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I'm STILL HERE.............

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I'm still here fellow members..... 

Last week was filled with a ceiling and wall repair from water damage. Then 3 rooms were painted.

Our living room,entry and bathroom. (I hired this part of the work done) I had to remove and pack everything

to prevent breakage. I do not have 1 room in the main floor of my house in tack!

Most of the bathroom is back together with the exception of the pictures for the wall. The entry is back

together,except the wall trim. Which hubby has to put back with screws, after I clean the boards up.

Today, I am working on oiling all my solid oak furniture in the living room. My Dad built it all, as a hobby after 

he retired from the military and post office. This was before he lost his eye sight and was blind. My china hutch,

end tables and entertainment center are very special to me. I was very distressed that the dryness this past

winter caused some cracking on my furniture. Also have to do the same thing to our dining table and chairs

that belonged to my husband's grandparents. It was built in 1910 and is also solid oak.

A little overwhelmed with all I have to do, for our 3 rooms that were painted to be back together. I also have to wash and dry all my china,crystal and other glassware before it can be put away. The boxes with those things are sitting all over the house.

HERE is what has happened since I last posted........

The current stretch is a ROUGH ONE, as it is the place, where in past quits, I crashed and burnt. Still No Energy!

Sleeping Fine, but doesn't matter how much sleep I have, I am Exhausted All the Time! It's a kick myself to even move!

The boils were treated with antibiotics and went away. I suffered with terrible headaches from the medicine and only

managed 5 days of the 7.  Had my annual bloodwork done, but I haven't received the report yet. I requested a referral

to a Cardiologist, as my Blood Pressure still isn't where it should be. The earliest appt. they could give me is June 14th.

In the meantime, my health care person, changed my BP meds. (So,I don't know if the renewed fatigue is the med or something else?) When I see the Heart & Lung guy, they are doing chest x-rays. (Last ones were in 2014 before a surgery). Since Feb. 1st., I've gained 5 lbs. and I am not Happy! I worked for 4 mos. to get rid of the back fat and tone

stretch and strengthen my whole body! I don't have enough energy to do the work and exercise too! I also now

have the partial, but have made 2 trips back to capitol city for adjustments. Still having trouble with using it. 

I have windows and blinds to wash. Snow finally left,it was 82 yesterday with a 30 mph wind and gusts of 40 mph,dirt flying. Couldn't enjoy the warmer temperatures. All the high wind is drying everything out... Only thing coming up

is tulips and irises. Trees are not leafed out. Only scattered green shoots in the yard. The yard is plastered with leaves,sticks and branches to clean up.(The whole Mess is Dragging Me Down and Depressing Me!!!!!) Yesterday, 

Nic-o-Demon was pushing MY BUTTONS!!! I could have smoked a WHOLE PACK, if there had been any here. Saved once again by the 10 miles to town!!! I won't drive in high winds!!!!!! Seen too many autos flipped over, through the years.

I know, I haven't been online ...... much for a couple weeks. By the time, supper is prepared and the 2 of us,clean up the kitchen...I am just SHOT! I just want total Quiet! So, I am behind on many things,as I'm done after supper........

84 Days Of Freedom.....Sometimes,I Feel Like I am Hanging by a Thread! Then at Times,I am Positive I am Free Forever!!!!!   Prairie


You have been a busy bee!  Congrats on 84 days!


Gosh - you do have a lot going on - hopefully you are not faced with a deadline to get it all completed.  I'll bet your oak furniture is beautiful!  I love oak!  We had a late spring here also but it seems like the leaves on the trees just appeared almost overnight. I am sure your trees will be full of leaves before long.  Don't stress yourself out - you are doing great - try taking a little break from your chores to do something special for yourself - you deserve it!


PRAIRIEROSELADY‌ YIKES lady, you have been a MACHINE!  I am really impressed.  My husband has complained LOUDLY of the fatigue from the blood pressure meds and his is still not under control either.  He is doing rehab three times a week but very reluctantly.  Don't worry about those five lbs with the amount of work you have been doing, for heaven's sake, they are probably pure muscle. I only get weighed when I go to the doctor because my weight fluctuates all the time but my pants still fit.  Stop worrying...summer will come and weight will melt away.




Hang in there Prairie!  Those 80's and 90's were a huge rough patch for me too.  I had to go back to tools in my quit kit I hadn't used in weeks, like cut straws, hard candy, my sinao mantra, etc.  Felt like I was starting my quit all over again.  I hated going thru that, but once I did, it was the best I had felt in my entire quit! 


