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I hate smoking dreams!!!!

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And i had one last night:( Horrible!! I hate them!! It makes me think about smoking in the morning and makes me feel guilty about something that i didn't even do! OK, i feel better....i had to vent about those awful things!!!


Cheers to another smoke free day!! Day 10 for me and feeling great:)


Congratulations, keep your quit going strong!


I still have them after almost a year but it's more of a relief when I wake up and realize that it was only a dream.. Congrats on 10 days!!!

Congrats on a big 10 days. I think it's just proof that you really are doing this!!!! I don't remember ever having a dream of myself smoking - when I did smoke ... So odd

Congratulations on day 10. Keep it up.

No worries about dreams.......its mind game. I am on day 211, and so far had dreams only 4 to 5 times if i recollect.

If not already done, do have read of book by Mr Alan Carr on quit smoking.

All the best to your new journey on smokefree.


I read the Allen Carr book! Its the only thing helping me do this cold turkey! Well...and the baby i am carrying:)


In the beginning I had two types of smoking dreams - one where I was smoking and the other where everyone around me was smoking but I didn't.  The second type where I didn't smoke always made me feel better about my quit.  Day 55 here and I haven't had any smoking dreams in a good while now.  Hang in there - it does get better.  Congratulations on being smoke-free and also congrats on the new baby!

First, congratulations on a great beginning of a journey you are going to be so glad you are on. I remember the smoking dreams. I would wake up in an actual sweat so upset until I realized I had not smoked, it was only a dream. I came to be grateful for them. It was my mind's way of telling me how sorry I would be if I "slipped" (hate that word slipped. .. sounds so accidental). One more thing to help keep the old temptation wolf on the other side of the door. Use those dreams. They come from you... to help you. Stay strong my friend.