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I can't sleep...

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I am down to my last level of patches (7 mg) as of yesterday. And boy did it make a difference- I got about 3 hours of sleep! But I am very happy here at 4 am, as I have no urge or desire to smoke! I will be nicotine-free very soon and haven't smoked for 35 days, which beats my last record of 1 month. I am very grateful and have been pledging often and coming here for support.   I am beginning to draw strength from my long-term alcohol recovery, as I see such great correlation between it and my recovery from smoking. I am praying daily to be free from desires or cravings for cigarettes, and am thinking to myself- often aloud- I don't do that anymore! All this is well and good, but I also realize, as many of the elders say, that I am not immune to cigarettes- relapse is but a puff away, and I know for certain that I am truly an addict. I am protecting my quit by not getting near them, just as I do as much as possible with alcohol. I will continue to keep my guard up. NML is no joke, as I learned when I threw away my 1 month quit on day 30- after I boasted in a blog how well I was doing!  It scares me, and so I will be vigilant. No more Day 1, just Day Won. Today. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. I just have today. So I am here blogging and reading and messaging. I pledge here again- no smoking today, no matter what! A shout out to all of you here at EX for your help and support- I wouldn't have made it this far without you! I am blessed to have such wonderful, caring people to support me anytime I need it. Thank you.


If you are only 35 days quit why is it that you are on the lowest level of the patch already ? I did the patch for 8-10 weeks and I am pretty sure the recommended time is 8 weeks . Maybe you are decreasing to fast and that is why you are really feeling the difference going from 14 mg to 7 mg .  If you can do it that is your choice but I found a more gradual withdrawal worked for me .

Hang in there you can do it ! Happy Memorial day to you !


If you get a cat like my buddie Hoggie, you will know why you can't sleep.


It's a process you have to go through, is all.  Nap if you can, rest if you can today. 

Maybe try some natural remedies to help you sleep. I used to take Benadryl (it has the side effect of sleepiness), or warm milk, or cherry juice.  Check out the options on Google.

You are doing great!  Keep adding the days and it will get easier and easier - I promise!



I am so proud of you 35 days and getting stronger,  Sorry that you did not get much sleep last night.  Hopefully you will take a nice refreshing nap.  Keep up the EXcellent work.  Don't quit on your quit.  You can do this.  YES!!!!!


Hi Penn sorry you didn't sleep well last night.  I know that feeling all to well this morning as I think I was awake every hour.  Congratulations on 35 days of freedom. Hope you have a great and relaxing day.


Congrats on your awesome 35 splendiferous DOF and counting, rest when you can and know that it's going to take some time but it's going to get easier, so keep moving forward and stacking up your precious days of freedom. 


Congratulations on your 35 days of freedom, I hope your sleep improves.  I think you are doing beautifully!


Your body and brain are still in a transition period.  Three hours sleep is no fun.  I know.  My sleeping has been a mess for a while now.   But  it ain't due to nicotine withdrawal.  Am trying to figure out how to retrain my brain to shut back down after those middle of the night awakenings.  The thoughts just start swirling.  One thing that I've found of minor help is to focus on the blackness behind my closed eyes and repeat a mantra.  I just use the word ONE.

You've past your last milestone.  Lookin' good.  Keep it safe.


Congratulations and stay strong and positive...YOU GOT THIS...SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION 


I quit cold turkey on Saturday;..........did not sleep one minute last night.  I keep telling myself it's better to be sleepless than breathless. This is soooo difficult.  I will not cave in to those demon sticks!!!!!