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Share your quitting journey

I can't weight!

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Looking forward to all the virtual food I will eat on the Freedom Train tomorrow got me thinking about how much actual food I have been eating.  So, I decided I'd better take that brave walk to the bathroom scale.  Newsflash--I have gained 13 pounds in 49 days.  Fred weighs 26 pounds.  So, I have gained half of a Fred.  I have read that while quitting smoking one typically gains weight for about two months.  So, it's getting about time to stop gaining and start trimming.  Time to quit rewarding myself with meals out.  Time to start exercising.  I wasn't exercising before I quit smoking, so this is a big change to start exercising now.  But in the past, when I have gotten into a routine I have enjoyed exercising.  I have a stationary bike, a real bike, and also good walking shoes--so I have three good choices for how to get started.  And plenty of empty calories to cut out...

What has everyone else done about their weight during their quit?  I didn't want to be too hard on myself at first, but now it's time to get serious! 

9 Comentarios

I freaked out when I quit almost 5 months ago. I have gained about 15 pounds. I have been exercising my butt off but cant seem to stop putting food in my mouth. I am trying to cut back on my food intake slowly but surely. I smoked for almost 20 years and Im giving myself a little slack for now. But Im definately not letting it get out of control. Start by walking, then slowly cut out sodas or something in your diet that isnt good. Hang in there! You wont gain alot if you get a handle on it early


You would have to get morbidly obese to do damage anywhere near what smoking does.

If you gained a hundred lbs, then I would worry.

I think our bodies adjust to the weight we gain. whatever you do , don't let

vanity send you back to smoking.

eat fruits, veggies, and watch the carbs and fat but you do need some fat.

olive oil is a good choice, extra virgin cold pressing.

there are so many healthful things you can do, go to your health food store and talk to someone who knows about their products, I drink alfalfa chlorophyll and take vitamins.

I need to get a routine of my exercise too.

You will be fine.

you can lose weight but you will probobly have to watch sugar, white flour, white rice, and eat whole natural and pure.



I started tracking calories on my phone through an ap called lose it. I track calories in vs calories out so it is a great motivator to eat better and exercise more. 25 days into my quit and i am looking better than ever! I learned healthy ( low calorie ) snacks are the key for me and high calorie snacks were my downfall. Good luck and message me if you want snack ideas.

No more meals out (especially fast-food) and NO fattening snacks like Doritos and greasy potato chips....cut your portions and focus on fresh crunchy veges and fruits...and go to and join for free...they can straighten you out! ♥


Half of a Fred!!!  My cat's name is Gracie and I think I haved gained about 1 and 1/2 Gracies!!!!!

Time to work (harder) on getting it off!  But, I'm not going back to smoking, that's for sure.

You made me laugh today.  thanks.


Junior,  I have worried that I'm doing the same thing to myself, because my jeans feel tighter even after just 10 days!  Yikes.  Okay, I have to finish up the Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream and the Caramel Butter Pecan ice cream.  But when that's gone, I'm back to being a sensible eater.  I'll do it with you.  I am usually a very healthy eater, so this blueberry fritter diet I'm on has got to stop.  We can be svelte non-smokers in just a few weeks.  Maybe not svelte.  But better than I am now...  Deal?


we all gain weight when we quit. all i want to do is.  eat


I actually do better with my weight when I'm not smoking, because I have more energy to work out and my mind is clear and I'm loving myself and taking good care of me. I can set goals and achieve them. I need to write a blog about this, too.