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I'm having a crisis

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OMG!!! My dog almost died this morning.  She choked while she was eating and rolled over dead.  I picked her up and turned her upside down and hit her, I dislodged a piece of chicken.  She spit it up, then she was okay.  Well that was traumatic, but it was only the beginning.

I got to work and found out that our payroll miscalculated overtime pay on everyone.  It gave them like triple time and one-half.  My job is payroll.  I didn't catch it before checks went out, and now my boss is very angry with me.  Now we have to recoup the money, and one employee said she was going to quit.  The stress is unbelievable.  I was sitting here crying at my desk and thinking I wanted to go get a cigarette really bad.  But instead I came here, (even though I should be working on this crisis) because this is the worst thing that has happened since I started my quit and I really don't want to cave.  So I thought I would come here and get some support.  I have to go, but I will log in in a little while to see what everyone says. 

Say a little prayer for me.


Take a few deep breaths and regroup. Prayers are on their way.


 You poor thing. I've been having bad days at work too.  It will all work out.  I'm sening you an e-hug!  Bets of luck.


Oh, I glad your dog story had a happy ending.  Hang in there - it will all work out


I am so sorry to hear that. SO happy your dog is okay though. The payroll will all get straightened out and all will be okay. I know right now it doesn't feel that way, BUT it will. If you cave in and smoke you will only regret it later. Prove to yourself that you can handle the stress smoke free. Ask yourself...will smoking fix the payroll? TGIF... after today you can relax over the weekend.


I'm with Maggie   DEEP BREATHS!!  It WILL pass and smoking  WILL NOT fix the problem.  Buckle yourself in, do not get angry, and ride it out.    This is one of those "tests" that come from God Know Where??     I don't think anyone is going to smack you or anything..


OMG Vicky! Hang in there girl! Remember it's Friday, so you have the weekend to destress. I am so glad that you're dog is okay. That happened to my brother's dog one time. It was a treat they gave him, and the vet just said don't give him them anymore and don't leave food in his bowl unattended during the day.

Try to think happy thoughts and smile even if you don't feel like it. 🙂 Mistakes happen, that's why they put erasers on pencils 😛

Congrats for making it this far, and whatever you do, remember, that stuff would have still happened even if you still smoked. Smoking won't improve it or make it go away. You just have to learn to cope differently, and it is a process.

Best Wishes my Friend!




 hi vicky prays are on there way,glad ur dog is ok. but as for ur job well, that will work out, u do have a stressful job but dont cave in, all jobs are stressful and if u do u will regret it later on. deep breathing and face the problem head on. ur gona fix the problem and then ur gona be so glad and very proud that u made  the best out of the worst . let me no how u made out. I have a sister who does what u do, we worked together for 3 yrs. i seen her stress levels reach the sky,but i also seen her work threw it all. so iam sendin u my best.


I'm glad things worked out with your dog.  Sorry about your work issues they will work out, your doing good not caving in 🙂


Aww Vicki...TGIF!   Hang in there.   We all make mistakes, and at least you didn't make the mistake of lighting up.   You held firm and came here.  I know that had to take a lot of strength.     Do something nice for yourself this weekend.  You certainly deserve it.


I'm so sorry about your bad day!!! Remember no one is perfect!!! We all make mistakes and your boss should understand that. It will be ok!!! Deep breaths and remeber that smoking won't fix a single thing 🙂  (HUGS!)


Hang in there Vick. Glad to hear your doggie is okay. As far as work, just remember that you can't walk on water. Others here are right, smoking won't change anything and this to will pass (I know it doesn't seem that way right now). Don't feel quilty about coming here. You would be taking time away from your work issues if you went outside to smoke too. Keep thinking about your best friend waiting for you to get home and how happy she will be to see you!.


Breath.  Breath.  Calming thoughts.  I know it will be hard for the company to recoup but they can do this is it simple math.  If employees won't willingly give it back they can take it from the next paycheck.  I know you feel horrible, but these people know they have been overpaid and they shouldn't be acting like this and making you feel bad.  Anyway, hang in there.  You will make it thru today.  You did good by coming to here and blogging instead of smoking.  You are working your quit and you are doing GREAT.  That is the most important thing right now.  We will not smoke today! 🙂


You've got a couple of "first " off your first year 'first'  list of triggers. Sorry things went bad.


The worst of the crisis has passed.  Everyone has calmed down, including me and my boss who does not tolerate mistakes.  I was nearly hysterical when I made that post.  But Toby is right, I would have taken a break and gone outside and smoked a cigarette, maybe even 2 in a row. So I did take a break from the drama, just not to smoke, I came here and posted.  Even while I was posting I could feel myself calming down. Now, just an hour later I feel back in control.  I really, really understand now what everyone means when they say protect your quit. I knew my quit was in danger and I came here and everyone is so wonderful and supportive.  Thank You All from the very bottom of my heart.   


Oh NO Vicky!!!! I'm so glad your doggie is okay thanks to quick thinking on your part!!!! Way to go!!! And I am sorry about the payroll snaffu! If misery loves company, I am having a horrible day with the awful "acting" director at work. I'm on break drinking coffee and trying not to cry.

(((BIG HUGS)))


You did good all around!


I'm so glad that your dog is okay and that you've calmed down - and everyone else too!  W2G for not caving into the nicoDEMON... Just think...a few more hours to go and it's TIME FOR THE WEEKEND!!!  YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH :-}

Hope you have a wonderful smoke free weekend... keep up the great QUIT! 


Im so srry to hear that Vicky.....but look, U MADE IT THROUGH WITHOUT THE CIGARETTES!!!! Going thru crisis without cigarettes takes some practice as im noticing.....but u did it and u must feel very proud! Im sooo srry your Friday has been so bad ..that was my yesterday!!! U did the right thing..u came here instead of going outside! Im glad to hear your doggy is ok now.....Keep up the great work sweetie and continue your journey...that was just a big pump in the road...but u got through it..there will be more pumps along your way so now u know u can get through them as a NON SMOKER!!! : )


Well...I just went and got a Snickers Bar.  So far I have not used food as a substitute, but today I thought if I can't have a cigarette then I'm going to have chocolate and I don't care how fat I get.  Now of course after I have eaten it, I feel guilty about that too. But not too guilty, just guilty enough to come here and confess.


Well now it Friday afternoon, the crisis has calmed,  you have a Snickers  Bar and your sense of humor back.  Isn't lilfe grand if we just hang on a little while..  Have a great smoke free weekend   George


Don't feel guilty about the Snickers! So glad that things calmed down at work - and that your dog is okay!


Vicky, I'm glad your dog is better and you survived your work situation.  Hang in there, why to save your quit, glad you decided to blog instead of smoking.  Have a wonderful weekend, be kind to yourself.


I'm glad to hear your dog made it. Even happier that you faced an emotional day and walked away with out a cigarette. As far as the snickers goes, plan on taking a nice stroll this weekend to get some fresh air and walk away the treat!! easier to compensate for a candy bar right!! Hope you have a relaxing weekend. bj


Way da go Hero!, You saved your dog's life and your life today.  BIG PAT ON THE BACK!  Feel the relief when the crisis is over, much sweeter when there is no nicotine to squash it down.


Great job protecting your quit Vicky!  So happy your dog is alright and the crisis at work has settled down.  You should be very proud of the way you handled everything. Prayers never go unanswered. 🙂