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Share your quitting journey

I got to thinking about how to say I just DID. But it's LONG.

11 21 452

This is for EVERYONE who has somehow found your way to EX and is reading this now.  

(I actually posted something similar in response to a good friend's blog, but I am immodest enough to think it might make, with some additions, a good stand-alone blog.  Gotta learn to check my Inner Author, right?  Too late now, right?)

Here's my thinking tonight.  I love all of you here on EX.  ALL of you.  I am no saint, but I think my parents taught me well about caring about other people.  Please read this.

I love the Elders.  Their experience, their knowledge about what works, their dedication, their wit (and bad jokes), their warmth and caring deserves to be acknowledged.  I do so now, with gratitude.  And thank them for allowing me to stay here, as an Elder now myself, and pass on all the knowledge I have gained.  The act of passing it on is known, thanks to Elder Tommy, as "Collateral Kindness".  This site WORKS because of it.

 I love the wonderful people that I've known for years here on EX and who I consider the folks in my "graduating class" as Quitters.  I am friends now in the real world with many of you, and I plan to find more ways to be face-to-face with many of you.  Our friendships MATTER to me.  But those great friendships are NOT what keep us from smoking.  We do that for OURSELVES.  Because we have learned to value what freedom from nicotine addiction has done to improve our lives.

I love the folks that I met when I was just a few months into my Quit.  I wanted so desperately for them to succeed.  I feel Iike a big sister and a good close friend to those who quit shortly after I did.  And I have learned MUCH from those people who came after me!  That would be YOU, Ellen.  Among many others.  And if any of us have somehow missed getting to know each other...don't let that stop us from reaching out to each other NOW.  It's never, ever, too late to make that connection with someone else here on EX.  Let's break down any hesitation we both might feel, okay? 

I love the people who come here...and come here... and come here....and KEEP coming here.  Because if you care enough to KEEP coming here---then, someday, you WILL "get it" and I want to already know you and to be here to cheer you on as you cross that finish line called The Forever Quit.  Multiple quits only mean that you don't know HOW to successfully quit yet.  EX is where you will learn how.  We will help you figure it all out.

I love the Newbies. I really, really, really do. And it's sometimes very hard to single them out and get to know them because SO many people join and just post once or twice in the blogs, or in a newbie group or somewhere else on this site.   Most of them don't post much information about themselves in their profiles at first.  So we hardly know their real names, or anything personal about them, unless we ask.  And sometimes they leave or give up because we can't get to them quickly enough to create a BOND, a RELATIONSHIP, something that makes them know this is a REAL place with REAL people who give a really big damn about helping them quit smoking.  

The Newbies that give up before we can find them, make friends with them, show them that we care, teach them what we know from experience, and keep holding them in our arms until they succeed...  God, my heart breaks for those that we lose...but those are the people that actually KEEP me here on EX.  

Yes, I do come and go, and come and go, here on EX.  There are wonderful Elders here on EX who are the solid rocks of this website.  All of you know who I'm talking about.  And I would give ANYTHING to be one of those people.  But I can't be here as much as I want to right now.  My life, like many of us, requires that I work at a job that keeps me away from EX when I want so much to be here, involved all day, with all of you, and contribute to the people here in much greater ways.  Someday, I WILL be able to do that.  Until then, I will be here on EX as often as I can be, hoping to post something that catches someone's heart and makes a difference.  And loving every minute that I can help someone...

But I don't love any of you because of how you RANK on those darn Leaderboards.  I don't care about how many points or badges you have.  I don't really even understand how all the Missions and Quests work to make a person more "important" here on Ex.

I love each of you differently because of how I've gotten to KNOW you, how you and I have CONNECTED regardless of the so-called system on this site, because of the way we support each other, we laugh, we make jokes and we keep talking to each other here, day after day.  Let's go ahead and watch all those crazy points add up, like we have for the last few threads.   But let's also realize that POINTS don't really mean anything.  

Let's acknowledge that what really matters here is EACH OTHER.  We meet, we learn about each other and we CARE. 

THAT is how we quit.

And I LOVE that. 

xxxooo,   Sky


We Love you back. oxoxoxox


What a beautiful post! Thank you for being such an inspiration for us newbies.....Have a wonderful day

Jo 38 DOF


Thanks Sky!




I would like to add something here. You may not be on here as often as you would like (nor I, lately). But you have written some really wonderful blogs and you have an innate talent for helping others understand what is important here. I remember a number of times when I was first starting out and I would either have an "aha" moment, or just be sort of overwhelmed with a desire to succeed as I read one of your award- winning blogs. And I have often seen it written here. None of us really know when someone else reads something we wrote (comment, blog, a script for a short documentary on how to quit smoking) will connect to what we said in a way that makes a big difference. I must say that I am awfully fond of looking for amusement when I pop in here (laughter is the best medicine), but it is good to have a reminder here and there that we do stick around to give back to the community what we got when we came in- a map that leads us to successfully escape our addiction. Thanks for the reminder.


