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I am tense today

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My body physically feels different in several ways... my breathing is easier but my muscles are tense.  I catch myself gritting my teeth.  I feel a little lost with myself.  When i need a break from work.. I know I could exercise or do something productive.  I am grateful for my awareness at least and my strength not to go buy any.  I just wish physically i did not feel so grouchy, I keep stating mantras in my head to keep me clear. 

oh just give me strength, one more day gone, is one more day free from this. 



Take deep breathes.  Chew Gum, suck on a lemon.  Theresa you can do this.  .


Can you take a walk.  Walkiing will help relieve the tension. 


And one more day you don't have to go back to step one. Think of feeling ill as if you have a bug, and not smoking related at all. Feel better, you don't really need that smoke.

Try more distractions ? Your tension is likely the result of your quit anxiety, and some repeated deep breathing exercises would help with that. It will get easier, but hearing that isn't much solace for right now. It's a process, and you are doing it, so take heart. Kjay

Distract, distract, distract!  Do take a quick walk instead of the smoke break you used to have.  Swing your arms forcefully back and forth as you go.  You are still early in your quit.  This stage is not easy - but the only way out is through.  We all who are successful have been through it and lived to tell about it!!!

Hang in there!


Drink lots of water, do your derp breathing, chew on a straw, go for a walk just keep saying NO and remind yourself 1. You dont do that any more, 2. You are giving yourself a gift, the gift of freedom, 3. Stand tall, stand proud you are doing this!!! WTG

Actually, your first sentence pretty well covers the spectrum of Quitting.  You are 'supposed' to feel diffferently, as the nicotine leaves your system.  Your breathing is easier; you're getting more oxygen in your lungs, blood, heart, brain, and other vital organs.  And you say you're grateful for your 'awareness and strength.'  Your friends and supporters here are grateful too, and proud of you!  You will also feel differently mentally (psychologically), as the hours and days pass.  You will gain confidence and pride in your effort and ability to quit, and you are improving your health and life by the hours and days.  Read, read, read, the blogs and responses, the elders blogs and all the material and advice you can find here and other sites.  Listen to the elders and heed their advice, they are very knowledgeable and experienced.   And the main thing, .... Hang on to 'Your Quit!'  Thoughts and prayers, and all the best to you!  Jim.


detensify yourself


You're doing this whether you realize it or not my friend.  That's why you don't feel so well.  Definitely take the advice above.  It works for sure.  You have a great attitude!  Keep it up!



Repeating non-smoking mantra is great, we all do that, right?  NOPE and SINAO and I Don't Do That Anymore and Keep Them Away From Your Face, etc., and they are just part of your Quit Kit, right?  I was extremely irritable and tense and uneasy and anxious during that first week and longer, so don't despair, it gets better, just get through it by not smoking, a day or an hour or a minute at a time.  You are doing this!

Don't Quit On Your Quit