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Share your quitting journey

I know this sounds crazy but hear me out....

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...Can you be a non-smoker that still smokes occasionally? What are your thoughts on this? I know 2 kinds of people that I would classify as non-smokers. The ones who have completely and entirely cut the habit and then there are those who don't smoke on a regular basis, never buy cigarettes, can go for months without one but at the same time they will endulge themselves with a smoke every now and then on certain occasions.

    One of my friends is like this and his argument to me, which actually makes sense, is that he doesn't want to feel the pressure of "Oh my God this is going to be my LAST cigarette....EVER". He's made a decision to cut his smoking habit almost entirely and he lives a healthy active life yet he doesn't beat himself up when he occasionaly smokes a cigarette at a party with a group of friends or something. I think there is some wisdom to be had here, although I am very well aware of the slippery slope that can occur as a result of this. What are your thoughts and experiences with this?


I am a addict I could never do the once in awhile thing and frankly I really don't think knowing what I know now that I would want to. my reason for quitting was for my health why would I want to still damage myself even if only occasionally. Some people say they can do that but I truly don't think someone whom is addicted can..just my thoughts..deb


Pure and simple that ONE Cigarette changes your DNA and leads to Cancer! Sound like a good idea? I don't think so! 


If you could smoke ONE cigarette at a party twice a year----I would almost agree that this is OK.  I do not believe this is possible for 99.9% of smokers. I KNOW it is not possible for me. One cigarette would lead to two and then three and then all of us on this site know the rest of THAT story.

I do not think it is possible for those of us who are addicted and have smoked regularly to "become" those people. If, for some reason, you never got addicted---maybe there are a few people whose brains just "don't" attach to the nicotine---maybe then that theory would work. BUT---for those addicted---there is no going to a once in awhile smoker.

Just my opinion......


Bad idea. Your friend still smokes. One is all it takes. There is no wisdom in smoking, period.


I have that not my last cigarette ever way of thinking without the actual cigarettes...I just tell myself it's not for ever I can always go and buy a pack if I ever REALLY wanted to so it's not forever and that gets me through....just thinking that way helps me.  It would be nice to be able to do what your friend does...but....we know for most of us it won't work otherwise we all wouldn't have smoked 8-80 a day  everyday right?  Stay strong--don't bargain with your quit or life for that matter!


I know people like that and every time I 've blown a quit it's because I told myself I was one of them. Lie, lie, lie. And isn't the point of quitting smoking that you don't smoke?


I know someone who is exactly like that. Only smoked if he went to a bar or at some sort of function where there was lots of people smoking. Can not believe how he could do that. He has lung cancer and fighting for his life. Could it be the cigarettes or something else, I don't know? I do know that even a little occasionally is bad for your health. Would you sip at a vile of poision once in awhile if you liked the taste of it? Not trying to be rude or a smart ass, but I think thats pretty much how I look at cigarettes now. Like sipping at a poision that works it's way into the cells of your body and slowly kills you. I know morbid.. Maybe a little dramatic, but true non the less! Please don't consider this as an option. That guy, the one fighting for his life is my best friends son. He was one of the ones that never thought it would happen to him, esp. since he didn't smoke that often. Not worth the risk!


Thanks for the input guys. I agree that every time I've failed at quitting it's never been a sudden process where I go from 0 cigarettes a day back to 10 again instantly. I've tried to do the....well maybe just one, then I do it again the following week. Then I maybe 3 or 4 the week after that...then I just start buying a pack again but I'd leave it at home or at my desk at work...then before I know it I'm back to smoking 10 a day again. I too don't know how he does it. I don't want to try and fool myself into thinking this will work for me when it clearly hasn't but I wanted to know if any of you are like this. Apparently not too many people are.

    I'll be honest, I haven't even started my quit date yet....I still have 6 weeks to go but I feel uneasy about that "This is my last cigarette" thought. I feel like I'm going to turn my last cigarette into a highly built up ceremonial gesture that I will miss rather than a final stand of defiance against the very thing which has controlled my life for the last 8 years.


Try not to look at it as the lst cigareete of my life and start think of it the first day of living my life healthy. Also if you haven't quit yet, keep reserching and preparing yourself for it. I am using the patch and I am honestly doing good. I still have urges and mini hissy fits, but I feel excited about it too. This site is great and really does help. Heres to you making a healthy choice soon!! 🙂



so you want to be your friend.

You don't need us for that.

Why don't you practice being a casual smoker and match your friend smoke for smoke and see if you are your friend?

We don't support what you purport


I tell myself im never allowed to smoke again,its forbidden, im done, and i dont even care or it never crosses my mind. I know it doesnt work out to have just one cause its never enough and i could care less and dont see it as indulge but as kiliing me and my heart and lungs. Its poison and i dont miss it one bit and havent form the get gotta be ready


i once had a friend the only time she smoke is when we went out drinking, i can not be a some time smoking because i have a addiction, 


Yea, you know the answer, it is no as much as it would be nice sometimes if that were true!  Smoking is smoking and it kills.




The best part of my quit was the prep work ahead of time which convinced me that I wasn't giving up anything of importance. I didn't want to quit and be one of those folks who is still "missing it" years from now! Forget about it! Wouldn't that be terrrible! So, if you aren't missing anything - you won't long to do it!


Why would a person want to smoke cigarettes off and on? They taste nasty!


Can you be a murderer who only murders occasionally? Can you be gay occassionally?


If I want to kill myself, there are cheaper and easier ways


Okay I get the point. LOL. Thanks guys and I'm sorry if this post seemed insensitive to those who actually are in the quitting process and are having craves at the moment. I'm sure this blog didn't help them at all. I'm just trying my best to prepare myself not to hit the same pot holes  I did last time I went down this road. Thanks for your advice exes. If you can do it so can I.


I always felt 'those' smokers smoked some when we weren't looking.


lol james


I was afraid to say I couldn't EVER smoke again in the beginning also. So I told myself, for several weeks, "I can smoke if I want. I CHOOSE not to right now." That helped alot and now I'm at 5 1/2 months and never want to smoke.:)
