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I just had to tell you this but.....

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I had stopped at a convenience store for a break while traveling.  While I was there the idea to have a cigarette came to my mind. Looking up I could see them on  the top rack they looked inviting.   There was no tug of war, at this point I just wanted to smoke it did not matter.  I think I was curious about how it would affect me. At the time I wasn't quite sure. Anyway,  I bought a pack, my brand. So I slowly opened the pack and took out a cigarette, lit and smoked it. I thought it would blow my head off but I did not choke, I did not cough, it felt kind of good, the smoke going down my throat to my head.  The feel of the drag, the satisfaction, relief.

Okay, now that was over I stomped the butt out, and said to myself, I can go right back to not smoking.  I wonder why the clerk let me buy a pack of cigarettes. I am not starting over, this one mistake is not going to count.  She should have stopped me. I guess my guilt snapped in and I tore the pack up and put it in the trash.  Everything may not be in the exact order because this was a dream. (got cha!) Walked out of the store and then I woke up....

Thank God it was only a dream.  So everthing may not be in the exact order. What was confirmed in the dream, it is easier to smoke if you don't have your guard up. You can easily make an excuse to smoke.  All it takes is one puff and you are back to smokling. Don't give in to your foolish whims, stand firm in your quit.  I hope everyone finished reading this before posting. Have a smoke free day.  I am 101 days, or is that lol.


As I'm reading this I'm thinking...."It's only a dream, it's only a dream"     I guess it was more like a prayer....

Glad it was a dream......and I think the smokemares are about teaching us learned from yours.

As wouldn't take much to smoke if we've let our guard down.    We've seen it happen.


Stay strong and congrats on 101 days!!!!



Ah... 'twas just a Dream Puff, Jackie.

And a very suspenseful telling of your story! I wonder how many other exers were holding their breath as they read your tale getting ready to smack you with the N.O.P.E. swatter.

Congratulations on your Day One Oh One.


You didn't get me!!!! i figured it out from the beginning! Truth be told, it could be a reality if we don't watch our backs. You thank God it was only a dream and learn from it.


I think of dreams as a kick in the butt. They let us know what is going on in our minds and, if we pay attention to them, can learn from them. Congrasts on 101 DOF!


ugh i'm still a newbie and keep falling for those stories.  🙂


You didn't get me either!! I knew it was a smokemare!!! You got this quit for sure.


OMG i have to laugh, suprised so many new it was a dream.


Hehe...I was like...oh no....and then it was a dream!  I have had dreams where I woke up and asked myself if that really DID happen!  Congrats on 101 Days!  🙂


I know I must always be on guard.

Congrats on 101 and if it hadn't been a dream I would be on my way to swat you.  Love you and HUGS my friend.


Well, I dang sure was hoping that is was a dream!  You are doing great!  Keep up the good work!


I knew that it was a dream too because this is your forever quit N.O.P.E and N.E.F plus you are heading into 102 precious DOF and counting so I know you don't want to screw that up. Congrats on your beautiful quit so keep on rocking it. 



Way to go - keep protecting your quit the way you do! Congrats on 101 days! 


I think we've all had those dreams, and I figured as I was reading that this was another one.  Interesting that you made a conscious decision in your dream to smoke -- the two or three I've had always involve my lighting up without thinking about it, like I totally forgot that I quit and I was having one of those mindless cigarettes I used to have.  I would be completely surprised to realize that I was smoking.

So congratulations on your wonderful 101 days, and if you're like me the joy is in waking up from one of those dreams and realizing that my quit is intact!!


You "got me" for sure.  After our dear friend who relapsed after 4 years on here, I believe anything is now possible.  Unfortunately.  But fortunately is was just a dream for you and not the true nightmare that our friend  must be going through. 

Never let it go.


Glad it was a dream, those dreams can seem so real.

About the Author
Lay aside every weight that may be slowing you down. Make up your mind not to allow doubt cause you to stumble. You can do this! Do not allow fear , False Expectations Appearing Real to hold you down. You can do this! Break the chains of addiction, forgive yourself for ever smoking. move forward and start loving yourself more each day by staying smokefree. Put aside worry, anxiety, depression, any EXcuse that you would use to not get in or stay in the race of freedom. Take one day at a time, one step if necessary. Run the race diligently, steady and sure with endurance. Believe that you can. Keep your eye on the prize. Hang tough, stay close, be mindful, never give in, never give up.