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I'm Guessing Sarah Is Not Going To Participate On The New Platform

1 29 383

I don't blame her.

There's No Permanent Landing Place For Them.

Thank You Sarah For Your Work These Past Few Years.

And I would ask you new quitters, how many quits have you lost in those first 4 1/2 months?



You mean the Wednesday NML blogs?  I thought they were simply weekly blogs?  But looking at her profile and checking the blogs, I only see one there.  So what happened to all the others?  I don't see them anywhere in her content.

Are you not going to post those incredibly wise and helpful blogs any more SarahP‌?  Say it isn't so.


They have not been posted since we moved.

I don't think I'm going to continue the Friday no drinking blogs, either.  I just don't feel like it anymore---not sure why.


People heading into or in the midst of difficult times during those 4 1/2 months won't have a Wednesday reminder.


Nancy YoungAtHeart

I  sincerely hope you will reconsider! Your Friday reminders are timely and very, very important! Don't look at the comments - look at the number of views! YOU make a difference!


JonesCarpeDiem‌ If Sarah no longer wants to post these weekly blogs, then perhaps you could find someone else to do it or post them yourself.  Very good information there for people going thru NML.  

YoungAtHeart‌  People do read and take your warnings seriously.  Just because there are few comments does not mean that you aren't reaching people.

They have made it so mush easier to read all new material by clicking on one place - and that is real progress in my opinion.


They are very helpful, Nancy, and new people come every day.  I sure hope you will keep posting each Friday.  I read each and every one of them.


Ditto what Thomas said.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yeah it appears her last one was on January 18th /blogs/SarahP-blog/2017/01/18/no-mans-land-weekly-blog-celebrate-nml 

She lives not too far from me... Perhaps I need to drive over and visit her  SarahP

EX Community Manager


I don't get it she can still blog everyone is catching on to how the site works. Maybe Sarah"s NML blog and Nancy's YoungAtHeart blog should be Posted like the Freedom Train is in Celebrations where it would be easier  to find for the newbies along with Dale's JonesCarpeDiem on NML or  a special page for the early quitters...... just ideas to throw around .


It could be that SarahP  is busy with work and hasn't been able to do the NML blogs......I am going to hope that and that she will soon be back! Also - YoungAtHeart  - Please keep doing the Friday blogs about drinking - SO very important! 


Send Sarah messages of how important we think the blogs were. I guess sometimes, everybody does need to know things are appreciated and missed. SarahP‌ And, maybe Sarah is tired of doing this and saw the transition as a way to transition out. We all know that everyone likes a break now and then. Can't know until we I'll be messaging her.

Nancy-----I think you just have the "sprained ankle/winter" blues-----lucky you, you can "wash" them all away in VA BEACH very soon!!!! C'mon------your Friday reminders are important! How about placing them in the Cafe......lots of action there and a good reminders for people going from coffee to????

I think the transition is going very's just about a month right? All change is difficult......but it can also be fun. I like looking in all the different places to find posts. I never "counted" comments on any of my posts on the old I don't here either. I post to say something I want to say....blogs, comments or conversations. I read the answers but I don't count them. Don't care if one person or none answers......I said what I wanted to. Now I do feel that we need to make sure every newbie gets a BIG comment turnout.....they need the support. I would have been crushed when I first joined if no one had responded. But I think we are doing ok on that end too....making sure the newbies have a lot of responses. So, in my mind, all is falling into place well. 

Stay Strong.


I didn't write this to make her feel bad or even question her.

She has a right to her life.

I've always felt if we got people off smoking and back to life, we'd done our part.

That includes everyone here. Life has to be our focal point as non smokers.



I think you might be right ---- I so hate winter ---- and hate being inactive MORE (if that's possible).  We have had tons of days this year suitable for long walks along the river, and not being able to take advantage is doing a number on me, for sure.

I will look around and see if I can discover the REAL me somewhere and get her back here.

Thanks for your insight!



I was wondering where she was at. I was on her page last week and saw that she hadn't made it to the new platform. If anybody hears anything, let us know.


I hope she is ok I don't like it when ppl just  "disappear" off the site because then  I think maybe something happened to them like illness or an accident . I wish ppl would drop a line here and there or say goodbye 


Hi Dale-----Never meant to say you wrote that to make Sarah feel bad......actually, thought it was very nice that you noticed the missing NML blogs and wrote about it! Just wanted to say, we can't know what Sarah is thinking unless we ask. If we get no response.......that's ok too. She can't know we are missing her if we don't say so. You said so and that was nice.


