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Share your quitting journey

I have became one....

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of those people who judge smokers...I didn't want to nor did I seek it out it has just came with the quit. My husband and I was out at a public function over the weekend and I saw a woman with a new baby  few weks old at the most, had the baby in the pouch on her belly liitle babys face about six inches from her mouth smoking. What the he-- was she thinking I just want to scream child abuser. Poor little baby all the smoke swirling around its little face. I told my husband we need to just move on. I was so angry I felt like crying. Then being the people watcher that I am I saw a elderly gentleman sitting on a bench with oxygen a lady sits down beside him to smoke, not one but two back to back!!!!!!!!!!What is wrong with people any more do they not have any common sense or what? I know even when I was at my smoking peak I never disrespected any one I always tried to go from the crowd to smoke. I think every state should do like west virgina they have started charging people who smoke in cars with children for endangering a childs welfare. I think they should maybe stretch that and start charging people who are just plain stupid and inconsiderate with their puffing. Ohio has a  smoking law but you can't hardly go any where without having to travel through a cloud to get into the store . The law says 25 feet from any entrance but it just doesn't seem to get inforced here I think they tried to pass the law without adding any help to inforce it. To bad for us nonsmokers who have to be constantly exposed to it. I am not telling them they have to quit but at least smoke in your own space please not mine or in my grandbabys space......Okay I am done just had to get that off my chest it was all very upsetting to me...Hugs to all my friends Deb


i have to say, i worked hard for my quit so now i want to be able to breathe fresh air wherever i go!


Remember my flea market story last weekend? I kind of understand what you are talking about. It may not be that you are judging anyone, but instead looking at the whole smoking scene so much differently now that you no longer do. I can relate to this. We may have come across the same situations at some point but may not have actually noticed to the degree that we do now. It would also make me mad to see a parent smoke right over a baby's head by the way.

Just my thoughts.

I also agree with molzep: I too am working hard for my quit. I want only fresh air in my lungs now!


I think your right Deb and I have watched as my sister in law sat with her 2 year old standing between her legs and the cig on her knee with the smoke going straight into that babies face and I marveled at the fact that the baby stood there as if it were nothing! I would have had such a coughing fit, if I were in that babies place. There will always be smokers that are as respectful as you and I tried to be and there will always be the other kind. 

But we have to fight for the smokers, not against them, as much as I want my fresh air now. I will walk through a cloud of smoke to get into the store if it means preserving our freedom.  If the smoker in the car is holding the cig outside of the window and blowing the smoke out then the amount of smoke is so miniscule that no harm is done to anyone but the smoker. If we allow this to happen what is next?  If they can ticket a parent for smoking in a car with a child, what if the father comes home with coal dust on his clothes and has the child in the car with him, can they ticket the parent for that too?  My grandfather died of black lung from the coal mines. How long do you think it will be before we start having huge losses of our freedoms that arent related to smoking.  BE AFRAID BE VERY AFRAID! 


Well if second hand coal dust causes a problem maybe it should be considered abuse. I personally don't think protecting a innocent child from ill health is a loss of freedom to myself anyway. My father and grandfather both worked in the mine. my father had black lung but the smoking is what killed him. I am not going to fight for the smokers if they want to fight to have the right to kill themselves they can but I will not join in that fight. I will join in a fight that protect innocent children from abusive people in this world and I will try to protect my right to have as much clean  air as possible. I didn't say people shouldn't be allowed to smoke I just said I think there are issues that need to be addressed.My Dad had the right to hold me and smoke I have a scare on my leg at the age of 51 to prove it.....And I will walk through smoke only because I have to if I have a option I won't and believe me when I have to they get the stink eye....LOL >>>Yes they do.....Deb


The coal dust is all over his clothes just like asbestos.  Right now it's about protecting children but that's not where it will stay, they have already reached into our cars, next they will be reaching into our homes and it will be for the upstanding good mission of protecting the children but in the end it will result in the loss of more and more of our rights and freedoms.  If you don't see it that way, that's ok.  Just my opinion.  No anger, okay.  🙂


im getting a taser for smokers. its payback time


I would like a pink one please.....