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I cant quit!!!

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I smoke alot for someone my age, i get absolutely nothing out of smoking! why i constantly do it? I dont know. I do know that it's so hard to quit! Im afraid to quit and fail!... everyone around me don't think i can do it, I don't think i can do it! Ive tried time and time again and just laugh at myself when i wide up smoking all over again. Now I'm just ashamed of myself that i have no self control. Its sad and very depressing! I feel myself going crazy over the fact that i just cant quit! what should i do? where do i go from hear? my mother come's over and say's come on just one cigaret, My father smoke's like a chimney and just about everyone that come's by smoke's. I dont want to be a smoker any longer!!!
get your mind set, say YES, I CAN, say it over and over untill you beleive it, then take deep breaths, come on here and read, get educated and get stubbornm you can do this, instead of letting it control you, you control it, get on some of the groups and read, good ones are RELAPSE TRAPS, YES, I CAN, AND CANDID QUITTERS, READ THEM AND KNOW WE HAVE ALL BEEN WHERE YOU ARE, THIS SITE WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT, GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND
sorry, the group is YES, YOU CAN!
Of course you can quit! 46 million Americans have quit smoking and you can, too.

The key, for me at least, was not being ashamed or any of that. The key is to understand that you are addicted to a drug, just like heroin. Your brain chemistry has been physically altered by the drug and it demands a fresh jolt of drugs every hour or so. Go an hour without smoking, the drug levels fall, and your body goes into withdrawal. You have to get a fix just to feel even close to what non-smokers feel like all the time. But, here's the catch: smoking that cigarette and replenishing the drug stops the withdrawal craving, but guarantees that it will come back in another hour. It's the trap of drug addiction.

The only way to permanently stop the craving is to stop taking the drug, go through the withdrawal phase (which is no worse than you experience every day now), and break the cycle.

I've got a blog full of education links on my page. Click the lobster and start learning how to break your addiction. I wish to god somebody had given me the information when I was 25. I smoked until I was in my fifties.
All you gotta do is heed the advice that these fine people here are giving you and you will be smoke free before you know it.
First of all, you need to stop saying you CAN'T quit. Yes you can. There are several thousands of people who have. Maybe if you get a positive attitude it would be easier for you. Keep trying. One of these times your quit will stick. Good luck.
Victoria....I said I couldn't quit, too, for many years....51 to be exact. Oh, I quit several times along the way, but let me tell you I changed my mind in a hurry when I got diagnosed with emphysema. Please don't wait until you've ruined your body to quit. First of all, you need to make everyone stay away from you if they're going to smoke. Just tell them this is the most important thing to you at this point and you need to think of yourself and saving your life. When you're more comfortable with your quit, you can spend time with them again, but be sure to tell them they can't smoke around you. I know it sounds harsh, but the quickest way to blow a quit is to hang around with smokers at first.
First, get some loose socks.
They let the circulation go from your soles and cause rolls to go jump and bump bump, past the keep smoking hump.
As we all have been saying you Could quit.CAN'T is a very weak word.You know you want to quit for you, and your young child,keep away from the smoking people till you feel comfortable with yourself,be nice about keeping away from second hand smoke though.
I didn't think I could do it either. All day today, I've been telling my bf, wow I think I'm actually gonna do it this time. I feel NO want for one.(I do want one,but u know what I mean) I dont believe it takes willpower,because I swear I didnt have it.It takes determination. It takes a hatred stronger than you've ever known. Smoking is the one thing in life that I think I truly despise and HATE. Go to the library,or from hwc's site there is a site called, u can read a free book. It is called "The Illustrated way to stop smoking for women." by Allen Carr. Another book by Allen Carr is "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking." Read them. I think they will help you in your journey. Stay away from smoking people for 2weeks at least. Is that so bad? Tell them, I'm gonna trade you out for 2weeks for a lifetime! Think about it. A week of Hell, for a lifetime of health. And build yourself up, dont cut yourself down.
You can quit, you just have a different set of circumstances than some others. When I quit I was at the end of a 100 pound weight loss. Just imagine how much I wanted to start up again when I gained 8 pounds after quitting! Instead I decided to occupy my time and work off any extra calories training for a half marathon now that my lungs weren't being poisoned. There's always something you can do:
Tell your mom you want to live long enough to take care of her when she's old. Tell your dad he can light up outside, and so can all your friends. people only understand your serious about these things if you keep telling them over and over. You love the other people in your life, but you have to love YOU, too. just as much as you love them.
.(I do want one,but u know what I mean

I do know what you mean. There's a point where you can acknowledge that, yes, of course you want a cigarette. You are addicted. But, you don't want the pack a day for the rest of your life that goes with that first cigarette and you are perfectly OK with not having that cigarette and putting up with a little discomfort to get where you want to be - a comfortable ex-smoker with no desire to smoke.

When I say that quitting is easy, people roll their eyes at me thinking I must have been "la la la la, piece of cake". Hardly. I went through the same physical withdrawal and trigger reprogramming as anyone else addicted for 38 years. I just mean that it was easy to see where I was, where I wante to go, and what I had to do for a few weeks to get there. In that sense, I found it easy to not cave in and smoke, not because I didn't want a shot of my drugs, but because I knew that would put me back to ground zero having to go through those first days agaiin. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't find nicotine withdrawal to be so much fun that I wanted to do it over and over!
When you get made enough about the whole thing, you'll be able to quit!

Flowers Comments - Flowers Comments

thanks so much everyone! i now feel empowered and confident that i can and will quit! 🙂