Bonnie----It's nice of you to care! I like to think if I disappeared people would at least wonder!! I don't know why Sarah is not doing her NML blog but I do happen to know she is OK---no accident, no worries.


Nancy----I really feel for you. You had such a long hard fight back last time and now this....not life threatening...but annoyingly frustrating! You'll be back to your feisty self really soon. Look at it this way ..............tonight, it was still light outside at 5:55PM!!!! We are getting through this Winter. Do so hope you feel better soon. I, too, hate to be inactive (makes me very cranky!)


Hello! Now first let me remind you that this comment is coming from one that is not the sharpest pencil in the can! LOL! But here it goes, sarahp  seeing how I relapsed and all I need those weekly NML blogs, not to make you feel bad but I read them every week I did even when I had the big quit and I gave the link to many others and have been told how very helpful your blog was to them! and Nancy Youngatheart.7.4.12  please dig deep and find her quick! We need you! You help many with your weekly blog, please keep doing it!

I have had a terrible time with the monthly pledge blog and the promises and the Thursday train day! I have gone toe to toe with Mark‌ (lol) but trust me it's been tough and he has had to give a lot of special instruction and sometimes I still don't "get it" or I forget and he has to go all back through it with me! It's been a real PIA,  but I keep trying because many EXers have asked me too!

EX is worth every minute of the struggle so, please if you post daily, weekly, monthly reminders about anything or something do not discontinue! We need you! Together we are making our quits stick! Thanks!  ~Terrie~

and just so you know there was no permanent landing for the daily promises, but in March there will be! Hang in there everybody!


Has anyone tried contacting her thru Facebook?


I don't want to bother her.

Maybe this platform change was her opportunity to leave.


Thanks to those who are missing me. Dale, you know how to reach me. 

I haven't figured out the new site yet. Never meant to leave anyone high and dry. Things are rocky on the job front and my attention has been focused inward lately. 

I can start the NML blog again as soon as I figure things out. I would be even happier to pass the torch, however. I've always felt that's how this site should work -- we periodically hand things forward to the next generation of quitters. 

If anyone is interested in taking over the weekly NML blog, send me a message. I can send you all the text, and you can make it your own. If you think your quit is too new, think again. I started the NML weekly blog when I was in NML myself, and it really helped me through. 

The new site is EXciting and I promise to spend some more time here and get it figured out. 



Hi Sara Thanks for all you have done For Ex You sure helped me get through NML ! This site is very different and at first I was overwhelmed but I am already feeling more at home again and liking many of the new changes . 


I'm glad to see you.  I didn't want you to feel pressure.

Nancy and I were talking one day and she said, ""I haven't seen the NML blogs since we moved."

Your focus is correct. if you need any support we are here for you.

I figured out a way to go to your content and pull up all the NML Blogs and Giulia put the link to all of them in the Best of Ex.

Much Love

Come here when you can or need support.


It's wonderful to see you SarahP , I hope things will get better on the job front soon so you can figure out this new format and be around more often because you are missed.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Great to see you back on here SarahP‌  Sorry to hear that the job front has been rocky.  

There are numerous posts on here with tips various people have collected as they find their way around here.  We also have posted some help documents in‌ and also a Getting Started Guide which is available via the home page near the top.

If you can't search and find your question and an answer, post a new question in‌ and I'll respond.



Hi, Sarah!


Good to see you, Sarah, sorry things have been rough at work, you are missed.  Hope you can figure it out soon.


Glad you haven't flown the coop.  If you need any help getting around the place, you know where I am.  

About the Author
Hello, My name is Dale. I was quit 18 months before joining this site and had participated on another site during that time. I learned a lot there and brought it with me. I joined this site the first week of August 2008. I didn't pressure myself to quit. HOW I QUIT I didn't count, I didn't deny myself to get started. When I considered quitting (at a friends request to influence his brother to quit), I simply told myself to wait a little longer. No denial, nothing painful. After 4 weeks I was down to 5 cigarettes from a pack a day. The strength came from proving to myself, I didn't need to smoke because I normally would have smoked. Simple yes? I bought the patch. I forgot to put one on on the 4th day. I needed it the next day but the following week I forgot two days in a row I put one in my wallet with a promise to myself that I would slap it on and wait an hour rather than smoke. It rode in my wallet my first year.There's nothing keeping any of you from doing this. It doesn't cost a dime. This is about unlearning something you've done for a long time. The nicotine isn't the hard part. Disconnecting from the psychological pull, the memories and connected emotions is. :-) Time is the healer.