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Share your quitting journey

I'm Just Me

0 6 24

~~Live your life as if you were given a second chance.~~  Unknown


I feel like I've been given the second chance at life.  Like all the stress, unhappiness, and regrets of the past have been healed, forgiven, and put to rest.  A weight lifted off my shoulders.   And in the most remarkable way, my fears simply gone.

I used to be afraid of failing....failing my quit, failing my family, failing in life.  The fear stopped me from even trying so many things.  Sad, I know, but true.  Add to that piling stress on.  Stress that comes from being a single mom, from being the only breadwinner of the family....silly stress that now means absolutely nothing.

Because now I know to focus on what's truly important.  My family is important.  My health is important.  Living life to the fullest is important.  Dancing, singing, creating, helping people find their smiles.....all very important to me.

It's only when I let go of what others thought I should be doing...or feeling....or thinking....that I began to think and do and feel for myself.  And it's only when I let go of the fears....the fear of failing....the fear of letting others down....the fear of not being good enough....that I began being successful.  Because it's how I feel about myself that's important.  And I feel good about being just me.

I don't get stressed much anymore.  When I do, I remember what's important in life and the stress eases.  I don't get unhappy and I don't feel fear much anymore.  When I do, I remember what's important in life and I feel good again.

I'm just me.  Sometimes silly, sometimes with my head in the clouds, but always grateful, always content, and always remembering that I have only one life to live.  So I am going to make it count.

I wish for all of you the same sense of peace, the same sense of joy, and the same second chance at life.  Always remember to make it count 🙂


6 Comentarios

Well "Just Me" is a very special person. I'm so glad you've found your inner peace. Congratulations,Sheri!


You aren't "just me" - you are someone very special.  With a special message for people like me.  Thank you for a wonderful post.  I wish us all here at EX a second chance at life!


Thanks Sheri! I'm struggle with fear way too much! Something I am working on. I think I still have PTSD from my 18 year marriage.


Thank you for this post, I relate so much to your words. Because I have discovered a person inside my body that seems so much more....calm, loving, happy, caring with the ability to think through if this, then that, then what and just be ok with whatever happens because I have discovered I don't have to be responsible for everything and everyone else. Only me. 🙂


Sheri Thank you so much.  I have cried while reading your post as it speaks so well to me.  I tend to think I've gone "so far" accomplishing something that I am free of Fear, but today I was starting to be imobilized by fear.  NML and wondering which fearful thing to tackle first

when in truth I AM ENOUGH just the way I am and you reminded me and I am grateful and please keep posting and thank you for being my friend!


Sheri, What a wonderful blog, what an amazing way to remind all of us that we do not have to allow all of the negatives into our lives.  We do not have to pick up the stress or the fear...we can go forward, one day at a time and before we know it, we have made progress that we never thought was possible.  We are so much stronger without nicotine pulling us down, we are finally becoming the people we are supposed to be...the people who were crippled by addiction.  Your blog was so filled with joy that it spilled over to anyone who read it!

Thank you, hugs, Ellen