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I know one thing: NO SMOKING FOR ME

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Lori blogged yesterday about not feeling her best, even though she should have been out of NML and feeling better and better every day.  

I replied with saying that yesterday was a very confusing day for me, I had started several blogs, and ended up deleting them, as well as responses to other blogs.  I am still in NML, so if confusing feelings/behaviour are to be expected, I am right there...

Many craving assaulted me yesterday, I did lots of moving around, cold water and unfortunately sweets.

Just to wake up this morning to a fasting blood sugar of 143.  And that, with treatment.  So obiviously, diet is the most important thing I can do for now, but that is easier said than done.  

And the next 19 days I'll be away from dieting on vacation...especially that Romanians are much like Italians, if you step in their home you have to eat something otherwise they are not happy! If you are on the streets, the little cafes also make pastries, and they smell heavenly. Do you think I'll be able to resist???

Anyways, we are getting ready for the big travel, went grocery shopping early and as I was approaching the entrance, there IT was, a still smoking butt of cigarette... 

Do you think I was tempted, OF COURSE  I was, but I walked by, inhaled a bit of what was floating in the air above the ashtray, and entered the store.

Stressed or not, gaining weight or not, dieting or not, I know one thing is getting all my attention: NO SMOKING FOR ME!