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Share your quitting journey

I hope you all write your goodbye letter to cigarettes and post it here, heres mine

2 24 605

Dear Cigarettes.

I have used you as a crutch for all kinds of emotional reasons over the years. Now I realize how deadly & how much suffering I ‘ve done & will do if I continue thinking of you as my friend.

You want me to die early,14 to 17 years early,& suffocate doing it or have heart failure, stroke or other cancers.


Knowing the truth about you has opened my eyes. I am stronger,healthier & happier without you.I want all the good, full on love, this life has to offer and you want to take it all away.

GOODBYE,MY Family hates you too!

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LOVE IT!!  YEAH!!  Need to sign my name to the bottom also!!


well said.


Never Again,

Wendy Lopez


Dear Cigarettes,

You had a wicked hold on me for more years than I care to remember - but guess what?


We re ALL here to tell you to hit the road, Jack (I would love to see a PSA  for cigarettes similar to the one for Weed-B-Gone!)!

Never grace my lungs with toxic fumes again!  Never make my hair and breath stink, and never again shorten my life and leave my wallet bare.



Nasty Cigarettes,

No I won’t say dear! You are very deceptive. You get people to think that they need you. You play on their weakness and delusion that they love to smoke and have them believing that they can’t live without you. You are the worst kind of deceiver! You have caused the deaths of zillions of people, have broken their lives, and taken them from their loved ones, only to die painful, suffocating deaths.

You are despicable! I do not want to associate with you any longer or ever again. I want to see my grandchildren and not feel like I have to sneak away for a cigarette when I am playing with them. Sicko the sicko things that we do for our addiction, not just habit. I will not believe your garbage. I can live smoke free and my purse will be fuller and so will my self-esteem and confidence.

You oppress millions of people’s lives. Make everything dirty and cause scary things like fires. You are a cold blooded killer and I have more power than you do over my life. I claim that power and say NOPE to you!  Sneaky you prey on little children I was 13 when I started with you. My lungs are black and I do not want them to get any worse. Leave me alone and sit on a tack. Get your horrendous tentacles of deceit away from me. Go To ______!!!!!




dear cigarettes

you keeeeel me!

i keeeeel you!

buh bye

you doodoo


Nasty cigs,


I hate you and want nothing more to do with you




To cigarettes:

You lie.  You use.  You've used me to sucker others.

Never again.

Cigarettes- You made me feel special and eccentric because you were in my life. You convinced me and my brain that I couldn't live without you. You took precious time, money and energy away from my family. I'm leaving you today. I look forward to investing in my health and becoming a full person again.

Today is the last day I ever want to speak of you again or use you while you are using me. I am sick and tired of this quit, pick up, quit, pick up, etc... Your odor is maliciou8s, your hold is strong. I proclaim you dead to me because you were putting me to death slowly.

Yes, I have quit before and picked back up. This is my LAST quit date. I am through with you. You have had control of my life and wallet far too many years. You have no value. You take and don't give. You stink and don't care. You make me stink and I CARE!

I am leaving you for my own good, not yours. I am leaving you before you kill me. I don;'t want emphysema or any other COPD. I don't want cancer. I don't want radiation and chemotherapy. I want to live!

I want to live my life entirely. Not c ut short by anymore days of using you for a crutch when I'm  stressed, angry, anxious, or having hurt feelings. YOU ARE NO LIFELINE. You are the path to an early death.

You will NEVER control me again. MY time has come. Yours is history to me now.

Good good-bye. May your irritants never enter my body again. May my cilia and lungs immediately begin to heal. May they, in time, be as they were before I ever knew you.

You should be made illegal. Your factories shut down. Shuttered forever. May the world rejoice that you are gone.

Whew, didn't know I had that in me.

Good-bye for the last time.




At age ten you took the only person I trusted, My grandmother, she was a great lady and look what happened?!?!? You took her away from a little grandbaby who needed her the most because she had nobody else. You then got to me.... I stunk, I couldn't taste things, I couldn't smell as well, I couldn't run, swim, do anything I love to do without you....AND I CAN DO THOSE THINGS!!! 

You don't have a place in my life I have children who need me and a spouse who loves me. I might get anxiety more, stress like heck, and I might not relax like that anymore but THEY AND I DESERVE BETTER!!! I don't need you taking away my kids mamma or take me away from my kids. I love them and couldn't imagine life without them and I know they feel the same.... I can HAVE MORE FUN WITHOUT YOU!!!! You don't do anything good for anyone and I hate that you still exist but one day you won't in the world but the day you don't exist in my life is RIGHT NOW!!! THIS MOMENT and FOREVER!!!! I won't need you to hurt us anymore.... I HATE YOU AND NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!!!



Dear Cigarettes

    I am writing this letter to let you know that even though i have loved you for 15 plus years, today is the day i leave you.  I have relied on you for so long that I know it will be hard to live without you. But I have to ask Do you love me? I dont think so casue if you did love me the way I love you then you would not hurt me the way you do. My kids even hate you so that is another reason I must leave you. They have asked me many times to break up woth you because they dont think you care about me. So starting today we are over and I will never let you back into my kids or my life ever again. i admit that it will be hard to go on without you but I just cant do this anymore.  So from this day on IT IS OVER. GOODBYE I IHATE YOU NEVER CALL ME AGAIN.


Moving On

Bryan C

I feel like a battered women in a relationship with a man who beats me...I keep going back, thinking I can't live without you. I hate lie to me.i dont need you! You are stealing my peace, my freedom, my oxygen, my health, my confidence and relationships! I am building the strength and support to leave you! I will leave you!!!!

