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Share your quitting journey

I don't know.

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I wanted to write a blog today, but I really don't have alot to say. Which is very unusual for me. My mouth (or fingers for typing) can usually run a mile a minute. I'm packing up the family car to head to Assateague Island with my wife for a few days of camping on the beach. It's gonna be alot of fun. I seriously haven't even thought about cigarettes since quitting "again"....I think in some weird way that last run of smoking for about 9 days really solidified in my head that I don't want them in my life anymore. I felt so crappy the whole time, had anxiety really bad, and the guilt......that was probably the worst. Yet at the same time, I kept lighting one right after the other. So........

It just really got it into my head that they're really stupid, a waste of money, not good for you, and make you feel like crap. They take the wind right out of your sails. For real,  I don't ever want to put another one of those things up to my face again, and I don't even have the slightest urge to do so.

And one final note. The doctors did more bloodwork, and they're saying now that everything is totally fine. They double checked everything. Liver function is fine. White blood cell count is now fine. So I don't know..... I got a clean bill of health. That means I can drink beer again, and this beer I'm drinking right now is so damn delicious 😉




Hope you have a great vacation Doney with your wife!!  I love the ocean!  I feel the same way about cigs you do...and have been through some tough situations and feelings and didn't grateful for that.  My friend tells me when she went back to smoking it made her nauseated at first and sweaty....but she says you know us "addicts' I just started wanting more...I hope she quits again...because she and my sister had quit before me.   My sister is still off the cigs...she did it "cold turkey" and without this sitse.   I think her way is peeps to talk to about what is going on....All my siblings are like that ....don't want to talk too much about their lives....I am a Saggitarian blurter we are all different and that is what makes life interesting..Geesh I am writing to much!!  Have a peaceful evening Doney.

Breathe Free


you healed yourself with that beer?




Ooops!  Somehow it put a comment up with no comment!  LOL

I was going to say that someone in another post somewhere said there should be a like button...and I agree....jones I like your comment!  LOL


Doney....I LOVE beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Just say'in!!!



Have a great vacation, Assateague is right around the corner from me. I am just north of Fenwick Island. Beautiful country, a little crowded this time of year!!!