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Share your quitting journey

I just can't let go of that last drag off my husbands cigg

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I quit on oct. 4 for the most part but not really.  I have not had a whole cig since oct. 3.  I just have a couple of drags a day off a cigg.  I can't seem to get past those last 3 or 4 drags.  I can go all day at work and not smoke and I can get up in the morning and not smoke, but in the afternoon I have to have that drag or so I think.  I can't do the patch or the gum as I had a bad reaction.  I am an emotional wreak and can't think at all and feel as though I am loosing my mind.  I just want to quit!!! Why is that so hard???  Anyways maybe coming on this site and typing it out instead of smoking that drag will get me past it.  Here's hoping!!  Thank you all for being here!!!


9 Comentarios

As Terry said (redtogo) education if the key to success. Also a positive attitude goes a long way. offers a very positive approach to quitting that many here have found very useful. Best wishes to you.  You CAN do this!

Maggie (80 very happy smoke free days)


Terry has given you perfect advice! The more you learn - the better. I really liked  I think you are torturing yourself with this few puffs here and there! You are probably keeping the addiction going and going......that may be where the emotional stuff is coming from. You asked - "Why is that so hard???" This may sound like I don't "get it" - but, it really doesn't have to be as hard as you think. I quit after 40 years and I "thought" it was going to be hard. However, by getting educated first - I found out - it really wasn't that hard at all! Keep coming here...... You are so close!


yes you want to quit or smoke..........both ways is torture..........i suggest telling him not to smoke around you and for you to not ask him. otherwise you will keep yourself smoking. your making it harder by not making up your mind.....decide  and it will be simple


Those few puffs are keeping you in protracted withdrawal!  Won't be long you'll be smoking full time again.  Is that what you want?  Now is the time to make you decision and stick to it.  Getting educated will help you understand what you're doing to yourself with those few puffs.


also suck on your favorite candy, suckers mints gum......stick something good in your mouth and let the rest go. i loved cinnamon candy and suckers,,,,,,,so helps the crave pass..........popsiciles and fudge bars.......whatever you do dont gotta try


Honestly, Quiting smoking would be easier on your mind than having a few puffs a day. That is why you are emotional. You are giving your brain just enough drug to feed the addiction, but no matter how much we give it, it is never enough. I can tell you it is so freeing to let go of cigarettes. You can do this. You are going all day now.


We advocate "Not One Puff Ever" because even One Puff can wreck your quit! I can't imagine how hard you are making this on yourself by that puff or two a day! I can tell you that it doesn't work and straight out quitting at this point will bring you RELIEF! 


Freedom is wonderful.  Educate yourself, have faith in yourself and YOU can do this.  Like Kathy mentioned Do not feed your addiction.


Not to sound harsh or negative, but you didn't quit on Oct 4th. You just quit smoking your own cigarettes. Time to be honest with yourself, do you really want to quit? If the answer is yes then you have to make the conscious decision to not allow yourself to take a drag off someone else's smokes. If you are truly not able to, then you are not really at the point of being ready to quit. No shame in that, but let's call a spade a spade. Making excuses is keeping you from success. 

As everyone else has said, educate yourself and prepare to go completely smoke free. There is no half way on this. You're either in or out.