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I knew it...

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I only made it through about 15 hours (counting sleep time last night) before I caved. 

Some things that I think are the cause:

I am not willing to continue the self-talk through the really hard urges.  I have to get to that point, now.

I didn't structure things before my quit date; I have Chantix but didn't take it right, I even have patches but didn't use them.  I had gum ready (one of my co-workers even put a quit goodie-bag in my mailbox at work!), toothpicks, cleaned out my car, etc.

I told all of my friends and family, had it all set and they were being soooo supportive on FB...and now I feel as though I let them down.

The fiance' was just ugly about my slip...said "yeah, you didn't stick to your word".  Ugh.

I printed off the e-book, to read tonight.

Someone please help me figure this out...I would like to start again tomorrow, but is it too soon?  Do I really need to do the prep work first????

I love the support here...was a much harder first day than I thought.  Will take all kind and even not-so-kind words!  😞



It6's nice to take a month and learn when you smoke and practice not smoking and figure out what  drove to to desire

each smoke. In that way you learn about your habit before you quit.

But, quitting smoking is about learning to live without smoking, simple as that.

I think anyone who grasps that concept could be ready.

So are you ready?


Sounds like you set yourself up to fail.  "I knew it" doesn't sound like you committed.  You can buy all the bells and whistles but bottom line is you need more will power not more gadgets to help you quit.  Read and learn more about the addiction.  Educate yourself and ask questions.  I like the fact that you reach out.    Take it one minute at a time if necessary.  I went cold turkey.  Tomorrow will mark my 50th day smoke free.   


Chantix, patches and gum? Not a good idea. Too many aids, to much nicotine. You are focusing on the external. You are concentrating on quitting aids and non smoking books, you should focus more internally. The only thing that is going to make you stop smoking is you. Focus on your state of mind. Fifteen hours, are you kidding? Time to get serious. This is not a game, it takes effort to succeed.


Anita when you are taking chantix patches will do no good at all. Chantix blocks nicotine from entering the brain by blocking the receptors. So don't waste your money on patches. Stay with the Chantix and start over ASAP. Mindset is 95% of your quit. program your mind to I'm not going to smoke no matter what. Then don't smoke. If you really believe you can do this and don't start romancing the cigs and thinking you have to have one you will do whatever it takes to quit. Look at cigs for what they really are, A killer.  Stop making them into something you have to do to get through a day. They are killing you more each and everyday you smoke. Its not easy and it can really suck sometimes but in the end the freedom you gain is worth doing whatever it takes to quit no matter how hard it is.  Millions of people do it each year so you can do it also. So fight with all you have and lets get this thing going.


Don't be so hard on yourself....When your ready, you'll quit. Just don't quit the quit...


umm, anita, do i know you ?


oh, i am sorry, i am from southington ct, not thinking how would you know


You need to have faith in yourself and don't look at this as a pain.  It is very rewarding when you make it through the first day and really rewarding when you make it through that first week.  But, the important thing to really remember is take one hour at a time and time will fly by. 

You need to READ the book before you start again.  I know the book really help me through some rough times.  I think I even read it totally through twice and then reread parts of it again.  Please don't give up!!  You can do it!!


Are you really ready to quit? Quitting is just that, quitting! No smoking, not a puff. Please educate yourself on this addiction, it's a serious one. All the bad things you ever heard about it is true.

I would suggest doing the reading and taking the Chantix according to your doctor's directions.

Take the Chantix like the directions say.  I tried to quit cold turkey and my nerves felt like they were jumping out of my skin.  I did Chantix and I have been smokefree for 2 1/2 yrs. now.


you can also join a quit line. 1800quitnow it helps when u are about to cave in.


There's no "too soon" to quit.....we each know ourselves. some here worked the whole program---tracking, goodie bag, NRT or chantix etc.

I don't do well with planning...had I planned to quit 18 months ago---I would STILL be "in the planning stage." I decided to do it and did it---then hung on for dear life and by the skin  of my teeth sometimes---but hung on through the craves, mood swings etc. Honestly----it is not as bad as you are thinking it is going to be.

But you have to decide that you will be quitting. Put them down, don't pick them up again.

Just remember---it is never too soon to quit but sometimes it does end up being too late.


Like Sootie says, you make a decision and you do it!!!  It really is that simple!!  The more you complicate it the less chance you will succeed, the more aids you use, the greater chance that you will cave and say that "they" didn't work.  This isn't about this or that, him or they.....this is about YOU!!!  What is it you REALLY want and what are you willing to go through to get it????  

You need to make a DECISION and then let nothing sway you from standing firm in that decision!!!  The craves will pass.....  We've all been where you are, and we are where you SAY you want to be.....FREE!!!  

Is tomorrow too soon?  Why wait til tomorrow???


This is your quit. Do it YOUR way.

Talk to your doctor; I had a horrible awful time with Chantix; currently I am using the lozenges with some benzo-type pills to help me work through the evenings (when things have settled down and I can't keep doing physical activity to get it out - I mean, 3 hours at the gym is enough for my poor bone-spurred knee:)).

Just keep doing your best. If you slipped, just start over again. It's like you're in a fight and sometimes you get knocked down. Sure, a mindset of "I'm gonna win this doggone fight" will help, and sure, sticking to your guns is the key, but don't get too mad at yourself and just KEEP TRYING.

It is hard. A lot of people on here will spout all sorts of ways that helped them quit or ways that they feel are the best way to quit, but your quit is your journey and your process.  Don't let people's comments on here make you feel bad (that's happened to me) because message boards often make people feel they can say anything they'd like and not realize how the text reads versus what they meant; you can do this, you really really can!

Keep at it. If you buy a pack and smoke one, throw the pack away. The next day if you want one, think about the $5-7 you spent yesterday and wasted. Take a walk past out-door diners and smell their smoke, but keep walking it out. Read the book as you quit and before you quit. It is an addiction, sure, but you can beat it!

One day at a time, one craving at a time. Slow and steady wins the race, or so the tortoise told the hare:)


Hey Anita!

I'm a Quitter by using Chantix!  I'm on day 158!!  PLEASE take the chantix as prescribed....let the chantix build up in your system before you set your quit date.  I did mine according to the directions.  Eight days after starting the chantix, I threw away my leftover cigarettes, ashtrays, etc and never looked back.....AND I read Allen Carr's had a HUGE influence on me and my quit.  But the one thing that REALLY helped me was my DETERMINATION to quit!   I didn't try to quit....I decided to quit and that was that!!!!!!

This is what worked for what you have to do to make this your FOREVER quit!!!!!   Please let us know.....we want to help!
