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Share your quitting journey

I'm effing doing this.

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Hi All! My name is Jeff and I just wanted to introduce myself and state that I'm here to end this for good. I "quit" smoking nearly 5 years ago after smoking for 15.  About 2 years ago I had "just one" while drinking with some peers. Welp, as this probably not a surprise to any of you here... I'm now back to a pack a day and I want... I need to be done with it forever. My Quit Date is two weeks from tomorrow and I am bound and determined to make it the last quit date I ever set.

Fool me once... 

I would love to hear any advice you guys have to quitting - and more importantly - staying quit.    


10 Comentarios

Never take another puff.


My page may be of help to you. It lays out the process in a timeline form based on what I've watched the past 8+ years.If you click on my cat, he will take you there.


Yes! This is my final quit, too! I quit for 5 months and started again due to a situation with smoking peers. I have learned from this experience along with countless others! We're both smarter and better equipped this time around-let's do this!

Come her everyday and read read read. Write whenever you want but most importantly make a promise that if you are so badly tempted that you are close to smoking you will come here and write "help!" And wait 5 to 10 minutes for people to reply your chances of getting through are much greater. People will respond.

Welcome to our community!


The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there. You should also do the tracking and separation exercises suggested on this site


After you have completed the recommended reading, it will be time to make an informed choice of the quit aid, if any, you will use. If you go that route, I personally recommend the aids that don't let the addict control the dose such as the available prescription drugs or the patch. But – any method that you think will work well for you will be best for you.


Stay close to us here and ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way!




Hi Jeff I am a fairly new quitter , what is called a newbie  'round here ! I have been tobacco free for 48 days now and this site has helped me so much ! Take the advice that you need and leave the rest .  N.O.P.E. means " Not one puff ever " a slogan you will see her a lot !

Be sure to keep on blogging so everyone gets to know you and you can get the help you need . it is your quit and up to you but all the support here is unbelievable and it has kept me more accountable just knowing how much these Ex'ers care about each others  quits .


I also highly recommend reading the Allen Carr book for which Nancy gave you the link while you're preparing for this quit.  I smoked pretty heavily for over 50 years and thought I loved smoking, up until I read that book.  I read it on Day 1 and 2 of my quit and I haven't looked back.  I'm 87 days into it but certain I will not smoke again.  Why?  Because Allen Carr helped me to really understand that quitting smoking is giving up NOTHING,  Every other quit I tried I felt deprived and envied the people who "got to" smoke.  But now I grasp that they don't get to smoke, they have to smoke.  This is an addiction.

This is a wonderful, supportive, non-judgmental, caring community, and I urge you to come here often.  Read the blogs, comment on the blogs, write your own blogs.  I made a commitment when I came here that I would blog every day in my first 30 days, and here it is Day 87 and I'm still blogging every day. 

There is also a lot of good information at  You can't educate yourself too much about this addiction and the denial it has kept us in for so long.  In my opinion a successful, happy quit is based on education, attitude (mind set) determination and support.

You can do this and we  can help.


You got a lot of  great information above!!

Love this site. I am on 620 Days Smoke Free because of this site.

Best wishes for a great quit and Welcome



Thank you guys so much!

A friend of mine wrote a song with the hook

"Support was the key to his survival" 

Seems fitting. 




This is where you want to be, if you want this to be your real and final quit!

Welcome good luck and give a yell if you need help, I know I did when I first got here.