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Share your quitting journey

I'm new here

1 10 16
So I've been saying I'm going to quit smoking since about october. I said I would quit Christmas as a gift to my husband, well here I am, and that didn't work. So I decided my new years resolution would be to quit....nope didn't happen. So I talked to my doctor. First we had to get my anxiety under control from life events, and we'll I'm jus an anxious person...runs in the family. This took about three months finding the right medications without the crazy side effects. And than...we talked about quitting I wanted to try chantix...she said no, thsi could cause my anxiety to be worse and mood swings so she added wellbutrin which would help with both, anxiety and my urges to really helped the 1st week or so...cigs didn't taste as good...but that was short lived, But it has helped the anxiety alot. Here we are now..started the Chantix starter pack and I am on my second day of the titrated dose. It is helping..yay. I Do hAve side effects..Nausea, headaches and a little irritable but I can deal with this becuase it is making the cigs not taste so good...sometimes dowe right nasty! But this nasty habit keeps me coming back for more. usually, well the worst triggers for me right now is food....I smoke after I eat. So I say to self don't eat....hmmm not sure this will work out so well, I do drink more water now. But how do u stop When reading all the introduction info I read several times to get family support, But I don't want to do that. I feel like they will not understand that this will be a process, it's not like I say I'm quitting and I'm done...I'm cutting way back and taking meds to help. If I slip up after my quit date I will just disappoint my husband. So what's your advice. I feel like I can be stronger on my own with thsi one!! Sorry for all the typo's