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Share your quitting journey

I'm bummed

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For years I have wanted to write.  I would love to have something published and I enjoy writing as you've all probably surmised.  Yesterday I got an email from the college my son is now attending that they have an online course available for a Beginning Writing Workshop.  I would LOVE to take it but after much thought as to what I need to do vs. what I want to do, the need to do's far overshadowed the want to do's.  I need to work on getting my 25 y.o. son with Asperger's some training or something to be able to get a job and learn how to live life more independently.  He did not graduate high school and two attempts at adult education failed miserably.  He doesn't want to get a GED right now either.  I'm still working with DSS to get his medicaid to continue.  He can't access the two resources to help him without it.  Due to my knee there are soooo many things around the house that have been neglected over the years and I have yet to start digging my way out.  So yes, I'm bummed.  I will just have to practice what few writing skills I have and use y'all as guinea pigs until they offer the course at some point in the future!  Sorry in advance for any crappy publication I may submit to you 


74 Days Of FREEDOM


We're not here to judge, Julie, we're here to support! That doesn't stop with Smoking Cessation because Quitting Smoking is a process not an event and Becoming includes the whole self! Write away! Many of us do here! Your day will come! There are much simpler ways to publish these days via Internet also. I'm not published (believe me!) but my guess is that maybe some of us are and can give you suggestions about how to get your work out there. It's great to have a passion to focus on instead of Addiction!


I always enjoy your writings!  I wish you didn't have so much going on in life so that you could go with it!  

I'll remain your guinea pig faithfully as will many others, I'm sure!


Hi Julie......I read your very-well-stated-post ( You can write for sure) It made me think immediately "ALL things in due time"....and for a reason we don't always understand at a given point in time. Then I saw you are 74 days QUIT! I SO want to be there. I just started my quit....7 days no smoking, two days smoking....started again with ONE day so far clear of it. LIFE is such a journey. You have so much, you give much too, I can see. Write anyway!! I like to write. In fact, have been thinking of starting a blog. You can do this!  Why not?? Maybe a blog on helping a soul, in this case, your son, with navigating in an Aspberger's world. So  many would be interested. Then a blog later on on "getting to your own place". Possibilities for blogs are ENDLESS, and I imagine very therapeutic to write. I'm thinking on this....let's share ideas.



Welcome Linda and glad you didn't get so frustrated after your oops that you gave up.  Now THERE's Another Day Won, not Another Day One (courtesy of the ex community)!!  One of my rambling ideas for writing is about the adventure of being a bipolar mom raising a ASD son because we didn't know he had an IDD (intellectual developmental disorder) until he was 13!  It was not fun let me tell you but a it was a lesson I think God wanted me to learn and possibly pass on to someone else.  Then again it could all just be pink elephants on parade...


I LOVE Linda's idea for a contribution to the Aspberger's literature.  I am sure there are tons of people you could help - and use your writing skills at the same time.  Something to look into, at least!

Perhaps you could journal, for now, if you don't have the time to invest.



Hi Julie, I think we all have things we would like to do, but life imposes the things we have to do first, then the evening comes and you are left with 2 choices: do I stay the night to finally do what I want to do (of course if it does not have the potential to keep everyone else awake, like playing drums), or do I go to sleep to get the energy to do what I need to do tomorrow!  I think it is very important for us to make time for what we want to do, even if it is in little chunks of time every day.  We need to replenish our spiritual source, despite the many demands life has on us. Maybe like lindalivesfree‌ suggested, you should start blogging.  There are no rules on how much you need to write in one day, not even if you need to write every day.  I hope you will soon find an outlet for your creative side to express itself!


Sounds like you find yourself in a big pot of life stew. The good stuff mingles in with the bad, compounding each ingredient into a unique flavor that is ours alone. You can be bummed and Keep Writing. You can assist your son and KEEP WRITING. Personally, I'll never notice if your house is neat unless you decide to write about it.  

You don't have a few writing skills. You write. That's what writers do. The more you write, the more your skill. Maybe you can audit a class online, or join a writers' group. Julie - just do it  I am very happy to tell you that you have great writing skills already. We don't need to have Virginia Woolf's "room of one's own" to be our creative selves. Just scrunch that pile of magazines out of the way and go to it, Woman!



I understand what it is like to have a young adult child with special needs.  My daughter is 23 and is diagnosed with Autism.  It has been a challenge, but thank G-d she is healthy.  I have dealt with the paperwork involved with DSS and SS.  What a nightmare.  I know that it is overwhelming, but I would like to share with you something someone said to me in a parent support group many years ago.  You need to take care of you or you won't be able to take care of anyone or anything.  Being a little selfish is actually being selfless.  If the writing course will help you to see sunlight and possibilities than that will help you to tackle other things like navigating the resources for your son, going through your house to uncluttered and clean, and most of all...feel good.  Not smoking is wonderful, but you need to live to live.  All the best.  I understand and would love to read your published work in the future.



Thinking of you and saying prayers. Don't let go of your dream for school or give up writing. Some of the most amazing writers-poets....have zero education in that area. Your gifted.


Thank you.   Gifted? probably not.  No one's ever called me that.  Crazy, yes, gifted no.  I'll take it though!


I think you definitely are have a lot to offer to others, Julie.  I am not sure what kind of writing you hoped to do but there certainly is a HUGE need for support for parents of young adults with special needs.  Did you want to write fiction?  I think you have a great deal to offer.


About the Author
I had smoked 35 years. I consider myself 'certifiably crazy' (jokingly) and anyone that knows me can attest to that : ) I am a certified Reiki practioner, I love heavy metal music even though I'm over 50; animals of all kinds and will rescue and rehab (if possible) any beastie I come across; I love raising ducks; riding horses; embroidery, and of course sarcasm. I am looking forward to the rest of my life as a non-smoker.