus on the smoking first. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm not worrying too much about what I eat, but I am working out more. The workouts give me a good distraction, an adrenaline rush, and physically exhaust me, so I find it REALLY helpful. I understand your food craving. I've been craving spicy stuff, hotwings, salsa, jalapenos. It's weird. But I'm not going to worry about the five or ten pounds I may put on right now. One thing at a time. You're doing great!

Why is it that every chef I've met has terrible eating habits? 🙂 


We are all different and there is no one right answer you will find your right answer in time.  A few pounds now in exchange for giving up the smoking is an easy decision.  If the cheese does it for you for the next few days/weeks then so be it.  Ahm try to like the low fat cheese if you can!  Good Luck.


Sheesh... Cheese of all things!  I agree with these guys; dont worry so much about a few pounds. Tho I wouldn't be surprised to hear that your plumbing is getting stopped up! lol  Try some fiber something, tabs or whatever, to keep things moving!  Also make sure to keep drinking plenty of water. That will help keep the pounds off also. You are doing great - keep it up!



You do need to focus on your quit but---you're right---no sense in setting up another huge battle with weight for later!! You will gain some---but try to limit what you need to put in your mouth to non fattening items. Also---don't be fooled---anyone will tell you that even if your job is physically active---you need exercise. Exercise will make you un-tired!!! REALLY!! You just need to pick up the habit. Start with just 10 minutes and then increase it by 5 minutes every week. You don't need a gym. Walking briskly and breathing deeply for 30 minutes every day is a great weight maintainer and it will get you in great shape. Want to lose---increase the walking time.  If you can run and like to, vary the walk with short bursts of running. That's it.

I don't believe in needing to eat three meals a day. Most diets say very small intakes of food all day long are best. I'm not a healthy eater per say---but I try to avoid high fat foods and junk food. Keep that quit going! You are doing great.


You do need to focus on your quit but---you're right---no sense in setting up another huge battle with weight for later!! You will gain some---but try to limit what you need to put in your mouth to non fattening items. Also---don't be fooled---anyone will tell you that even if your job is physically active---you need exercise. Exercise will make you un-tired!!! REALLY!! You just need to pick up the habit. Start with just 10 minutes and then increase it by 5 minutes every week. You don't need a gym. Walking briskly and breathing deeply for 30 minutes every day is a great weight maintainer and it will get you in great shape. Want to lose---increase the walking time.  If you can run and like to, vary the walk with short bursts of running. That's it.

I don't believe in needing to eat three meals a day. Most diets say very small intakes of food all day long are best. I'm not a healthy eater per say---but I try to avoid high fat foods and junk food. Keep that quit going! You are doing great.


i feel you!  i am on day 4 and i am craving cheese too!  have you seen "wallace and gromit'?  all day long i keep saying to myself "I'm just crackers about cheeese"!  because it is a way better habit than smoking.  maybe it is the calcium our body craves to deplete those mineral stores that nicotine leeches out of our bones.  let's hope it is replaceable! 

I agree with you that your food intake shouldnt be your first priority-  i would say once you are 30 days nicotine free then start getting harsh with yourself about eating habits.  for now the main thing is that you arent smoking!  and shop wisely- i know hotdogs are convenient; i have been buying fat free hotdogs and my husband and 4 year old dont know the difference!  when some brands have as much as 25 grams of fat in one sausage, it is important to read the labels. 

i am also trying not to give in to my sugar cravings- as sugar has this way of amplifying other cravings that i have (such as tobacco, cofee, etc.)  sugar fuels all addictions, a nutritionist once told me.  so i am sweetening my morning coffee with agave nectar, which has a way lower glycemic index count than table sugar ...  that is why i feel like it is OK to give in to the cheese and other cravings, just be mindful of the sugar one!  and when you do give in to it, try to choose items that don't have high fructose corn syrup or hygrogenated oils, just as a general rule!. 

best of luck!!!!  it is nice to connect with another woman on a righteous path!!!!  i'd rather be a cheese fiend than a nicotine fiend!!!