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Share your quitting journey

I'm sorry, I relapsed and didn't want ya'll to know

1 10 282

I have been so focused on my heart doctors tewlling me if I don't have surgery right away, I could die! The surgery has finally been scheduled for September 7, 2021. Halleluyah!  I can kind of rest in that because I k ow God's got me. I refuse to believe he's given up on me.  I'm really going through over. Prayers are welcome.

10 Comentarios

@TonyaG-50  Never be afraid to tell us.  Most of us have been more that once.    Glad your surgery is scheduled.  Are planning on trying to quit again before the surgery?

Sending positive thoughts your way. Please keep us updated. 



Your surgery will be more successful and your recovery faster if you don't smoke after it.  May I suggest you recommit to quitting?    Hope so!


No aplicable

Been there , done that many times , years and years ago before I had no choice left but to quit .

You have to realize there is nothing you can say here quite likely that someone won't understand or be surprised by , so please , do post .

Post before you smoke . We understand that the intensity of craves is hard , brutal some days, many times over sometimes too . We have come through because others helped us through .

Just to share I  likely posted four times a day maybe even more sometimes in the beginning . I put pride aside be cause I really wanted to get better . No one judged me for that , we won't you either . 

You can feel safe here . We lean on each other until we can stand on our own two feet , and we are here for each other when we can't do it alone . 

I'm so glad you posted . It helps you and others . It's a win win . 



Your comment: "I have been so focused on my heart doctors telling me if I don't have surgery right away, I could die! The surgery has finally been scheduled for September 7, 2021."

Q: Do you really think you'll survive if you continue to smoke?                

Q: Do you value smoking more than your life?

Q: Does a surgery give you more time to live even if your doctor's say "NO"?

A hard truth is so often needed. Ask yourself why you're still smoking?!     the trouble is, you think you have time.jpg




I appreciate all the feedback.  Thank you.  But the one that really stood out to me was BUDDHA. You're right,  a hard blow of truth will set you straight. I appreciate the tough love. I feel the love

 Thanks guys


I am glad you got the surgery scheduled. But, you really need to quit. Not only will you be healthier - you will recover and heal much better following the surgery. Please - you can do this! 


I am sorry to hear that you relapsed.  This is a time to reflect on how you could handle it better the next time you are faced with the same situation....because life is going to happen and smoking is not going to correct any life problems.  We have to learn the skill to deal with life without sucking on a stinkin sickerette. I  am glad you are back.  Your surgery is soon.  I think it is time that you get back on the no smoking journey. Quick.  BTW you can always come here anytime.  Hopefully you will come and make it easier before you smoke. 


I'm sorry you relapsed too, Tonya.  But 'sorry' doesn't make any difference, really.  It's getting over the 'sorry' and making the changes necessary that makes the sorry un-sorry.  If you get what I mean.  

You relapsed and you didn't want us all to know.  It's not "us" that sit in judgment of your failure, it's that Best of You that does.  Ya know?  And I don't mean it as a "judgment" so much as an acknowledgement that we didn't live up to our fullest potential.  That Best of Us knows that.  You don't let US down when you give up your quit, you let yourself down.  That's the most painful part, I think.  

But - hey.  It's easy enough to get right back to saying "yes" to that Best of Us.  Just don't put another cigarette in your mouth.  Right?  (Yeah, I know, easier said than done.  But... that's what it takes to gain back our confidence and pride.)  

God may have your back, but you have to take care of your front.  


Hi Toney @TonyaG-50 Welcome Back ! God never gives up on us, often we give up on him.  I am glad you have a surgery date.  You need to get back in the quit.  Let go of the past, start over and make this your number one priority.  Keep close to the support group … wishing you a Happy Friday ~ Colleen 991 DOF 


@TonyaG-50  U should worry about anyone. U are the Only One who U need to worry about. U.are hurting yourself not anymore else. I have to say u are worried about your heart not your Lungs. If u can't breathe NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Please make up your mind to Quit.