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I feel like I'm drowning

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So here I am. I'm back again except this time I'm thinking about someone I should not be thinking about. I thought that with some time, things would get better but somehow they have gotten worse. I just called him over five times from a private number and I wish I could say I was embarrassed and disgusted with myself but the truth is I'm just ready to go in for more. Ready to go toe to toe with the soul-scorching realization that this person does not want me, care for me, or will ever have my best interests in mind. Much like the person I'm dating right now except they have the capacity to answer the phone when I call and at least shower me with physical affection to make up for the fact that we are in no way emotionally and psychologically compatible together. When did my life become this way? I yearn for people who have no room in their heads or hearts for me. The other day I blocked some guy who wouldn't stop asking when we were going to meet up for sex, and he found me on several different pages to call me pathetic and say that I need to respect myself more. Jokes on you dude, I guess in some way I already knew that. And I'm fighting past it like I don't even care anymore. Someone calls me ugly. So what, just another day. A gold-digging hussy? I crawl into bed and create yet another fake profile to try to get closer to the only ex-boyfriend who came back to visit my bed. My life- these choices, are truly ruining me. They are ruining my head, heart, body, and soul and if they were ropes I would be found sitting in the corner of my room gnawing at them trying desperately to escape, but to no avail. Only to find out my constant gnawing and teeth plucking was simply pulling the ropes closer to my body, threatening to squeeze what was left of my life right out of me. Maybe there's a way to forget all of this. Visit a hypnotist or something and clear out all the bad habit patternmaking thoughts and replace them with what I should be doing instead. I don't want to think about how long it's been since I've last been able to type like this. To read write or do anything normal for my benefit. All I feel and know right now is a dull pain that can occasionally be quashed with vaping or food from my favorite fast food places. If someone were to read this or walk in on this sector of my life I wonder what they would say? Something inside me makes me feel like I would want them to be upset. Irate, furious at the way I've been keeping, not caring, for myself, and turning over tables and chairs to get me to wake up and listen to the sound of my best years slipping away right in front of me. All I can say is that person is not coming, that person is me and as for me, I can barely get the upper body strength to open most doors much less turn over tables and chairs in a cry to get me to change my own life. If any higher power is listening right now, I don't just pray right now I beg. Please please please, help me change my life. Light the fire under my ass that I need to wake the fuck up, clear my psyche of the need for these men who don't need me, and put that energy wholly and entirely in pursuit of love and care towards the future I deserve.


@CommunityAdmin - please refer this to one of our counselors to offer support to @CamillaJ92 . My heart is breaaking for her but I am not the one to offer the help she needs. However @CamillaJ92  I will promise to pray for you as I believe in a loving God who wants to meet us where we are and help us get to where we need to be. 🙏 ❤️


Greetings. I read your story, n I totally understand wat ur dealing with. U absolutely should seek a professional to help sort out what ur facing. So it seems ur getting the type of men, how u view urself.  🤔  IT seems ur trying to fill a void that only God himself can fill. There may be some suppressed trauma or resentment of some sort. U must forgive whoever hurt u n accept the trauma n deal with it by using it for ur good n God's glory to help others. Once u get free of the soul ties u allow inside of ur heart mind body n soul u can absolutely start the healing. Because anything that's not treated and buried will grow up out of the dirt or cement u insanely thought u was over. I pray to MY LORS JESUS  that peace may find u n may u take His yolk upon u n be a new creature n servant of God to help others out of the smoke in their own lives after u clear ur own by God's permission.  Be encouraged,  stay safe n May God help u. U don't need them men. When it's right, the right man will enter n be all u deserve under God's wings. 


@CamillaJ92   Stop looking for love in all the wrong places.  God created you, find solace in HIm.  "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you".  Open your heart and soul completely to Him and let him in.  He's right there, waiting.  Waiting for you to LET him in.  Open your Bible.


@CamillaJ92 I just answered your good-by letter to vaping.  Don't feel I can help with anything else.  It might be best to seek professional help.

If you're interested in sharing your spirituality with other quitters there is a group on the Ex.

Faith & Spirituality - EX Community



Community Manager
Community Manager

@CamillaJ92 I sympathize with you and will be sending positive thoughts your way. It sounds like you could use some extra support right now. Please call or text 988 or chat 988 connects you with a trained crisis counselor who can help, and is available 24/7 to chat about any topic that's troubling you.

Take care of yourself. You are worthy!

Quiana, EX team


Until you love yourself more than you love someone else not much will change. Archived: Love Yourself! 


Change is possible but it begins with you. Having quit drinking at 27, having quit smoking at 54, I took the leap to change and do not regret either, but it was hard work, and requires work to this day. You are neither hopeless or helpless. Your search for recovery begins with the changes you make--actions that are taken one step, one day at a time. 




Thank you everyone for the supportive comments ❤️ I am reaching out for professional help today and thank you everyone for keeping me in your prayers as you are in  mine too !


So glad you reached out, because you are not alone and I hope that you see this.  Alot of support on this site for quitting smoking.  Many of us were harming ourselves with nicotine and part of the mental battle OUT of the nic addiction, is learning to love ourselves and put our wellbeing above the addiction.  


" The ego romanticizes the past to avoid the true romance of the present."  Alan Cohen     Take good care of yourself.


@CamillaJ92  Continue to carry you in my thoughts and prayers ❤️ 🙏

Community Manager
Community Manager

So happy to hear that @CamillaJ92 . You are in our thoughts

Quiana, Ex Team