Is there a reason ALL of this is weighing you down.  Perhaps tackle the thing most important to you first - like maybe getting the house back in order?  Do all of the china and dishes HAVE to be washed before putting away?  Can that wait for a bit, maybe?  THEN work on oiling the furniture.   THEN worry about the yard.  Work on one thing, do it to the best of your ability and only then move onto the next.  Trying to do everything all at once is just too much to face.  I bet the change in BP medication is causing the exhaustion - and perhaps as your body adjusts to it, it will let up.  If not - accept that you can only do so much. 

Remember the serenity prayer? Work to accept those things you cannot change!  Your world is not going to bend to your will, no matter how hard you try!

You are quitting smoking ---- and that is a HUGE deal!  Even if it's all you do today, that is enough!



Sounds Overwhelming.

One thing at a time.



So glad to hear from you, Prairie Rose...just take it one task at a'll be so pretty and clean and fresh when you're done.!!! Congrats on your days of freedom...((((HUGS)))))) Bonnie


 on 84 Days soon

to be 100 into the triple digit club


It's so good to hear from you! I'm always amazed by your energy, but I can appreciate SEEMING to be energetic while struggling with fatigue. Congratulations on maintaining that wonderful quit of yours! -- Dawn


Couldn't do much the 3 long days of painting...except cook for us and c;lean that up......


Actually do have a deadline... As I have to go to Indiana and stay with my Mom,all of August and part of September. So my sister and hubby can have a vacation. September and early August bring more outside work..... to have stuff ready for winter. I leave here early November to winter in Texas. Hubby, our Polar King stays here and holds down the fort! I can't cope with the chronic pain amphified by the bitter cold.


It's not muscle!!!!!  The BACK FAT is back from the sweets,candy,etc..... the 1st. stretch of the Quit! Appetite is Normal Now! 

The amount of daily exercise is not up to snuff! I can't afford to gain anymore weight. I refuse to buy bigger clothes........I can't carry any extra weight,as it only makes my chronic pain level worse! 

Blood work  and other test reports arrived today in the mail. Most were good! I was Really upset over the chlorestrol numbers!!!!!

Total number was up....Good chlorestrol was even higher than last time (114) Triglycerides were improved alot too! The Bad chlorestrol 

was up 20 pts. at (188) Everyone is trying to push statin drugs on me!!!! I WILL NOT GO THERE!!!!!!!!! My Mom and sister had severe joint and muscular pain on them!!!! I am so medication sensitive,have enough muscle and joint pain to live with EVERYDAY!!!! I haven't had 1 pain free day since age 20......I eat healthy,I exercise most of the time(having some issues with that right now)I get enough sleep,I pace myself.......I avoid all the stress I can.........

I personally think,the QUIT messed with the Bad chlorestrol number, due to the baked sweets, candy and crunchy attacks ....Early in the QUIT!!!!!!!! Those cravings have really backed down and are not in the EAT EVERYTHING MODE!!!!!!! I understand the continued improvement in the other numbers. When by myself,I live on stir fry veggies,salads,fruits, raw veggie and cheese plates,etc....Whole grains....Alot of items,my husband won't eat.......I don't have the energy to fix 2 seperate meals every night.

The proteins, I eat then are: nuts,cheese,eggs,chicken,turkey,salmon,tuna,unbreaded shrimp....

I do a beef steak and a pork chop once a month.

I am not big on snack foods,except nuts and chips made from root veggies and sweet potatoes.We made our living raising beef! So while here I do eat more beef. We eat chicken,turkey,several kinds of fish,pork,shrimp and other seafoods. I NEVER FRY FOOD! 


I EAT A BETTER VARIETY OF FOODS THAN 98 % OF THE PEOPLE. I LOVE MY VEGGIES!!!!!ALL KINDS AND FRESHLY STEAMED OR STIR FRY....It was a same to retire my veggie garden at the end of 2016...I just couldn't do it anymore. Couldn't find anyone who would help with it and share the produce. Always enough for the whole county.........


Glad you posted! At times,I'd agree,it feels like your quit in the beginning! I am using all my tools.... Except not getting to the site daily now. My arthritric hands at night are killing me.  Helps to know other had this surprise them too...........Hanging Tough !!!!


I have a system for how things are done....I don't like to put my cart in front of the horse......

I spent alot of time oiling and hydrating the furniture. Won't put dirty china and crystal back inside a cleaned piece of furniture.

