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Share your quitting journey

I am grateful to find this community
1 9 23

 Hi, fellow quitters! Today is my quit date. I smoked for 20 years, then quit 12 years ago and never had a cigarette in that whole time. Last spring I picked it back up again… I am excited to go back to being a non-smoker. Glad I'm here!


Welcome to our community!

I hope someone will be along with a link to Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Quit Smoking," (my usual welcome message is being held hostage by my dead computer!) It will do much to inform you about our nicotine addiction.  You might also visit and Read the blogs and pagers of those who have been successful!  Change up your routines so the smoking associations are reduced.  Change the furniture around in the place you used to smoke.  Keep a cold bottle of water with you in the car from which to sip - and do drink lots of water to flush out the toxins.  

This isn't easy, but it IS doable!

Ask questions when you have them and for support when you need it.  We will be with you every step of the way.



Here is the link to the book that Nancy recommended.  Welcome to the community - This is the best place to get support!  If I can be of any help, just let me know!


Good luck! You've got the right attitude!


Welcome To EX.  You have come to the right place.  This is all about you and what you are willing to do to be smoke free.  I am very curious after 12 years you made the choice to “pick up again”. It may be something that would help someone else not to relapse.

Start first, by educating yourself about nicotine addiction.

Education is the key to a successful quit.

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

Go to the home page  click on   About EX tab and get started. 

We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.

 Thanks to everyone who posted in response! My relapse was definitely a stupid fluke. My daughter, who is 19 now but was 18 at the time, has been going through a lot of difficult things over the past few years. She started smoking when she was about 15… It broke my heart every time I would see her smoke.  Last April, she was having really down time and so I wanted to cheer her up. I knew that she really wanted to get her belly button pierced. So I  told her to get in the car because we were both going to get our belly buttons pierced together! Keep in mind I'm a 49-year-old woman! She couldn't believe it and it was really fun… In the car on the way to the piercing place, she would up a cigarette and, being in the crazy mood that I was, I asked her to give me one. Well, it was all downhill from there! The piercings turned out great, but the smoking got ahold of me again pretty quick. 


Welcome. Hope your 12 years quit, gets you back on the horse fast...and without much distress...

Glad you are here.


Hello, and Welcome to EX! 

We are so glad you are here! This is a great place to quit smoking. You have been given links to great information and good advice above. Please do the suggested readings. Education, willingness to do whatever it takes not to smoke, determination and commitment are the keys to a successful quit!

I would like to recommend a group called The Daily Pledge Group. It's fun and will help reinforce your commitment not to smoke!

Just click on the link below and scroll down and take the person's hand before you and promise not to smoke, and then offer your free hand to the next pledge, we keep each other strong in our quits! We are on page 5. You can state your # of days, post a picture or whatever you want! This is your quit be proud of it! Please join us!

This link is also on my page and is also a featured group on our home page! Also, if you would like to join the group use this link and as you scroll down look to the left, there is a place that says join the group.

Hope to see you there!    Terrie

Don't Quit on your Quit!

If you have any trouble getting into the group, just let me know and I'll try to help!

Here is a breathing exercise that I use for anxiety, I hope it works for you!


Welcome to the site! You are in a perfect place for support! I love the Carr book mentioned above - so please check that out.....and stick around here! Congrats on your quit! 


Welcome, All.In.  I too, had a long-term quit (8 years), started again during a highly stressful divorce, but whatever the reason you start, it's never too late to quit, right?  I am 11 DAYs into my Quit, we can do this!