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Share your quitting journey

I caved in and smoked, now I feel like a loser

1 10 179

Cigarettes are like heroin (from what I know about heroin).

I hate the fact that they control my thginking and won't leave my brain !

I hate the way I feel when I'm smoking and I hate the way I feel when I quit. Where is the magical pill ! The ecig is worthless ! It might help me cut back but it can't replace the evil cigarette.

Feeling down


You don't need to replace the cigarette with anything. It's what you've known for years so you think you need to, but you don't. 


There is no magic pill. You had a nice quit going-You know you can do it. You stop smoking the same way you stopped drinking-one day at a time. Are you using an aid? Medication or NRT. Try something different and figure out why you caved-get back to it right away. The longer you continue the harder it is to stop. Come here and blog before you smoke. It's not easy but it's doable.


 listen you have good advice here,  the longer you wait the harder it get's to quit i am finging with the beast now. but i want smoke after 8pm. come on


You can't unlearn smoking when you are smoking with a battery, using the same motions, and, ingesting nicotine


You need to read about addiction to cigarettes and read blogs EVERYDAY.  You can do this.


Feeling down ???  You don't have to... out of control.. well, take control.  yes, you are addicted to nicotine but reality is you can quit and it is not as hard as your mind is telling you.... read, research and plan... MAKE A CHOICE.. when the crave comes... work your way through it .. YOU CAN TAKE CONTROL. 


No need to feel like a loser. But sorry to say...there is no magical pill. And you know what? The quit will be worth more to you because you have to work at it.....REALLY, I promise.

Sounds like you need to do some reading on the subject of smoking, quitting, withdrawal etc. I suggest Its not a great support site....but it is a great place for articles on quitting. They are short and to the point and cover almost every facet of quitting.

Hope right back on the horse and put them down again. This time.....never pick them up again. As freeneasy (Jim) said----it is not easy but it is doable.

Stay Strong.


At least your trying.Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have demons to fight also I will probably feel like you but changing your perspective it will work out you have to stay active well good luck bless you.have a great day 


@Ebell1911 Good morning.  Didn't know if you were aware that this is an old post.  There's nothing wrong with reading other posts. There's lots of great information, advice, etc.  

I just don't want you be disappointed if you don't receive an acknowledgement.  Maybe @pingman326-2 will check in and let us know their quit status.

Keep reading.  It's a great way to prepare for your quit on 17th.  


Not applicable

@Ebell1911 . I'm not sure if you knew or not that this is an old post from 2015 . The person you are responding to may or may  not respond . That said all posts past and present help as we can see you found this one . 

On the old site quit days were posted . I am  sorry I did not look at your profile to see how long you are quit , but regardless congratulations . Every day quit matters . 

I'm glad you brought this forward it will help  others as well . 

I hope that @pingman326-2 is now quit and doing well .