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Share your quitting journey

I'm praying that I mellow out!

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Aloha Beautiful EXers!

Im still working on the stress thing. Its been 48 days since I smoked. I feel good about it but I have gained weight and I'm sluggish and swollen. I eat too much. I have been restless and trying to get back to work after being disabled for 10 years. I have some good days and some not as good. But, mostly I am positive I wont smoke. If I was going to, today would have been a good one to start up again, I had a crappy morning and was so down. I went on an interview and I really did badly at the tests they through at me. I was near a place I always bought cigs and coffee so it was very tempting. I kept thinking keep moving just lkeep going. I'm goin to stick with it. Too hard to stop again and I got real lucky quitting when I did. I have a chance to regain my health! 

MY neighbor insists on smoking under my apartment and it comes up ithrough the windows and floor, into my room at night so I had a temper tantrum last night around 3 am ,and started cussing and fussing it just made me feel worse.  I feel bad for blowing it now and embarassed. I don't have any patience for smokers now. Even at the grocery store when they smoke near me in front of the store. I get pissed off that I have to smelll the stinking things! I hope that I will mellow out soon.

I am ashamed of my behavior and lack of compassion with the smokers. I was that person and I was selfish and inconsiderate too. because of the stinking addiction.

On an upbeat- My great grandson who just turned 6 months old loves the way I smell! I don't cough and I am more social now. I wasn't joining I was too embarassed and isolated. I am gettin out now! not worried about what others will think about me and how I'm going to manage my habit in public! 

Thanks Exers You guys rock! 


Congratulations on 48 days smoke-free! That's great! You can only control your own behavior, not that of others. Pray for patience for those that still smoke! Good luck on your search for work!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I think those who have quit who suddenly become irritable and disgusted by others smoking are just using it as a protective mechanism.  Because if it weren't disgusting, they might be too tempted to continue smoke free.   It that possibly true for you on a subconscious level?  Also in a way you're railing against your old smoking self.  It's another psychoilogical protective "tool"  It helps in a way to be angry and have a feeling of self-righteousness!

And - it IS too hard to quit again.  So don't let this one go.  The only thing that smoking does is stop an immediate craving.  Only to hook you all over once again.

Maybe join Relapse Traps and do continuing education.  And   Replay the Relapse before you enact it.


congratulations on your quit , take it one day @ a time and slow, when you feel and urge , or the smell bothers you , if you feel weak , just think of having to start all over again, you have to relearn how to handle stress as it is apart of our everyday life , but we always had a way out , believe it or not, all that will fall into place withou you even realiing it .good luck and stay on the right track you have every reason to be proud of yourself.



 I chewed lots of sugar free gum, and ate vegie sticks and fruit. I drink lots of water now, never without out a bottle of water now a days. I take lots of walks some short ones and long ones with my puppy ( 70 LB yellow Lab ) All of this has helped with my weight. I don't do chips or pop ( soda). I hope some of this my help you!


Take Care 



If you don't want to go all out with the healthy, just try substituting healthy snacks in between the bad ones.  Half is better than all bad!  Do increase your exervise, too.  It helps with stress, AND burns off some calories.

Perhaps you can feel sorry for those who continue to smoke.  Understand that they don't want to smoke - they HAVE to smoke? 

The grumpiness can just be part of your body adjusting to life without nicotine, too.  That should pass as you get further along.

What can you do to work on the things tested at which you didn't do well?  Perhaps you can try to take your mind off smoking by working on some of them?

This quit thing is a process, not an event.  You are doing GREAT - keep at it!



please try to check in more often.  🙂

Congrats on your 48 days of freedom!

Aloha.  I wondered where you were.  Glad to see you are still smoke-free.  You are doing this!  One day at a time. Life will just keep getting better and better.  Take care.  


try to use other things to put in your mouth besides just food Try the straws  cut into halves or thirds and keep them in your pockets on the table in th car anyy where that you may be thinking of reaching for a smoke ! also deep breath check out youtube for quit smoking self hypnosis  videos I found them to be empowering and also  very relaxing I did them at bedtime or in the evening .If you live alone any time of day !