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Share your quitting journey

I did it

0 12 47

I decided I was not going to post a quit day, or keep starting over, because all I did was let myself down.  Finally I just did it. I was not feeling good, and told myself it is now or never. So Sunday night 8/21 I smoked my last cigarette.  I also went to my doctor the next day, and she heard a wheeze so put me on some meds, but by ThursdayI was not any better, so I was admitted for a COPD exasperation.  But what impressed me was, when they took the blood gas test, my oxygen levels were high, and carbon levels real low.  Just in 4 days!

I got out of the hospital last night. Health wise I was ready to come home...mentally not so much.  Today I got stressed out...did take a puff off a cigarette.  All it did was make me want to throw up.  It did not help with the stress. It did not change my situations at home. All it did was make me feel sick and more determined.

I did call a none smoking program and spoke for about an hour with a counselor.  That also helped. I may have slipped up...but I have not given up!  I am still a none smoker! 

12 Comentarios

You must make a commitment Not one puff ever ! NOPE ! Everytime you light up and smoke you are back to Day 1  !!!! Maybe you should realize that the smoking is killing you .

When you get a crave to smoke say I do not do that anymore ! then do something different .

Are you using an NRT ? You are not a non -smoker until you really quit smoking .

The craves are only the addiction taunting you and will get easier in a few days . Your desire to quit must be worth the commitment in order to succeed .

You can do it breathe through the craves drink a cup of tea cut a straw into 3 pieces use them to replace the hand to mouth habit .

Do not pick up a cigarette they are now called sickerettes !!!!     🙂

In the early days I went to YouTube and did some  quit smoking self- hypnosis video's I swear they helped me get through the first few weeks along with the nicotine patch and lozrnges !!!


Do you still think a Sickerette is going to make anything at all better? 

It won't! It never did! It never will!

Not One Puff Ever No Matter What!

What does it take to convince you?


Taking 1 puff makes you a smoker. Here at EX we N.O.P.E., not one puff ever that's what will make you a former smoker 

Please don't ever quit quitting! We are here to help you! Quitting smoking was not easy for any of us here, but it is doable we all did it and you can too! I promise. You just have to get used to a little discomfort sometimes!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


NOPE is the only way, no matter what.  A crave is not going to kill you, no matter how hard it may be..if you were admitted to the hospital with COPD, you seriously need to just stay quit.  Your lungs are not going to get better but maybe you can stop the damage from progressing by taking care of yourself.  PLEASE do the reading and understand that you cannot be half quit, it's all or nothing.

All of the above.

A few thoughts...

Don't smoke and keep coming back. Keep posting, keep reading--read the medical/addiction info on this site.

If you feel you are ready to quit one day at a time, then with all your might hang on to the tools and plan that you have chosen. I've found nothing but good will and good advice they say take what you need and leave the rest.


I am sure you were scared with that COPD episode............scared enough I hope.

I was sure I lost my voice box - no voice at all.............after 3 days not smoking (frying my throat) my voice started to come back.YES I WAS SCARED.

I call that INSTANT gratification but more important GRATEFUL tha I was getting my voice back.  I continue to stay GRATEFUL one date at a time...........Nor just for my voice - but especially for finally SURRENDERING to those hot, nasty cigarettes.

I QUIT...........Day 72




Please do NOT give up. 



Thank you all. I know you tell me these things out of love and concern, and from experience. I am sorry I did get a bit cranky. I really thought I had it. 8 days and not a cigarette. I was so proud of myself.  I know I should not have taken that puff. I knew it as I did it. I knew it was not going to change circumstances in my life. 

My problem was not the cravings. I am using the patch and it helps. It was not seeing my husband or son smoking.  I thought that is their problem, not mine.  My problem is I suffer from bad depression. I know COPD is going to kill me if I don't quit smoking. I hope for the day that I am going to be HEALTHY & HAPPY.  I don't share much of my personal feelings or life with others. But there are days that I am so depressed that I don't care if the cigarettes kill me.  That was how I was feeling yesterday.  Yet deep inside me, I also knew that is not what I want!  So my problem is not the cravings, it is not the stress ( although that does bring on the depression at times )  My problem is trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel.  All I can do is take this one day at a time, even one moment at a time. 
