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I know I am going to get sh*t for this, but....

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I went to the doctor today. She really thinks Chantix is my best bet. She has upped my anti-depressants while I am on it. I was nervous about even posting this because I know a lot of people have negative feelings about Chantix. At the same time, both my boyfriend and my best friend used it to quit....I am going to start taking it on 11/17. That way, my quit date will be the 24th--a date that is significant--as my sobriety birthday is 1/24/08. I know that may seem silly, but sometimes those kind of anniversaries mean a lot to me...anyway, we will see....


I think it's great that you know what could potentially work for you and I also respect that you have taken such a pride in being sober for as long as you have....I hope that everything works out for you and congrats on your accomplishments so far.


I am also using Chantix. It worked very well for me once before. It's not that you even make a conscious decision to not smoke most of the time while using it - you just forgot to smoke! The same thing is happening this time, too. The only reason I didn't quit the first time I used it is because my boyfriend at the time refused to refrain from smoking around me at all and that was all the excuse I needed to start up smoking again.

One tip: Once you have been using it for a week, find something to do to keep yourself occupied - some sort of hobby working with your hands or a fun project to plan and implement. I find my highest periods of smoking are when I have nothing special to do and I'm bored.

I also asked my pharmacist what he has observed as the most successful method he has seen for quitting and he said Chantix so... Best of luck to you!


Hello, Chanix did not work for me. I smoked right through two full prescriptions. I was smoking two packs a day and I had smoked for 44 years. I had a girlfriend who had great success with it. It is what you make it i guess. I have been quit 10 months and 12 days now. It hasn't been all that easy but it has been so worth it. You will be a happier and more confident person when you quit.   Once you quit, remember the mantra N.O.P.E. Not one puff ever! Don't let the cigarette tease you into thinking one won't hurt because it will undermind your whole quit. I wish all the luck in the world.


Who cares what ANYONE thinks. This is YOUR quit and do whatever it takes to quit, try all avenues regardless what people say, because at the end of the day, they are not the one supporting your cigarette habit. Do whatever it takes, some things work well with some people and other things dont work at all for other people. Just be careful, and if you notice any changes that are negative, talk to your doctor right away. You should be fine.


I agree with Christy.  Whatever works, just do it. 


Good luck!!! Do whatever works for you and don't let anyone bring you down because of it.


Bird, just remember that everyone's quit is different.  I think you are on the road to success.  Stick to what works for you.


Chantix was a God sent for me and my husband it is wonderful 


Join the Chantix ex group we have a great group there if everyone made it over  and when the group gets working right.


Hi!  I also quit using Chantix and I am now over 9 months quit!  It really helped me and I think that it shouldn't matter what you use as long as you quit!  Congratulations in making this first step.  🙂


Hi!  Chantix worked for me when I used it as well.  I quit for 6 months.  It really helped me. The only side effect I had was nausea, but that was better than smoking.   May use it again this time.  Use whatever works for you.  Good luck!


Chantix made me VERY sick, both times that I used it.. quit for 10 months with it the first time, and 2 months the second time... wonderful for some... but just not for me... it's not a matter of luck, it a matter of educating yourself on the addiction.

Stick around here on this site, the support here is the best, and it’s what has helped to keep me smoke free.

I don’t think I could have made it this long without the support here.. You are on your way to a better life.

This is doable, and YOU can do it!!!!!

Sandee - Free and Healing for One Year, Six Months, Thirteen Days, 15 Hours and 12 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 39 Days and 1 Hour, by avoiding the use of 11253 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $3,743.00.


Chantix had some negative aspects... stomach, dreams, bad I used it only for 6 weeks....

that was over a year ago and have not smoked one cig....

so overall... very positive!!!!

GOOD LOCK you can do it


hey girl, i used Chantix for 32 days, i have been quit for 500 days. it is what you make of it, nothing is easy, but so worth it. good luck, you can do it


Thank you so much, you guys---your support is overwhelming! This site as well as talking to friends has really helped me "own" this quit. I thought I was doing it just for my boyfriend. But the Chantix and this support group gives me hope that I could ACTUALLY do this. Wow, what a concept! Thank you so so much.