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I am losing it!!!

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I am at 51 DOF and 16 of the past 20 days have been like the 1st 3 days over and over. I had 2 comfortable days but the past 2 days have been horrible being fuzzy-headed, irritability off the chain and hands shaking so bad I can barely hold a fork. My mind and body is screaming for a cigarette. I went down to step 2 (14 or 15mg) patches I think about 10 days ago so I should be adjusted by now. Has anyone else gone through this experience of the 2nd mo. being harder than the 1st? This is why I relapsed at 8 weeks when I quit in the Spring and I know I don't want to do that but this is becoming unbearable.



I have no idea how the patch works at all but you're definitely in NML, I'm going to do a mention to Dale and Nancy maybe they can help! Please stay strong don't give in to the cravings! JonesCarpeDiem YoungAtHeart


Maybe talk to your Dr if you can Connie, I know it's hard to believe when you are in the middle of these horrendous cravings but as Dale says the only way out is through and it is the truth, think of the grandchildren and I believe that you're going on a trip with the money saved by not smoking,you can do this constanceclum 


I did not use the patch, but yes, I went thru 2 long stretches of those unbearable days.  One beginning about day 30 and another beginning at day 60.  And it seemed like everyone else here with about the same number of days as me was doing much better.  There were some voices that kept trying to re-assure me that they had similar occurrences and got thru.  But honestly, those voices kept getting harder to hear as the bad days drug on.

Now I am one of those voices.  I don't know how I managed to get thru that, but I did.  I don't know what will work for you to get thru, but please find whatever way you can.  I still get craves, but nothing even close to what you are experiencing now.  And the good days really do start to outnumber the bad.


My opinion is you should be adjusted by now. I also suggest that people talk themselves into smoking.

This is in your hands Connie. Accept your quit or throw it away.


Hang in there Marilyn said, keep will enjoy this wonderful trip you're saving for!



Hey sweetie, this is when you have to fight...really hard. Your stronger than your give yourself credit.

I can't comment on the patches because I tried everything and Cold Turkey was the only one that worked for me. To me the patches were just a way to tease me and keep the nicotine in my system. That being said, I do know many people have has success with the patch.

One BIG, no...HUGE tip that helped me SO MUCH...was Vicks Vapor rub, drinking water, jumping on my mini tramp.

I do not know why it works but Smelling vicks was a lifesaver for me. I even kept the vicks inhaler handy for the first few months. My Doctor said it was fine provided I used it only as directed, which I did.

I am glad your blogging.Please keep doing that. 

You have to go through for the breakthrough hon, we all do. I will check in later to see how your doing. Stay strong, your in my prayers. xoxo Missy


Thanks everyone, I'm not talking myself into smoking but, rather, talking myself out of it. You guys are lifesavers.



You have come too far to throw it away Connie - and if you do, then what?   You will just have to start over again.  I went through a few days while I was still using the patch, that the crave just would not go away.  But then almost instantly it was gone.  The only way out it through - stick with us Connie!


(((((((((((((((You've got this quit Connie, chin up and keep plowing forward here's a big cyber hug for you)))))))))))))))

constanceclum‌ ,you did great by coming here because we're all here to try and help you through the rough patches.


love you Connie. 🙂


Take a nap!!


That was always my favorite way to forget a crave!  Then one day, I made the mistake of telling my wife that a long brisk walk works better than any other crave buster.  Now she doesn't let me use that "I need a nap" excuse anymore


One day at a time.  Work to get through the day.  Just today.


You all have helped a great deal and I am much better!!! I guess I needed to complain about it and then read your support and encouragement.

Love you too Dale, in fact Love all of you that are here to help us get through the tough times!



We all love you too Connie, I know that blogging really helped me through the rough patches because of the caring and loving support that I received xo. 


I had hard and easier days in the second month Connie but it was definitely easier ,much easier then the first month . Even in my first month I never had withdrawal to the degree you are speaking of ....I did not shake so bad I could not hold a fork. To me it seems more like you are having severe anxiety. You must pay attention to what Dale said above and also figure out a way to deal with stress and anxiety besides smoking a cigarette which for you is dangerous because of your COPD. It is in your hands and I want so much for you to be free !

Is there something going on in your life that could be causing such severe anxiety ? Do you have a history of panic attacks ? Do you keep a journal ? In the early days of my quit i found it helpful to write in a journal .

I am sorry you are having a hard time it will pass Connie !sayings quit mountain climber hanging on 2.jpg

Hang on !sayings quit smoking self talk.jpgsayings quit (2).jpg


Here's a whole roll of them - use them as often as you need.  You are doing this - remember it WILL get easier; you just have to be strong AND patient!

Give your head a shake and repeat "NOPE" and then get your mind on something else!  Do a crossword, name the blue things in your room, try to say the alphabet backwards.  This does take some effort, but the prize at the end of the journey is SO worth it  I promise!

And, think about how WONDERFUL it will be when you are free and never have to even think about quitting smoking again!

Hang in there!



BonnieBee, I do have a history of panic attacks that have been controlled for a long time but since being bombarded with all these health issues, they have come back so I am having anxiety through the roof which does not make quitting any easier. I'm just not sure what to do about it. It is almost a month until I see my psychiatrist but I do not want antianxiety agents. Hopefully things will calm down.



Connie both of my sisters have anxiety attacks so I know how challenging that can be Maybe talk to your doctor I think an anti anxiety med may not be a bad idea just to get you off the cigarettes . 


Glad to read that you are feeling improved. I have to agree with Dale. You've quit to quit, not to look back at previous breaking points. Only as a suggestion, I'm wondering if you might receivef aid and comfort and inspiration by taking look at the 12 steps. They've given me a great deal of hope over the I am one to become unglued by my own fear. And so I wonder, maybe might help you?


PS High five for coming here and hollering for help!


Connie,  in my opinion you need to go back to the 21mg patch probably for a long time.  I think you would be much more comfortable. Praying for you.  It is tough but so worth it.


Happy you are already feeling better Connie, and I can understand going through health challenges can make the quitting more difficult.

But if you can concentrate on the positives of what you are doing, things will get easier.  Nurture the pride of your decision, you've made that decision, your are persevering, be as proud of yourself as we are of you!!!


I agree that the patch does seem to work at first but after awhile just seems to keep the craving alive. What to do? One day at a time . . . Use it when it works, change it up when it doesn't.  Have been on patch many times but my longest quit was cold turkey.


I used the patch but when I forgot two days in a row the second week, I just stopped and put one in my wallet with a promise to myself I would use it rather than smoke.


OH my goodness Connie, I know exactly what you mean.  we are the same days quit and I have been going through the same thing...That Bloody little devil on my shoulder just constantly at me...I just keep taking deep breaths and try to move on...It comes and goes in wave all the time.  I am staying strong, but boy I just wish it would go away.

Hard as it may be, we are nearly at 60 and soon it will be 90 and so on and so on.  I am not giving in this time, so lets keep soldiering on.



constanceclum‌ I will keep getting better but there are ALWAYS going to be challenging days and sometimes they will run's part of this thing we call life.  Hang in there, I promise you that it will get easier, same to you Free2BU‌.



Hi Constance,

Don't give in and do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.


Hi Connie, I was thinking about you and wondered how you're doing? I'm really hoping that you are doing better but I just wanted to check in on you and remind you that we're all here for you. constanceclum


I think you have a good point Barbara 


I  am thinking of you too Connie I hope you didn't 'lose it ' but if you did you can try again please let us know how you are doing 

About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.