Amen my friend. Thank you.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


I'm sorry but there is no way to give a badge to the author of a blog unless they post a response down here but, I'll buy you a fish taco Sunday.  🙂


This post should be in the best of Ex Sky, I don't get the leaderboards and point systems and or badges either it's all great for a laugh on a blog but doesn't do anything for a quit I wouldn't think.((((((((((Huge hug from me to you)))))))))) 


Love you so much, Sky, love how you welcomed me and supported me and how you welcome and support everyone here.  I love your sincerity and the fact that you are possibly the most genuine person I have ever met.  You are a gift to this site and to every person here and your inner writer WAS in touch with this's beautiful.  Thank you for posting it.  I THINK the leader boards and the points are sort of tongue in cows.

Big huge hugs,




Very well said both times SkyGirl‌!

I really do love this place and the wonderful people who make it's heart beat!


Your parents did indeed teach you VERY well about how to care for people! It radiates from you when people meet you - and when people read your words! 

You are so right - this place is about us - the people here who share their stories in order to help others and in turn to help themselves. 

I am so happy to have found this site - and to have found special friends like you! Love you Sky! 


Glad we got to meet in VB. Hugs and love you back


Thank you Sky for being here and for just being YOU.   


Oh my gosh girl, I can't wait to meet you one day, you, Nancy, Giluila, Dale were my first hereos here on EX. Sometimes you guys dished out tuff love...and I needed it, really I did.  I was playing around with my quit...I knew it and you all knew it. I am glad I came back and paid attention to your words.

We all love you Sky. I made it to Elder statue from learning and applying what I learned from people like youI gotta go get some sleep now,but YOU, my dear SKY....are very much loved by the Ex'er:) And my husn=band thanks you as well. Cause now his wife is does not stink and is a non smoker,lol

All we can all do is plant the seeds in the newbies and pray they one day take root as mine did. Bless you Sky, for all you give to this site and for all those, like myself, whom you have encouraged and you continue to encourage.

I love all the Ex'ers, old and new:)



I am truly humbled that you feel that I've made a difference.  I want to.  I try.  I write what is in my heart.   I hope that nobody thinks my posts are too emotional.  I boil it down sometimes.  Maybe too much.  But I really hope that Quitters take the substance of what I write.  So your words mean a LOT to me.  Just don't forget that YOU, as a successful Quitter who will stick around will make a WORLD of difference in the lives of the next people who find EX, can be the one they connect with and will help them succeed. The people who find EX are determined, fearful, hopeful, uncertain, and NEED someone like YOU  to help them make sense of it all.  I love your presence here, Newme.  YOU MATTER here.  Know that you are making a difference in someone's life.  And in the lives of all the people who love that smoker.

xxooo,  Sky


Doubt not that you make a difference, Sky.  Doubt it not.  Unless you want a slap upside the head.  Which I'd be happy to give you if you think otherwise!

We ALL make a difference here.  That's what makes this site what it is.  The expressions of joy and sorrow and overcoming and strength and weakness and PERSEVERANCE!  And most of all acceptance of the different journeys.  If only politically we could achieve the same accord that comes about here, we would have much more harmony in our land, I think.  MOO


G, I will forever be grateful for your presence here on EX. And I SO SO SO agree that beating nicotine has no political platform.  I do think that some of my blogs (Smart Turkey? Broken Record?) make a difference.  But I really think that it's not the blogs that make someone hang onto their Quit when they are "fingernails on the edge".  It's the EXers that run in to help them, minute by minute, make it through a craving crisis.  It's the people like you.


Thanks. I don't spend as much time here as I used to, but it does feel like the right thing to do is to make an effort to pay it forward. The fact that I had pretty much tried everything I could think of and still couldn't "get it" prior to coming here makes me want to at least attempt to help others along the way. My compliment still stands, though. You write some truly inspirational blogs!


Hi Sky,

Remember me, lol,  glad to see you again, it is has been a long time

Love Karen


Hello Sky. I am a Newbie. My name is Wanda. I live near San Antonio Tx. I am 64 and have smoked since i was 17. Ugghh. I am trying again to quit. I know i can do it. It really helps to read other's stories. I haven't set up a profle yet but will soon. Any words of encouragement will be appreciated.


Welcome Wcorbitt55 to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE, please read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's not easy by any stretch of the imagination BUT boy oh boy it's so worth it, once you set up your profile and pick a quit date then when your day ONE arrives keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and at the end of the day you'll be able to say YAY for Day WON with many more to come we're all here to help you in any way we can.....


Welcome to the Ex.  Congrats on your decision to quit.   Educate yourself about nicotine addiction and create a quit plan My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX leading up to your quit date.   The quitters on this site are proof that it can be done.  We're here to support you on your journey.  You just need to reach out.

This is an excellent post that you choose to read, but it's an older post.  Many in the community probably won't see your response as a new member.  Can I suggest that you Post to My Blog and create a new post introducing yourself to the community.  You'll receive lots of support that way!


About the Author
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky