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Share your quitting journey

I feel like a stranger...

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It’s been so long since I’ve been here that I almost feel like I need to ask permission to come back.

It’s been a rough road the last few months.  I have had several health issues.  I won’t get into a long list of what ails me, because I always felt like only really old people talked at length about their state of health.  I will say only that I am still battling a mild case of MRSA which is a Staph A infection that is resistant to most antibiotics.  I also have a job-related injury to my right hand/wrist (the same wrist that was broken a few years ago) and I’ve put a lot of my attention into fighting for approval for my Worker’s Compensation claim.  It was finally approved last week, but I’ll be off work for another few weeks while I work on getting a release to go back to work!  It’s ironic; first I fight to get United Airlines to recognize that I even HAVE a serious on-the-job injury and once they finally do admit that——then I have to start fighting to prove that I’m recovered enough to go back to work!  Ah, bureaucracy is a tough enemy sometimes.

I have to admit that, several times in the past couple of months, I’ve thought that I will never feel good to plan EX 6.2.  I was overwhelmed.

But, I’m feeling good now (aside from the inconvenience of having a broken right wing!) and I’m BACK.

I’m ready to get busy now, and make EX 6.2 happen!

 If coming to an EX 6.2 gathering in San Diego/Oceanside CA (where Dale lives) is still important to YOU, please check in with me in the next few days.  

I’ve narrowed it down to two hotels.  But I’ll need to get an estimate of how many EXers are interested, to see if I can get a group rate.  

The dates that would work the best are either October 12-14 or October 19-21.  Take a look at your own calendars and let me know which weekend you prefer.

We don’t have to get a huge group to have an EX get-together!  Even a few people is enough!  So let me know in the comment section below if you are interested.  You can private-message me your personal email address so I can be sure to get all the information directly to you.

In the next couple of days, I’ll be putting out hotel information, a tentative itinerary (including the scenic train ride up to Oceanside to eat chile rellenos with DALE!), and a list of activities you might want to pursue on your own.

It feels good to be back among my friends!  And I’m really looking forward to getting to know some of the EXers that joined while I was away!

xxxooo,   Sky


Hey Sky, so good to see you back. I am sorry about all the health issues, it stinks getting older!

As fas I I know , I am in! I messaged you. Please keep me in the loop.


I always say

"Better a stranger than a strangler."

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Dale, I can always count on you to say something deep and steeped in wisdom. You big lug!!

I will need to be talking to you soon about EX 6.2.  I’ll send you a message tomorrow when I have all my questions ready for you.

LOVE,  Sky


I just drove a drill bit into my hand. I don't know if my lips will be moving tomorrow. 

I'll let you know if there's a streak up my arm and if I can still talk.



The Chile Rellenos Are Only Available Friday And Saturday (Closed Sunday)


It's wonderful to see you Sky I'm sorry about your ailments but I'm glad you're getting better huge hug....


You will never be a stranger here! It is just so good to see you - we have missed you so much! I am so sorry about the health issues - please continue to recover and feel better and better! 

I would love to do the CA trip! Either weekend works for me. I will PM my email address - although you probably have it. Also, be sure to let me know anything I can do! I can certainly do some promoting here about once we have details.  I can't wait to meet Dale  JonesCarpeDiem and Missy Mandolinrain and everyone else who will come! And to see you again dear lady! I will send a message to Maggie and Owl on Facebook and see what they think! Wouldn't that be something! Who else lives out that way? Love you! 


Hi Sky. So glad your back. You are always welcome to be with us. Gee I wish I lived in Ca



Hey Sky so glad to see you. Glad you are finally starting to feel better.  Count me in and either weekend works for me.


Yay Sharon!!! 


Missy - How fantastic to be able to meet you! 


I am so happy! I get to meet you, Dale, Sky, Sharon..,,wow! This will be a trip to remember!


