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Share your quitting journey

I'm mad at the Government

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OK, I've been quit for 8 days now. I am going to stay quit because this has been real hard and I don't want to do this week over again. But you must know that I am mad. Yep, I am mad at the government.  I really didn't want to quit smoking. I felt pressured into it.  The price of cigarettes is going up up up to the point that no one will be able to afford to eat and smoke at the same time.  The price of insurance is also going up for smokers. It doesn't matter that I will be 400 lbs and toothless in another year from all the gum and candy I have eat in the last 8 days. Oh no, that won't matter. I should be socially accepted then...because I DON"T FREAKIN SMOKE! Are you happy now?    Ok, I feel a little better now.   Thanks for listening.  Oh and by the way...cigarettes still smell gooood to me.  Sorry, something must be wrong with me.

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Sandra - I noticed from your bio page that you are taking Chantix - me too.  I started it on the day before Christmas Eve and had my last cigarette at 9PM on New Year's Eve - so now at Day 21.  And I smoked for 42 years.

Maybe the high price of cigarettes is really a blessing - another reason to quit even though we may not want to.  For me, I am trying to avoid future health problems that will really be costly.  So, by quitting I am saving now and for the future.

I am gaining weight as well.  My suit pants are getting really tight and I am not about to spend my cigarette savings on new suits when I can just as easily get my lazy butt up and go exercise.

Keep hanging in there, you're doing great.


Thanks Joe, All you people seem to be so calm and together and nice and supportive. I realize it probably is a blessing, but it just tics me off to feel that I have to do something just because EVERYBODY says I have to. Does anybody else feel this way? You all are so nice and I hope that I am not coming off as a completely crazy woman but this is for honesty and support ...right?


I'm quitting this time for myself! I've tried to do it before for my son, because everyone thinks you "should", etc...but now I'm just sick of waking up stuffy and coughing, and not being able to exercise. I'm just over it! I'm just doing it for me this time, I don't want to die of cancer! I hope you are able to quit without wanting to, I know I wouldn't be able to! Good luck, hang in there! Maybe after a couple weeks or so and your hair smells good, and you can run up the stairs, you'll like not smoking 🙂


Personally I like crazy women!!!  So is somebody forcing you to quit smoking?  Or, like me, are you trying to avoid all the positive reasons for quitting and rationalize why you should keep on smoking?  I think I have tried to rationalize just about everything and what did I find out?  It's all lies in my head.  So, vent, complain, bitch about things - but don't smoke,  I can almost guarantee that in time you will realize that you saved your own life.


I can't wait until I have forgotten how much I enjoyed having a smoke after work. Right now I don't know how to reward myself for a job well done. I'm going to quit....ya'll don't give up on me.  I'm just not liking it. OK?


Sandra I just went to the group that lets you yell and scream, it was fun they have 50 people in their group they must be doing something right. You can say anything you want there.


There is nothing wrong with you.  I still liked the smell of cigarettes for a long time.  Now it smells discusting to me.  I can relate to your anger.  I hate change.  Quitting is a major lifestyle change.  Take that anger you have for the government and let it push you into determination.  You'll be surprised at how much your defects are really assets.


Sandra, congratulations on becoming an ex-smoker!!  I understand your anger - In some ways I felt some of your anger as well.  But of course I quit for me, for my own health and wanting to be free from the old ball and chain and drudgery!!  I know it can be hard some days - but it will get better!!  I smoked for at least 37 years!!  I am 65 days free from smoking - I still have some moments - but you can do this Sandra!!!!

One day at a time - Stay strong!!


Thanks so much ya'll. I appreciate all the encouragement.  I have smoked for 37 years and enjoyed it. Tomorrow is another day (9) and hopefully one of many many to come...smoke free. Thanks guys you've been a big help.


Hallelujiah and Amen tell it like we all want to tell sister.