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Share your quitting journey

I had a Set back

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Well I was doing ok until I got off work. That is definitely a trigger for me. I need to do something different as I drive home. Maybe accept the urge and breath through it knowing it's going to come when I leave my desk for the day? Maybe repeat my new mantra "I'm a non-smoker?" I need to do something!


You can do this, yes take the advice you are giving yourself in your blog and apply it to your quit just do it N.O.P.E Not one puff ever.  I am so rooting for you to succeed because you can and will succeed, drink lots and lots of water and keep your mind as well as your hands occupied. 



thinking of smoking makes quitters want to smoke.

"I don't do that anymore" is another powerful phrase.

Count how many blue cars you see on your trip home?


Turn the radio really loud and sing.  Keep a bottle of water in your car and sip on it.  I used to snap my fingers to the music.  Keep some suckers handy too.  You can do it!!

You sound like you know what to do. Yes be prepared for those certain times. Mine always seems to be that time of day. I called it Unhappy Hour! Lol. I had learned not to smoke in my car so I had that part down but the time of day still got me. Do whatever you can to change the atmosphere or routine. Maybe take different routes home. Grab a treat or coffee ----not cigs!! Concentrate on singing to the radio. I found my singing voice (such as it is) came back and I could sing along again. Keep learning what works and you will get there!!

Change the streets that you drive on, especially if they go by your "go-to convenience store! Why tempt yourself by driving by there every day? Even passing other gas and convenience stores doesn't have the same magnet effect as passing your store!

When you climb into your car, speak your mantra out loud! Practice deep breathing as you drive. When you get home be sure to reward yourself in some small way for another successful trip home! 

Never give up! You CAN do this!


I also recommend finding different routes home from work.  You will be so involved in trying to remember how to get there, you won't be thinking about smoking.  You might pay to get your car detailed - then you won't want to stink it up again?

You CAN do this - just understand that it's all up to YOU!  Figure out distracting activites and have them uppermost in your mind so you are ready for any craves.  Planning is important to success!

Stay close!



Triggers get weaker after we ignore them long enough...once in a while, one jumps out at me, even now and it is often after finishing a day at work.  NOW, I just laugh them off, gets better and easier.  I agress with Nancy about getting the car detailed and about the different routes, that's a great suggestion.


Get a peppermint stick and use it to distract yourself and going home a different way is a must.  We have to chabge our routine as we change our lifestyle.


You talked of a set back but I am unsure---did you smoke or just crave? The reason I ask cannot revert to smoking everytime you hit a trigger. Try to have a plan in place BEFORE triggers hit. Because quitting (at some point) needs to mean quitting. Tell yourself you will not smoke any matter what. Think of the worst thing that could happen and then decide that yes-----even if that happened you still WOULD NOT SMOKE.

Stay Strong

I was wondering the same. A craving, itself is not a setback. Cravings are a natural part of the quitting process. If you smoked, that would be a setback. But it diesn't mean you're stuck being a smoker forever. Each day is another chance to quit for good.

listen to this great advice , tell yourself you don.t do that any more. the elder on here will get you threw this.   have a plan.


I did end up buying a pack and smoking two days ago. I made it home yesterday from work but smoked after about an hour of being home. I've got my plan in place for today though. I've done it before and I really do feel great about myself. I didn't wake up depressed this morning and that hasn't happened since I started in June. I really felt horrible about myself for smoing and 'm done with it