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I did it again

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I slipped again today I hadn’t had one for over 24 hours and I just gave in. I’m really trying!! What do I do?


You do anything but smoke.  Dance, laugh, cry, chew on a straw, suck on a butterscotch, drink ice water, run, walk, climb a tree, brush your teeth, scream, punch a pillow, clean house, paint the inside of a closet, blow bubbles, jump rope, breathe!!, take a shower, paint, sing, learn to play piano, laugh, volunteer at a nursing home, rescue a fur baby, journal, play in the do anything in the world but smoke.

Keep trying!!  You can get through this  


 Kellyann I am glad you came here to get support. 

Here is a very short list of What to do

#1 Analyze what caused you to smoke. 

#2 Make a vow that you will not smoke if it happens again

#3  Get rid of all smoking materials lessens the chances of being tempted. 

#4 Have a plan for what you will do differently when you have urge to smoke.

#5 /blogs/Youngatheart.7.4.12-blog/2013/02/25/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoke?sr=search&searchId=8af6...

#6 Start over with a commitment that NOPE no matter what


Never give up, never give in. 


Try to remember exactly what you were thinking when you made that decision to smoke....then make a concrete PLAN what you will do next time those same thoughts appear in your brain!  They WILL appear again.  You must give them some company by getting busy, change your mind's direction - even taking slow/deep breaths, thinking each one all the way in  - slowly.  Think about each area they will pass through - all the way down to your tummy.  Then, follow each one through each place as it is passing back out.   After you have done that, and thought about it, a couple of times, going slower and deeper with each cycle, the crave should be over.  This is a tool that is available when the 101 things on the list may not be - and it WORKS.

Get right back at it.  Remember, there is never a good reason to smoke; there are only excuses.



Jog in place really fast every time YOU desire to suck on a DEATH STICK - trust ME yiu will appreciate YOUR lungs 


I used a mini trampoline whenever urges came. When it wasn’t possible to jump I used Vick’s vapor rub. Both were instant crave busters for me. That said.... you need to understand wht your triggers are and have a plan set to beat it. Every time you smoke your waking up your brains receptors which is just setting you up for the next crave. 

Glad you are here. Get right back to the quit now. Don’t put it off


Stay connected with quitters every day--the decision to quit smoking is the first step--after that it is a one day at a time journey. Nicotine addiction is a major dependency that can be overcome with your determination(not fearfulness or willfulness), open mindedness, willingness to learn and discover new ways to live smoke free --one day at a time.

Trust is another factor--even though you might have a crave, trust that if you follow your goal to quit, walk the walk, you will feel better. 

Yes you can.


You have received some great advice above the work...and get rid of the smoking paraphernalia... you made 24 try another 24 hours...and so on...take one day at a time...Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen 267 DOF 


So much great advice here. All of it worked. Take what you need to help you. That’s what I did!  You must hold off smoking when the urge huts anyway you can. It won’t last forever. Tell yourself just an hour after the urge hits. Once you pass that you have the strength to beat the craves hour by hour day by day. Don’t look further it’s too overwhelming. It sounds like and old cliche but it’s true. Day by Day. Gentle hugs to you


Tomorrow I celebrate 7 days without a cigarette.  I had a tough time in the beginning but what helped me was taking one hour at a time of not smoking.  Before I knew it I had 24 hours/1 day of being free from cigarettes!


 @annejdav on almost 7 days of freedom


Have you done the reading suggested here on the site? Understanding what is going to happen to you during a quit helps you to succeed. After not having a cigarette for 24 hours, your body is really SCREAMING at you to give it nicotine. You are addicted to nicotine and your body has been programmed to "need" it at regular intervals. You have to deny it to your body and keep on denying it. Every time you go through a tough crave time...just imagine all the nicotine brain receptors that are dying (YAY!!!) More and more every time you make it through.

Start another quit soon.....and just do not smoke. It will not be easy....but it is simple. Do Not Smoke.


The first week is the most difficult because it takes time for the nicotine to leave your body, then your body starts screaming "I want it back"; but think of it this way: it is just one week which is the hardest, after that, every day it becomes easier.  And in my opinion, once you pass the 72h it takes nicotine to leave the body, all which is left is psychological - you have power over that.  The Self talking works wonders: tell yourself "I no longer smoke, no matter what, I am more powerful than this addiction, this here is just a crave, if I breathe deeply, it might not even take one minute and it will be gone, I am stronger than the cravings, I can ask for help Before I smoke again, no one died from cravings", come here write a blog with "Help" in the subject, likely someone will be here to help you get through the hard part.  You can do it, everyone can do it, if you have the right mental attitude about quitting!

Congrats on getting back in track immediately, it proves you really want to quit, and you will!!!


Kelly, don’t give upon on yourself. Just jump back up on the wagon! I’m on day 7. Take one day at a time. If you get a chance, look at the dangerous contents in a cigarette. I was shocked...You can succeed. I put sticky notes thru out my home with encouraging words on them. That helps make it thru another day. Good luck!



Big congrats on your success!



Kelly, maybe try this next time, post a discussion or blog here at the site stating you are having a hard time BEFORE you caving in. Tag one or 2 of the elders. Wait for a reply and assistance BEFORE smoking. Chances are in the several minutes this takes for someone to come along and help, your craving will have passed. Then you will have the added benefit of someone helping you through that particular craving. Keep quitting, you will get there! 


Where did you get the cigarette? Don't worry too much. At least you're back. The secret to this isn't really a secret, you just can't smoke again. EVER! For me , I know just one gets me right back to the grind. 

You and truly,  only you can make it happen. It's a really nasty habit and you're going to be very proud of yourself.  Quit!!


"Again" is the key word.  Most of us have done this more times than we'd like to admit.  This is not easy, but you want to and can do this.  That's why you reached out to this site--for the support to make it happen.  It's worked for me after smoking for 50 years.  That's why so many here know it's possible.  Next time, don't slip.  Reach out for HELP.  I know I did it and it's worked for me.  We're here for you, just reach out before you smoke.  NOT AFTER.


About the Author
I started smoking when I was 11 I'm now 46. I thought smoking was cool when I was young. I'm a grandmother (nana) of 5 I have 2 children so in that respect I'm very blessed. They are a big motivator to quit. I went deaf about 4 months ago. Doctors aren't sure why. I can't have the Implant surgery until I quit smoking. I miss hearing my grandkids. Update I am now 50 and will soon have 9 grandchildren. I received my cochlear implants and can hear their beautiful voices. I have stumbled several times trying to quit but I have allot of hope that this will work this time.