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Share your quitting journey

I'd like to hear from everyone!

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I would really like to hear from everyone about how they stay quit.  I feel bad about not being able to comment on everyone's post so the best I can do to keep up is to ask everyone here! lol

How is everyone doing? 😃

12 Comentarios

well blue, i am still quit day 97 i did slip but i can not let that get me down, i take it one day at a time i hope one day the thought will be gone.


i think it 118 days for me now, i don't think about smoking anymore really, people smoke around me and doesn't smell good to me, i don't want to smoke i started exercising and i eat real healthy so smoking isn't a fit in my healthy lifesyle lol     enjoy your quit!


Hi there Blue!!! Hope the new job is going well!

For me I stay free with EXercise and healthy eating...singing in the church choir, morning prayer & meditation, daily gratitude list, occasional massage, candlelight baths and sticking close to the site...xo


I have 82 days. When I start to get aggitated or nervous, which is what a craving is for me, I just go for a walk around my yard, take deep breaths.  I eat a lot of fresh fruit.  Somehow, that seems to help.  I found that I have a harder time when I eat those things that aren't good for me.  So, I try to eat healthier.  I try to stay busy.  I drink lots of water all the time.  I take a bottle of water with me even if I'm just going to the grocery store and back home.  I get as much exercise as I can.   I also find that I have a harder time when I don't get a good night's sleep.  So, I try to get a good night's sleep whenever I can.  If I can't go to sleep, then I read for a while and that usually helps me to fall asleep easier.  I think we all have to keep trying different things until we find what works for us.


Also, Jim is right.  We have to keep making the decision not to smoke no matter what.  That is the only way we can stay quit.


Amen to the above!!  It has been a lot of chocolate with peanut butter and canned cream cheese frosting at night, too;)  I get together with friends I have avoided for ages because I smelled like smoke and was embarrased (I always hated the smell of smoke, even when I smoked).  I spoiled myself and purchased some bath and body stuff from Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body works.  It really does help to smell fresh and clean - plenty of healtier food choices - and of course, the elliptical - love it!!


Hi blue, I'm with Jim also. I stay quit by simply not smoking. Like he said, not easy at times but It's as simple as that for me!



The number 1 thing that helped me the ONE time I was very close to smoking, was this thought: "What is going to happen if I buy a pack or bum a smoke? Like, think it ALL the way through." I did think it ALL the way through. I came to the conclusion that this is what happens if I bought a pack or even bummed a smoke: I would hate the way it tasted and it would hurt my throat badly. I would cough but still smoke b/c I would be addicted AGAIN. Being addicted again means buying packs again. Buying packs again means I am slowly killing myself AGAIN. Basically, smoking again goes against everything I am today and it goes against everything I strive to be. A Better role model, live a longer life......why would I throw all that away for something that is going to kill me by it's choice of MANY diseases? Once I realized all this, smoking was not an option and it never will be again. My life, my choice. I choose not to smoke, period. 


Hi Blue and welcome to the EXsite!  

There is no right or wrong answer to this Quit thing......if it works for you, then do it!  If you think you need help, then get out here and blog.  We will be happy to help!

Otherwise, we will assume all is well with your quit!  The key is to stay connected to the Site either by visiting people's boards or by blogging.  ALWAYS protect your quit!

Choose to take control of your life and choose to be free!  You rock girl!



Hi Blue,

Good to see you are honoring your commitment to remain quit. WTG girl!

I protect my quit by logging onto EX to get my daily dose of positive vibes from everyone. Yay EXers!!! I give support to other EXers when I can. I believe our friend Tommy calls this 'collateral kindness'.

I also don't hang out in places where smokers do. When I am around smokers, it's usually on my terms, my non-smoking environment. 🙂


I come to this site for a couple hours each morning.  Of course, I am retired and have a lot of time.   When I was working, I would be sure and take my breaks with the non smokers.  I just don't do that anymore.


Thanks everyone!  Nice to hear from you!