I am so glad to hear from you but so sorry for all you have been going through.  Glad that you are back and that you feel up to planning Ex6.2.  I WISH I could make it but I don't think there is any possibility.  Next one on THIS side...I will hopefully be able to attend.

Please be well, don't push yourself too hard.





Next one in the middle!! Say Chicago?!?!


Have missed you.  So sorry to hear about your ongoing health  problems.  That stinks.  Sending love and strength.  


Sorry to hear you been have such difficulties.  Glad you are on the mend!

I certainly will try to make it down there. Count me in.


Teresa (SmokedOut) is in Oregon.  I really hope she can come, because My Beloved and I had invited Teresa and her husband to come spend a weekend at the coast with us a few years ago and I had to cancel.  I’ve been dying to make it up to her ever since!


You don’t have to live there!  You just have to buy a plane ticket or drive there!  Please come—I would SO love to meet you!


Kristen, I’ve been pushing to have an EX gathering in Chicago for years!  It’s such an amazing city with so much to do and see.  And right on Lake Michigan, too.  I grew up in Evanston, which shares a border with Chicago on the northern side.  Let’s renew the push for The Windy City for next year.  In the summer, though—not in April or May!


There needs to be a “Love” button.  xxxxxxxxoooooooo


Oh, Trudy, please, please, PLEASE come!  I want so much to meet you and tell you in person how much I admire your strength as a woman.  Through all that you have on your plate, you continue to be an honest, caring person, who shares herself with this community.  It is people like YOU who inspire those who think they can’t make it another day.  You will never know how many people have read one of your blogs and said, “If she can keep her Quit, then so can I!”

Federal Way is a short trip to SEATAC, then a quick flight to San Diego.  Please come!

xxxooo, Sky


No chance at all, Ellen?  PM me about it, please.  I’ve missed you so much.


Hi Kathy!

I saw the note about Tommy (@Pir8fan) writing his last blog tomorrow! I signed back up to EX so I could participate in this last very special Freedom Train.  I was thinking more and more about my move to Ohio. The reason I think I need to move by then is their weather. It will only be raining here though! ha ha ha So, I keep working on finding a home there because that also is a consideration, plus selling my current home here. Will stay in touch! xoxo


Good to see you Sky and sorry to hear your health struggle. I had  surgery for a detached retina in March in my eye that was still working. Now I have a cataract that seems to be getting worse every day. I'm having surgery in a month. If it turns out well. I would love to attend.


Hi Sky! Maggie here. I logged back into EX so I can participate in @Pir8fan last FreedonTrain blog/ride tomorrow! I can't wait to be there!  See you there! 


Hi, Sky!!! I'm not here much, either. I usually pop in once a week to check my feed for messages, so I saw this.

Holy cow, MRSA is serious!! I didn't know one could have a "mild case" of it! 

I'd be interested in coming, but I don't know yet if I can. My MIL will have just left, so Aldo and I will be alone and just putting the baby in daycare. The 14th is my birthday, so I also don't know if I will want to be away from my baby on my first birthday with him--is that a thing? I honestly don't know what's a thing or not with moms. I'm not particularly sentimental, but who knows?


 kristen-9.7.15     I would LOVE to see Chicago...I have only seen it from O'Hare when I was running to catch a that really means I have never seen it.

SkyGirl‌ You have been SO MISSED, you have no idea...I was so afraid that you were suffering from health issues...I will PM you when I can...right now, I am getting ready for a day at work.




This trip is most certainly on my calendar. I too am looking forward to meeting you and everyone else. You guys have been here with me through all I have been through and I love you all for it. All your kind words, prayers and patience with me is something I will be ever grateful for. Hugs for you all is coming your way....  

P.S. I will be taking my first commercial jet ride ever in August on Western Airlines. 


I sent Teresa - smokedout041412 - a message and asked her to read this blog! 


