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I could really use some help here!!!

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Hello everyone,


I know that I have been on this site a few times before, and everyone is always great. I am really struggling today, and I have no one to talk to that understands. I have lost track of how many time I have tried to quit smoking now.  I have tired the patches, the gum, cold turkey (which I am doing again). I have read Allan Carrs Easy ways to quit smoking from cover to cover twice, and once I did manage to quit for two weeks.


I am having a really hard time this time. I am angry, depressed, and sitting on my couch in the dark crying. It has only been 3 and a half days, and I just want to start feeling a little bit better. Just a little, so I look up on Google of course how long until I start to feel happy again, and everything I read just made me more frightened. Months to years is what everyone is saying, and I can't live like this for that long. I hate being so angry.  I feel awful pathetic for sitting here crying over a cigarette that isn't really going to bring me any joy.


I guess right now I am just looking for someone to tell me I will be happy again, and it will be soon. And that they know what I am going through and have seen the other side.





You will be happy again!  Get something...go for a walk.  I remember those days oh so well, and I cried and felt depressed too. Hang in will get passed this hump.  It gets better, I promise.  Drink some water or get some popsicles...they helped me.  Don't smoke....fight through.  You can do this because you are doing it!


You will be happy again.  I know i wanted a date too but never got one,nor can I tell you. I have been quit for 110 days. I am happy.  At this point I don't feel like I need a cig to make me happy.  It will get easier day by day.  Not much but some.  Just don't give in. Every day you don't give in is one day closer to being happier with out the need to have a cig. They didn't make you happy they just stopped a craving for a short time.Stay committed to staying quit. It will get better good luck  One thing making me real happy is all the money I've saved since I quit!!


Mel... I need to talk to you tonight, Sweetie.  I am on day 9 of my quit and today has been a rough one. I have thought a lot about my quit... what it means to me.... how i will keep it going.  I will.  We will.  Why... because if we don't... plain and simple.. it will kill us.  And I am not ready to die for a smoke.  Don't get me wrong.... I am having big cravings tonight.  But you know what i think of?  I think of the people that are suffering.  Not being able to breathe without support.

Listen to all the advice you are getting.  I NEED it to tonight.  We can do this.  We are doing this.  I am PROTECTING MY QUIT.  Do it with me.


You are doing amazing!! 3 and a half days is better then no days 🙂 June 27th will be six months for me and I know you wont see it now but I PROMISE it will get better and you will be happy again. I like you looked on the internet and googled the same stuff and thought "how am I ever going to make it" and I did and I feel great!! Continue to promise yourself one more day and take it one day at a time!!! Dont give up its the best thing you can do for yourself!! 🙂 🙂


I was angry and SAD this time, too.  I came here and read and blogged all the time.  That was over a year ago.  I swear all those emotions were there because inside of me I knew that THIS was the "forever quit", I knew it was a true change this time.  It didn't take too long to feel better.  Sort of like getting out of a destructive relationship, you know it's right, you know you don't want him, you don't want the life you have with him but still it's hard...for short while, then you ask yourself why you stayed with the creep as long as you  did, LOL!  Cheer up Sweetie!  Stay with us everyday, you're going do fine.  Look at the good decision you made by writing this blog, proves you mean business this time.  You're doing well, be strong and be proud!


Welcome (or welcome back?) to EX!!! 

I am quit now for over two years and you will feel a matter of fact...HANG IN THERE and some day very soon you will smile to think why you EVER thought you had to smoke!

It is bumpy in the beginning....but STAY STRONG. Come here and blog daily, hourly----whatever it takes. In the beginning, I was on here constantly---even sneaking on at work during the day. Whenever I felt like smoking, I came here and read...both here and

Take care...stay in touch.


i had the same problem went through what you did.but i soon realized you can have a  happy quit.and it only gets better.your doing everything right by reading and bloging and asking for help.we can help you.


Maybe there's more going on.  I had a tough time in the beginning.  Cried alot and I finally went to get help.  I'm currently on meds for depression and have been "clean" from cigs for 1 year and 1 day  *it depends on how you feel about leap year!  I hope you feel better


Well it would help if you got yourself focused on something that makes you happy. Since I don’t know what makes you happy I can only suggest something I do. I go over to and listen to music I like or watch funny videos or just surf around the place from video to video you might come across something you like. Just type in your favorite group or song and listen. Then to the right of the page are some other videos you can look at after you listen to the video you wanted and you can just surf around like that watching all kinds of stuff it’s fun.

As far as the thoughts of smoking go you just have to ride the wave like we all did. It will get better in time and you won’t think about smoking like you do now. You just need to hang in there it will get better in time. Just so you know I still get angry from time to time and get very sad and cry but that comes with life I had to learn to deal with it all and not smoke it can be done.  

You did good blogging instead of smoking……….see you are doing great already you blogged instead of smoking your brains out.  

You can do this never give up  : )


Here are two links to some good songs


Christine - Free and Healing for Three Years, Seven Months, One Day, 22 Hours and 46 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 90 Days and 23 Hours, by avoiding the use of 26199 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $5,393.97.


Of course you'll be happy again.  We're happy, we get sad, we get happy again.  That's life.  Up and down and sideways.  I don't know what you've been reading that says you're gonna feel awful for months and years.  That's not so.  Cravings don't just disappear instantly, but they DO get fewer and less intense with each passing day.  None of us long term quitters would survive if that were not true.  So trust that the cravings will lessen. 

Do NOT sit in the dark on your couch and cry.  Turn on the lights, put on some music, alter your focus.  Don't dwell in the well of smoking thoughts.  Change what you're doing.  Even if you have to FORCE yourself to do so.  Take a walk.  Try to draw a perfect freehand circle on a piece of paper.  Do ANYTHING.  Don't just sit and think about smoking.  OK?


Hi, I am on day 13 and I am so happy! Of course I have my moments and days that are not so good but they pass and everyday gets better and better. everyone is right get moving do something different. coming here always helps. this site has become my new addiction and someone here always makes me smile. I think for me the first 3 days were the worst, after that it has been  easier with every passing day. Stay strong you are doing great. It is  normal to cry.


yes go youtube to find funny things and yes life will get better.