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Share your quitting journey

I had a relapse:{

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Friends, I am sorry to report that I had a relapse after 493 days,  I have been smoking the past 7 days.  I see that I wasn't prepared and I want to help others to consider having a contingency plan when an accident occurs and not dropping the ball on staying on this site.  On May 12th, I went over the handle bars of a mountain bicycle on a steep hill on a gravel road.  I was out of town celebrating my sisters and another friends birthday.

I was taking to the hospital and they thought I had broken my right shoulder, left wrist, right hip and perhaps my cheek bone.  I was blessed and did not have any broken bones.  Strains, sprains, bruised ribs, knee injuries and a contusion and bruised cheek.  I was injured badly and shaken to my very core.  I thanked God for no broken bones and was able to leave the hospital 4 hours later after many x-rays, a tortuous scrubbing of the gravel infused injuries on my hands and a few delirious, but much needed doses of fentanyl.

I thought I'd come home and heal quickly, but that has not been the case.  My quit smoking regime of working out, bicycling, hiking, gardening and walking was no longer an option for me.  I was pretty much bed ridden for two weeks.  So much pain and so many limitations.  I didn't stay on the pain meds long because I wanted to heal quickly and get back to my life.

That wasn't going to happen so quickly.  The Dr. thought I needed an MRI.  I had changed insurance this year for financial reasons and discovered I didn't have coverage for specialties.  Everything is a specialty these days and I spent a week trying to figure out how I was going to figure this out.  I was stressed out of my mind.  My ulcer kicked in and I was a mess.  I found a place where I could have an MRI for $395 and had it done.  I did not need surgery but have injuries that may take even longer to heal.

I will continue this tomorrow as my left arm can only type for so long before it becomes painful.  Bear with me.


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You were in pain and bored, and figured smoking would help.  I'm guessing it didn't.  But you came back here so you must be wanting to quit again.  Your whole situation really sucks, but it's not permanent.  I'm glad you're here.


How do you prepare to get wrecked?



Smoking STEALS the healing oxygen and replaces it with carbon monoxide.

I know. I've paid the price for 18 years and will for the rest of my life

Stop smoking now.


I am so sorry.  On all counts.  Hope you heal fully and get your quit back soon.


You can quit again the sooner the better would be wonderful, prepare for restarting a new quit date, get yourself healed up and start living a life of Freedom once again, you need to quit and stay quit for you Laura ,huge hug coming your way. 


Ahhh Laura, I'm so sorry this happened to you. Not going to nag you I think your probably beating yourself though the bike didn't do enough damage . Quit soon. Dales right, depleting O2 by smoking will only prolong your healing.

We won't abandon you. I am glad you came here and I will be praying for healing for your injuries. You'll heal and you can have your quit back. Gentle hug your way


Get well soon!


Oh Laura, I am so sorry to hear it, but I need to agree with Dale.  What happened was unfortunate, but you need to think at what is best for you now, and give your body everything you can to help heal.  And stop smoking is one of them!

Please do it, you know the drill, and you know you can do it right.  Relapse is part of the quitting.  Leave it behind, think of your future, and quit.

Be well, lots of love and healing thoughts your way!


I am so sorry, Laura.  You know you can do this because you DID...what a terrible accident, you need to heal and you really do need the oxygen.  Stay close to the site, as much as you can...don't beat yourself up, sounds like the accident did a pretty good job of doing that. Know that we are here for you and that we really DO care.  I am sending gentle, healing hugs.




Laura, I'm so very sorry.  My goodness all those injuries.  It must hurt so much.  I know someone who had the same thing happen and he has permanent brain damage now.  It's sux that you lost your quit, but you will start fresh I'm sure and build your days, and get all the 02 you need to heal.

I wish you all the best as you heal from your injuries.



Laura, just start again and don't beat yourself up.  Sounds like you did that already!  Don't wait too long, it just makes it harder.  We're not here to judge, just support.  I hope your feeling better from what sound like a terrible experience.



It's sad to hear this Laura but as JonesCarpeDiem‌ says, smoking only hinders the healing process.

Keep on keepin on,



You are sorry to report your relapse, and I am sorry to hear about it. Shake it off. You went over the handle bars of a mountain bike on a gravel road. WHAT>>>? I am glad you are alive. You have every opportunity, because you are still alive, to reclaim you quit. Don't look back. I am so happy that you are still here, Laura. 


Welcome back. You are here, so keep talking, keep learning--growing. Your 463 were not wasted--use those days to kick your 7-8 days relapse out the door. Don't waste time on regret or feeling ashamed. Yes you can, one day at a time.


Bless your heart Laura,

Love and healing sent your way.  I am soo very sorry, sorry for your physical and emotional pain.

I pray you regroup very soon.  The longer you smoke the more you reawaken habits that you worked so hard to break. 