MRSA usually IS really serious, Brenda, because the Staph-A infection can spread throughout your body and get into your organs (which is super-serious).  But mine was caught early because I went to the doc complaining about these weird blisters I was getting on my face and behind my ears.  But they’ve had me on several antibiotics, which keep it at bay for a while, but as soon as each round of antibiotics is done, it all comes back.  It’s hard because sometimes I can’t work because the blisters are open and the possibility of spreading MRSA is just too great.  It’s discouraging.  It’s like I’m carrying the plague, like Typhoid Mary!!!  I have to be OCD about using antibacterial wipes on almost everything I touch in my condo and in hotel rooms.  I can’t use a towel more than one time.  I have to be super vigilant about touching my skin.  Tests have shown that airplanes are a hotbed of every bacteria known to man.  So if I have an open blister or any open scratch or scrape, I can’t fly.  Not only is it about the worry of spreading the bacteria, but it’s also about my compromised immune system from the Psoriatic Arthritis, which increases the chance that some other bacteria will get into my system.  It’s not that I’m really sick now, it’s about the dangerous possibility of it getting worse.

Wait.  Didn’t I say in my blog that only really old people talk non-stop about their health?  Well, I guess I’m either really old now or just busting the stereotype.

Either way, I don’t smoke any more.  And that is excellent.  I would most certainly would have a harder time fighting this if I smoked.


Sharon, I am more excited than I can say to hear you say that you’ll be coming to San Diego/Oceanside for EX 6.2.  We need to drum up more people!  To get the hotel room discount, I need at least ten rooms.  Can’t WAIT to see you again and throw water balloons at you.  Er, I meant to say, TO you.  LOL.  xxxooo,  Me


Any response yet?


Hey, Barb, I layover in Newark ALL the time.  Do you live anywhere near Newark, because I’d love to get together with you next time I’m there for more than 12 hours.  Any chance?


I am excited to get to go and throw them right back attcha hahaha.Watch out I have a thumb now to help catch better well I hope lol  But I have a title to hold.  I know at one time there seemed to be several people interested in going to EX6.2 Will see if I can find the blogs we were talking about it and see if I can send some messages. It would be fun to have a big group. tjanddj  I am excited to hear you are coming can't wait to meet you in person. I am excited to meet  I am excited to get to go and throw them right back attcha hahaha.Watch out I have a thumb now to help catch better well I hope lol  But I have a title to hold.  I know at one time there seemed to be several people interested in going to EX6.2 Will see if I can find the blogs we were talking about it and see if I can send some messages. It would be fun to have a big group. tjanddj  I am excited to hear you are coming can't wait to meet you in person. Excited to meet Dale and Missy to and see Kathy again. It should be a fun time.


To Teresa - I think I messed up the message....I have resent it! 


Count me in. Either weekend is good with me. Looking forward!


Posamari - Wonderful! Be sure to send SkyGirl a private message with your email! 


Welcome back skygrl and ty on update of your non smoker loving life and strength and courage and hope and dealing with all the issues and passing all lifes tests abd doing great passing them all with a good attitude and sharing your knowledge and wise choices with ME love love love you and May God healed you in MY Lord Jesus name amen and amen

About the Author
I'm a 64 year-old flight attendant for a major US airline. Prior to that, I owned an ice cream store and six hot dog carts and put my five kids thru college on hot dog earnings! Prior to THAT, I was Director of International Administration for Domino's Pizza, Inc. I was married to my H.S. sweetheart (dad of my 5 kids) for 17 years. I've been with Jeff for 23 years, but we just finally got married in 2016! Jeff & I live in Cape Meares, OR right on the beach. I'm from Ann Arbor, MI, where many of my kids/relatives still live. My flying base is Washington, DC, where I have a condo that I stay in when I'm between flying trips. My dream is to retire and stay home with Jeff and my two cats, Kenneth & Barbara...not happening soon, though. So I go home whenever I can get a week or more off. I LOVE to meet up with other EXers in the cities where I lay over. I usually blog about what cities I'm laying over in, so let me know if I'm staying near you! I'll buy dinner!! Xxxooo, Sky