To Whom It May Concern (You Know Who You Are Dirty Cigarettes)


  You held a place in my life for over 30 years, only when my dear son was in vitro did I give you up momentarily but then we re-connected until 18 days ago. I waffled a day or two but then I left you for good. I don't want you in my life or the life of anyone decent because you are not decent. I really wouldn't wish you on my worst enemy because you are death. There are others like me who are getting stronger every day they decide that they too are done with you. I read my fellow bloggers letters and they were moving and most of all true, because it was there official notice to you to go away and never, ever darken their door or mine again. Good bye and no luck to you in destroying other lives!!

LOOK CIGARETTES I have remained a faithful friend to you all the while you were stealing my health my money and my precious time and life. I have lied for you I have hidden you I even isolated myself for you. I'm done this is a stupid,abusive relationship that I quit. I kick you out of my home and life. I never and I mean never want to have you in my life again. I hate you and your family. Do me a favor and die. Feel free to lose my number too


Here is a  link to my Dear John letter to cigarettes. it is longer than others. I wrote it before I found this site, for my own personal ....growth, personal....I don't know the word eludes me now. But here is my Dear John letter. lol. It reallly helped me to write it. 


What a great idea, mine to come soon



My son died of S.I.D.S. because I thought I couldn't let you go.  After he died, I tried quitting you several times, but even after losing the best thing that ever happened to me, I was seduced by your Delila-like ways. No matter how hard I fought you, I was trapped in this abusive relationship. I suffered for the 11 years since his death by not just physical and mental abuse as you told me how I couldn't live without you, but also the guilt for my son's death and guilt because despite how much I loved him and how much he ment to me.. even after his murder by your hands, I couldn't make you leave. I am going to be stronger than you this time. I want you gone. I want you to get the death penalty for what you took from me. This time, I will be free from you once and for all.


I'm so glad I've ridded myself of your seduction to not being able to have coffe with out you. Being places I could not smoke and craving you. Being embarrassed at 75 that I was the only one of my friends still smoking. Because I really didn't feel like paying full price so  taking calls from the oufit all the time that sells them on line. Wating for that order to come in to know I had enough of you. Now I've really had enough of you. Yes I don't want to use you again. My husband still is but I don't have to watch him. I go to the garage after hes smoked and there is a blue haze. I don't want to go near it. I have every reason to believe if I follow the people in thewe romms I will never use you again. CarolTurner


I have said see you later to you before but tonight it's goodbye! It has taken me a long time to realise that you are not my friend, you are my nemesis. 

you have taken away the two most important people in my life at the very start of their retirement and left me orphaned at the age of  34, you will not do the same to my children!! 

Tears are streaming as I write this but do not be deceived, they are not tears for you, they are tears because of you! You have taken away so much from me, my children and my family and from this day I will rejoice at your demise.

I am stronger than you and will succeed in never letting you into my life again.....EVER!!! 


Yo cigarettes and Nico demon, yes I'm talking to you!  You are No longer my idenity!  Take a hike!

Cricket, 142 DOF


Dear Cigarettes:

I’m saying good-bye to you tonight.  One last fling for old times’ sake and out you go for good.  As with any relationship that is toxic it has to end.  I use to think we were close because you never spoke back to me and I believed you gave me some comfort.  But you are like a bad penny; you keep showing up in my face.  Over the years you have been destroying me little by little. It’s time to open my eyes and see what you have done to me.  Here is a list of things that I hate about you.

  1. You make me stink
  2. You ruin my smile
  3. You steal my money
  4. You ruined my walls, my carpet, my car, among other things
  5. You have put holes in some of my clothes
  6. You have made me cough to the extreme and embarrass me.
  7. You endanger my health and well being
  8. You make me short of breath
  9. You make me walk away from family and friends at gatherings making me feel like an outcast
  10. You have killed people I know and made others very sick
  11. You make me set a bad example for my grandchildren

You have done nothing good for me. YOU ARE GONE!  Would I stay close to a friend that treated me this way?  No, so I’m telling you good-bye.  Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you on your way out.  I’m going to throw you to the curb like the trash that you are!  Stay out of my life and out of my face you big pile of dog crap.  Take your happy self to a cliff and jump!



Dear Cancer Stix,

Since I was 16 you have had a hold on me and kept me from doing the one and only thing I would have loved to do, become a police officer. You kept me from passing the running test in the allotted time and I always either failed or got so out of breath that people looked at me funny. Now that I am 54, I am not going to let you control me anymore. In 6 months from my quit day, I will try again and win! I will learn to walk instead of smoke you, I will learn to exercise, and I will learn to take deep clean breaths. I WILL attend the police academy and finally be able to live my dream. Go to h*ll Marlboro.

No love lost,



Dear tobacco and nicotine, 

You have taken over my life and I want my life back now. You’re toxic and unhealthy for me. You made me believe that with you I had friends, something to help with my anxiety but now I know you were just manipulating me. You lied to me you treat me like a puppet. I don’t want to die young and you do. I want my lungs back I want my life back and I am DONE with you. 


Welcome, @mikaylahowell12 !

GREAT good-bye letter!

Although I saw your response because I responded to this blog, I fear most in the community may not.  To remedy that, I recommend you write a blog to introduce yourself to the community (Ex Community-top left; then center blue box-"Post a Journal/Blog").  You might include your nicotine use history, what delivery system you are using, why you want to quit, your quit date if you have set one, and anything else about yourself you care to share.  You will reach a wider audience this way.

I look forward to seeing you there!
