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Share your quitting journey

I'm praying that I mellow out!

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Aloha Beautiful EXers!

Im still working on the stress thing. Its been 48 days since I smoked. I feel good about it but I have gained weight and I'm sluggish and swollen. I eat too much. I have been restless and trying to get back to work after being disabled for 10 years. I have some good days and some not as good. But, mostly I am positive I wont smoke. If I was going to, today would have been a good one to start up again, I had a crappy morning and was so down. I went on an interview and I really did badly at the tests they through at me. I was near a place I always bought cigs and coffee so it was very tempting. I kept thinking keep moving just lkeep going. I'm goin to stick with it. Too hard to stop again and I got real lucky quitting when I did. I have a chance to regain my health! 

MY neighbor insists on smoking under my apartment and it comes up ithrough the windows and floor, into my room at night so I had a temper tantrum last night around 3 am ,and started cussing and fussing it just made me feel worse.  I feel bad for blowing it now and embarassed. I don't have any patience for smokers now. Even at the grocery store when they smoke near me in front of the store. I get pissed off that I have to smelll the stinking things! I hope that I will mellow out soon.

I am ashamed of my behavior and lack of compassion with the smokers. I was that person and I was selfish and inconsiderate too. because of the stinking addiction.

On an upbeat- My great grandson who just turned 6 months old loves the way I smell! I don't cough and I am more social now. I wasn't joining I was too embarassed and isolated. I am gettin out now! not worried about what others will think about me and how I'm going to manage my habit in public! 

Thanks Exers You guys rock!