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Share your quitting journey

I'm desperate

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I smoked for 8 years, I've quit for 10 and back now for 5 years. I've read this site and looks like nothing make sense for me, especialy reaplacement terapy - tried as well - maybe wrong, fail. I've tried almost everyday in the last 5 years to get out of it. 

Now I do not smoke much, 1 - 3 times a day, but like 3 at once or one cigar. But I'm like glued to it, can't pass the day without having it.

Read Allen Carr, makes a lot of sense, but did not worked for me,

Hipnosis, worked for 50 day, then back.....

I'm like hopeless...




Welcome Felix! I guess my first question is, how did you quit for 10? What made you start up again? What you smoke now isn't much. Looks to me like this is mostly a mental addiction. You can't make that separation, mentally.  Read Dales page and make a committment and stick with it no matter what happens.



You aren't hopeless! Hopeless is giving up quitting and you haven't done THAT!   Seems to me you are trying to find something to quit FOR you.  There is no magic bullet or a pill you can take.  I wish there were.

Allen Carr is meant to educate you on what goes on in your body and mind when you quit.  It is not a be-all, end all for your quit. 

You simply need to decide that you will not smoke again NO MATTER WHAT.  Until you make up your mind to that, no amount of NRT's or education will work.  It would also be helpful for you to understand what made you smoke the times you didn't make it and make a plan for what you will do differently  next time.

Planning and preparation for your final quit are real important.  Read all you can, do the tracking and separation exercises suggested on this site. Have your list of reasons for quitting in writing and a list of distraction activities and keep both handy.   Set a date and DO it.

We here have all been where you are, and many here tried and failed many times before they were successful.    Remember - "If you think you can or think you can't; you are right" - Henry Ford



Welcome Felix! My name is Katie, and if I can quit, so can you! I recently (4months ago) found out I had cancer. After this site pinned me down and made me give a quit date, I really didn't think I would actually quit on that day, but I did! I even surprised myself. It's been 136 days and counting. You can do this! It's all in your mind! You have to prepare yourself mentally by reading all the wonderful articles on this website that will prepare you for that day. This website works! It worked for me.....


Welcome Felix! My name is Katie, and if I can quit, so can you! I recently (4months ago) found out I had cancer. After this site pinned me down and made me give a quit date, I really didn't think I would actually quit on that day, but I did! I even surprised myself. It's been 136 days and counting. You can do this! It's all in your mind! You have to prepare yourself mentally by reading all the wonderful articles on this website that will prepare you for that day. This website works! It worked for me.....


Stop making excuses.

Settle down

Stop believing the lies you tell yourself

Don't make it harder than it is.


Hi Felix,

I smoked from the age of 15 to 30. Stopped. Picked it up again at age 47, and now am almost 3 months into my quit at the age of 54.

If you're smoking 1 to 3 times a day, you can stop.

You'll stop when you want to. The bottom line for me was personal comittment. Even when one uses replacement therapy, thats a step towards stopping. It is up to debate what they benefits are, and I'm not advocating one method over an other.

Just stop. For you...stop smoking today and every day after this. I did, and you will too.



Welcome, Felix -- Doesn't the fact that you are so desperate to quit, that you want to quit so badly, tell you something?  Your addicted brain has set up a hurdle that you are trying to get over, and until you realize that you give that voice power by yielding to it, you're going to be puzzled as to why you "can't" quit.  You can.  You have the same voice in your head that we all have -- telling you all the reasons that you will suffer if you don't smoke, telling you that you NEED to smoke to be okay, telling you that you CAN'T quit.  Those are lies.  Those are the threatening words of your addiction.  Your addiction is both physical to nicotine and mental to the whole experience of smoking.  I smoked for 53 years and was as psychologically enmeshed in smoking as anyone I've ever met.  The Allen Carr book didn't make me stop smoking, but it helped me to understand a couple of important things that are critical to my quit.  1.  We are NOT deprived of anything when we stop smoking.  We are attaining freedom from being ruled by an addiction that is trying to kill us.  2.  The addicted brain tells lies and actively works to romance you back to using. 

I honestly believe that we all have the ability to quit.  It hinges on recognizing that all the reasons you feel desperate and hopeless stem from that lying voice in your brain.  It isn't more powerful than you are.  You just need to recognize that, stay calm, and be willing to quit.  We're here to help. 


I did and so can you! You just have to decide and educate yourself. I had to want something more and it took me a longtime to get there but I did and it has now been over 800 days ( I smoked for 20 years) and I hardly ever think about it. You can do it!


Hopeless, Desperate, (I felt weak, puny, powerless) You've quit before and you will quit again. You know what to expect and you know how to do it. 

Smoking only a few cigarettes a day leads me to believe you have amazing willpower so lets get started.

Step 1 Get rid of these lies: Hopeless, Desperate, (I felt weak, puny, powerless)

Step 2 Set a quit date.

Step 3 Visit this site every day and read some blogs even if you do not have time to write any. If you do have time to write then do so We need to hear from you to help you through the hard parts.

You can do this.


You've quit cold turkey but have you ever quit Smart Turkey?

The advice you are receiving is Smart Turkey. So let's talk turkey, brother!

Smoking socially is in some ways harder to quit than chimney smoking because it's easier to convince yourself that "It's not all that bad!'"


Do you know how to recognize a Nico-lie from the TRUTH?

Nico-lies have one goal - your next Sickerette!

That's it!

If your Addictive Brain can get you to your next FIX then it can get you to your next, next FIX and so on....

Stop believing the Lies!

Even smoking one sickerette is enough to give you a heart atttack, stroke, or emphysema. Just one sickerette changes your DNA forever! JUST ONE!

Do the reading on this site and re-educate yourself about Nicotine Addiction and Recovery. We'll show you the way but you have to/get to decide your way forward.

The TRUTH will set you FREE!


Oh My!   If you quit for 10 years .... well, you can quit.  You CAN pass a day without nicotine ..... you make the decision to not pass the day without it... you have a choice... what I hear you saying is that you choose not to quit.

Take a good look at yourself... face the facts... if you really WANT to quit... YOU CAN.  Make a decision... not excuses and hop on board.  Take control .. don't let it control you!