Takes too long to unpack those things and repack them in newspaper and boxes. I only have so much tolerance for how long things can be out of order, before I go into they are driving me crazy mode!  I have 6 chairs left to do, the grandmother clock and my kitchen cabinets. Those jobs are slow going,so I can try to not drop and break anything....


Can be, mostly when you just feel pooped out! Sleep and doing nothing are not Helpful!!!!!!!!!!

I've spent my whole life always busy doing something..........Extended sitting doesn't do my chronic pain any good at all. 

I do best when I just keep moving!!!!!!!!


thanks.... slowly it will fall into place. Know I can't finish this week........

Granddaughter's 1st. Prom.........We are to be there for Grand March and family pictures.

Saturday evening......


Believe ME, Miss Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I count every single day on the calendar with my grandkids pics on each month.........


Crazy for it to take hours to motivate enough to dig into these big projects!!!!!!!!!!

I never had to do that, when I pulled my Energy from Caffiene,Nic-o-tine and Sugar when 

needing an extra boost to make it through..........This is a WHOLE NEW WORLD FOR ME! 



I don't think my adult body knows, where my bodies normal, even is????????????????????????????????????

Thanks fellow Quitters for letting me share and vent............I feel better!!!! Hubby quit the chewing tobacco, the last time,a good 20+ yrs. ago...........He doesn't remember any of this stuff,I am having...Except he ate Sugar, none stop!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm also missing seeing other senior citizen's and the fur babies everyday!!!!!!! I do miss the senior community.

Most of them are in their home states right now too..........Only about 3 dz. live there year round.


Good morning my BELOVED sister.....5-1-2018 ......your NON SMOKER life is filled with love peace and joy at being so busy with tons of adventures daily and love between you and hubby and beautiful memories of people places and generational family love too.....oh prairie rose lady what a wonderful life filled with love and people and Gods blessings through it all your a good example to ME handling all ONE breathe at a time and attitude of gratitude at the end of the day to be still in love with yourself my beloved prairie rose lady to still be true to you and REMAIN NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF.....NOT ONE PUFF EVER....May God bless you double for teaching ME by your example.....NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER.....I love love love you prairie rose lady for your love courage experiences endurance tenacity integrity faith kindness hope joy and NON SMOKER peace.....doing the best you can with life on life's terms CONGRATS on living nicotine FREE no matter what and sharing that GREAT NEWS with ME.....IF YOU CAN DO IT SO CAN I......thank you so much and please keep coming BACK.  


Ah...stir fry, I LOVE it.  You would love the food at the cafe, it is all vegetarian and most can be vegan if requested, some already IS.  I do NOT know how to get rid of back fat...seriously, my scoliosis is so bad that I have a lopsided muffin top and no matter how thin I get,  it is still there.  I work out regularly and eat fairly well but I do like my sweets and I allow them in reasonable amounts.  I know that gaining weight makes pain worse, I am with you on that, I can TELL if I have gained five lbs because my pain is MUCH worse (and my pants don't fit well).  I am very familiar with chronic pain...I have no memory of being pain free although I am sure it happened because I used to smile a lot more.  

My hands got really bad early in my quit and even now sometimes....the arthritis keeps marching on.  BTW, my husband and ALL of his siblings are on statins...he had a hard time adjusting at first but his cholesterol is amazing now.  If only his blood pressure would come down and stay down.

Feel better. Love,



With this journey some days it just is "one day at a time" and then some days we skip lightly down the path.  I hope you get more skipping in soon!


You are doing it too! I so love and enjoy your inspiring posts. Hange in there! Prairie 86 DOF


Well, the oak blinds and grandmother clock have now been rehydrated with lemon oil....Also managed to beat my scatter rugs out,vac carpets,scatter rugs and the 5 vinyl floors. The bed made,bathroom,dishes,made iced tea and supper. We cleaned the mess up together.......Tomorrow,I plan to start washing/drying stuff to put back into china hutch. Also have a ton of paperwork,I need to get started on..... If,I can squeeze it in,run to town to the store.....I have to report either in person or phone this weeks BP numbers. They told me,can take 2 wks or better to have full benefit of the new med.  ONWARD AND UPWARD!!!! 86 DAYS OF FREEDOM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!

About the Author
Retired ranching and farming. Married, two grown children and two grandchildren. Love dogs. Love hot sunny weather. Hate being cooped up inside. Chronic pain person.